
1 Review
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April Showers (2009)
Very good movie
24 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Saw the movie this afternoon, as it debuted in Omaha, NE. Most of the movie was filmed in the area, and my step-daughter was an extra in the movie.

The movie is pretty much a re-enactment of the Columbine shooting, with names changed, as well as some of the details. For example, the movie has one shooter rather than two. The first forty minutes of the movie deal directly with the shooting, while the remainder of the movie follows a select number of students trying to deal with the tragedy.

This is by no means a feel-good movie. If you're depressed, you shouldn't see it. It's dark, realistic drama. That shouldn't be surprising, since writer-director Andrew Robinson was a survivor of the Columbine tragedy. Before the end credits, they list the victims of every school shooting in the United States, through December 2008. That, right there, kind of sums up what the movie is about. To educate, inform, and make sure the lesson isn't forgotten.

While I liked the movie, my wife said she's rate it 6 stars and her sister didn't like it. But her complaint was that there were no big names. I don't think she sees very many independent films. It will be interesting to see what other reviews say. I highly recommend the movie. It is rated R, and is not a movie for pre-teens. My 10 year-old wants to see it when it comes out in DVD (because her sister is in it), but emotionally, she's too young to handle it.
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