
3 Reviews
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The Americans (2013–2018)
Spoilers and just my thoughts towards end S4
1 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've only found this excellent series in past few months despite it being made in 2013 or so. Excellent acting which makes you care about the characters. I found it on Channel 4 player and I live in the UK. I had previously watched ITV's superb 'A Spy Among Friends ' about Kim Philby which sparked my interest in learning more about Philby and the spying game in general.

One I have if anyone can answer- Why didn't they offer Cuba to Gregory and Martha? Much more appealing and a safe haven even now hey?

Philby was possibly the most successful spy in history though perhaps we have never learned of better spooks whom have never had their cover blown haha.

KGB double agent for 20+ years and headed UK's overseas counter espionage service SIS and MI5.

USA had August Ames even more recently and seems Russian's were far better at spying game.

The former KGB double agent poisoned on Putin's orders in Salisbury several years ago had committed the cardinal sin of continuing to spy for the British after being caught and jailed in Russia and released as part of a spy swap. Ex-spooks are expected to retire from espionage and become history lecturers or grow roses in their garden once they have been exchanged. Waffle now but good audio books on YouTube about CIA and Mossad for example if you are interested.
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Robert Shaw deserved an Oscar for his performance.
24 December 2021
Robert Shaw deserved an Oscar for his performance as initially an inspirational leader of men,gradualy revealing himself as a bloodthirsty psychopath.

Slightly uneven movie with multiple storylines.

However some really compelling scenes and performances.

All the tanks featured were modern to 1965 when it was filmed (pretty common in post war movies), and apparently the Spanish military co-operated extensively with the filming. Large scale tank battles are featured.
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Poppy Shakespeare (2008 TV Movie)
I was an extra on this film
2 October 2021
The punchline is - the casting agency contacted me because they knew i was a nurse.

They dressed me as a C. P. N. (Community Psychiatric Nurse), or Social Worker. I waa actually working as a C. P. N. At the time.

I didn't recognize the portrayal of community and hospital mental health services as shown in the film.

However it was apparently supposed to be set in 80's or something. My big moment was walking into the big Psychiatric hospital, down a long corridor while Ms. Maxwell Martin was coming from the other end of the corridor. I couldn't help but let on to her as she approached. This was because, everyone around these units etc, is very friendly and positive in my experience. The atmosphere has to be positive and recovery oriented or it would be unbearable for both service users and staff.

Maybe Ms. Martin thought i was trying to 'corpse' her. Anyway they only ran through it once and i was consigned to the cutting room floor.

Us extras spent the whole day just sat around and my impression was of an unhappy set and crew with an overbearing and unpopular Director.
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