
3 Reviews
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This is an amazing story, that will leave you wanting more!
27 March 2003
Although I didn't catch Band of Brothers on HBO I did buy the series on DVD and watched every episode, each one making me wanting more. Band of Brothers told the story of Easy Company (US Airborne Paratroopers) and there missions through out WWII. This mini-series is full of great actors, and great storylines, by the end of it you will look at war in a whole new way. This story has changed my outlook on a lot of things, I would have to give this story 10 stars! This story deserved every award won! This is a must see for anyone that enjoys war movies, and well even if you don't I'm sure you'll change your mind after you watch this.
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Rollercoaster (1999)
Interesting but slow...
1 May 2002
I recently watched "Rollercoaster" and although it seemed like it was never going to get to the point of the whole movie, it ended up to be alright. Kett Turton and Brendan Fletcher did an awesome job, playing boys from a group home. So if you choose to watch this movie bare with it, you might end up enjoying it.
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The Drive (1996)
Lacted Storyline!
14 February 2002
The Drive, was a very "Different" movie. It was about Jim, Ted And Lee-Ann(Ted's girlfriend) spend the night driving around with Jake who takes them hostage. Although the movie had some interesting parts, It lacks a lot of detail. The movie literally just got to the point. I wouldn't say not to watch it... but there are better movies out there to rent.
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