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The Silencers (1996)
Brilliant 10/10 More than worth the watch
13 June 2023
Despite what alot of people have said this is not a cheesy movie at all. It's quite excellent and a serious take on extraterrestrial invasion and incorporates current conspiracy theories regarding the military industrial complex working with et's from another planet or dimension.

The story in compiracy circles was actually that the paladins or the white Nordics made contact with the US government and offered to share technology on the basis that it was used for peaceful purposes and to uplift humanity and that should the grey alien's made contact the government was to reject their offer for weapons which the government refused.

So the government ended up doing a deal with the greys a spieces commonly referred to in the early 1920 or 30's as the little green men.

The deal was they would give the US government/ military industrial complex weapons only if the greys were allowed to abduct humans and experiment on them, which the government agreed to.

Even though this movie makes the paladins out to be baddies the movie is still telling you the truth about what happened.. the rest of the story used to bulk up the truth is still brilliantly done, and the cgi I'd great not over yhe top, so the whole movie holds together very well... I wasn't going to watch it mased on all the reviews on those page, but I thought why not.

I will say one thing, I don't know which film these people who have reviewed the movie watched, because the acting very well done, and nothing, and I state again nothing was cheesy about the acting.

Lastly low budget movies which yhis is not do not have good citizen like this.. I'm sure you've seen the very low budget modern sci fi movies that are made for TV that they are calling sci fi movies.. even though the children is so terrible, and the story plus acting sucks... Will those movies aren't even in the same dimension as this movie.. this could easily go head to head with big budget movies of those days..granted this uses cgi and the big budgets of those days used anamatronics 🤔

But hand on heart this is worth yhe watch.

Me... I try and find old school sci fi from 70's to end of the 90's because they had good stories in those days.

Lastly it's strange all yhe reviewer seem to be trying to put people off this movie.

Maybe they're really the men in black trying to stop the information getting out .

Enjoy the movie friends 🙂👍

Gary Birmingham England Uk.
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11 June 2023
What can I say.. yhat was a brilliant film and storyline I was reading some of the other reviews and I agree with the person that said, usually with low budget indie films the have a feel to them like its trying to hard to get the formula right like a Hollywood movie with the story actors, and the special effects.

This movie was the equivalent to the movie Extraterrestrial.

The actors were brilliant aswell and the badies played their part brilliantly and were very chilling.

Actually a thought has just come to me. This movie had what Hollywood movies have lost originality.

And as for the aliens what! Never seen anything like that before.. I like the creepiness of the government or corporation working with the aliens.. just like in yhe film extraterrestrial.

You'd be nuts not to make a sequel, the story can go along way.

The is one criticism though and I agree with another person's post.. whenbthe alien explains what they are doing and why it wasn't so much that he mumbled but it sounded like speaking with one of those voice synthesiser which had electronic interference so the voice was too distorted to understand word for word. With such attention to detail in the whole movie I'm stunned thi bit was aloud to be substandard, the least you could have done was quality check that part because I think I know why the aliens were there but I'm not actually sure.

As for special effects wow.. heads exoding when shot really did look real .. I was like oh my god thats shockingly realistic it looked, and as for swashing the guys head.. genius.

I would definitely recommend people watch this movie it's a 9/10. And you won't be disappointed.

I will definitely be watching it again.

I think indie sci fi is definitely the way forward because they think out side the box, try new stuff and all Hollywood do is try and use the same formula that brought them lots of money in a box office hit 10 years previously that why Hollywood are alway making remakes of old movies.

Thanks again.
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