
3 Reviews
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Black Rider (2023– )
Too much fillers and unneeded lines
28 February 2024
The black rider is like another common tv show made by gma, because when this series has been announced I've expected a full packed action series with impressive stunts and visual effects and nice camera angles, But I'd only see it in the first episode of the series... The whole storyboard feels stretch by the writers and I'd noticed that they didn't even try to make an action series!! More like another sope opera thing!!! Come on it's 2024!!! We need some changes in gma's management... All of the actors have a lot of potential, but the writer wasted it all.. it feel that the past work of gma feels repetitive and it's continuing untill now and it bored me to follow the latest works of gma... I hope there's some changes in the management in the future...
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Good Start but...
8 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
OverviewCastEpisodesReviews Ratings 7.4/10 · IMDb Audience rating summary 5 4 3 2 1 4.

Just now My Full Review In Voltes V legacy

I've finished the entire series and I'm kinda dissatisfied at the end...

The episode 1 to 10 we're not a good start because it's focused on rothgar/ Ned Armstrong, Too much that in the end there's not much of an emotional support in the finale I hope they just intruduce it slowly so that they can express more lores to each characters specially Jaime there's literally no Arcs that's relate in her being ninja, what's this just a display of her being a ninja?? And also mark, No lore of being an cowboy.... The only thing that has been good in this show is the Cgi robot The writing is a meh... To much Unneeded scenes and Useless arcs That's not in the anime.

Their creating their own story that's not even make's sense like the stupid apable arc??? What's the point of it in the story Spoiler alert , it's about an assassination attempt on Jaime by AVA. Also the AVA closing arc is terrible it feels rush...

I've expect an High Quality Live action series that can actually makes the Live action Better give an attention.. But this is not what I expected it's no where near One piece nor Dragonball Evolution! Literally the Only impressive part about this is the beast fighters And The volt in sequence and the sound effects...

The midway of Voltes V legacy is just confusing, I know the writter tries to make the Show more mature but the script it feels Old that it feels like being made like in mid 80s? Or something And the Cgi is reppetitive! They didn't even make an actual realistic render its more like an video game graphics! What the! And this is being called "CAN RIVAL DC OR MARVEL" IN TERMS OF CGI!!! HA What a Huge Joke...

Overall the music was decent and the only one carrying the show... The camera angle is mehhh.... The Colorgrading thought its Magnificent!!!

But the ending is a bit Rush and it's the terrible part of the entire series it's just ruined for me the Green screen is sooo terible that it's obvious, and the duel between zardos and Steve the background! Is so fake it's just like an steady image of a robot Tf?

I'll give this 4/10 sorry that's only I can Give Good start, Confusing middle and, Dissatisfied Ending...
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Voltes V Legacy It's A Huge Step Up On The Philippine Entertainment
8 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen the Episode 1 of voltes v legacy So far I'm impressed at the visual effects of it but the acting lines doesn't touch me because some of the lines for me it's shouldn't be necessary like the yee ha of mark Gordon And The weirdness of big Bert. Im Impressed on the acting of Ysabel Ortega she nailed The role of Jaime Robinson I like her because she' has a strong and brave Personality. Also Little John actor did great he's a good actor at his age. And here comes Steve Armstrong I'm kinda dissatisfied at the lines of Steve Armstrong it feels like repetitive but I like the facial expression of him specially when he's on the aircraft when he's struggling to control the ship And here comes the villain I'm kinda dissatisfied also because of Prince zardos for me he should be A Terrifying Villain In the story but I see an Cool And Good looking antagonist Prince Zardos Isn't Terrifying enough Villain For me It's Lacking Something ..

And The Costumes It's Alright but the Suits Of the VOLTES TEAM Isn't Look like a suit You know what I mean They look like a cosplayer on those suit and this cost like 350000PHP IF ONLY THEY BUY AN MOTION TRACKING SUIT ! Then they can make a good looking suit instead of making it just like marvel did ok I'm not comparing the marvel movies in a tv show But I'm just saying if they used it they can save a lot of money it's much cheaper than a physical suits.

The Volt in sequence is fantastic as in! The animation is superb and I'm satisfied when they colide into One big robot Voltes V! The weldering on the model is good Also the Beast Fighter Dokugaga I love The model of him very similar to the original anime!

So far I'll Rate This Episode A 7.5/10 And I'll recommend To you guys This Show Maybe In The future episodes they can explore the storyline that we can enjoy its worth of your time And Thanks GMA For this Offering Specially On Free Tv For Those of you guys Specially The basher That saying The acting is cringe and the effects Is trash I am Disappointed whit you We should support this kind of high Quality TV SHOWS So that We Can Catch up On The Hollywood Movie/TV SHOWS Support Local as well not just this other countries Works Please.
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