
9 Reviews
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1670 (2023– )
Fantastic show!
14 December 2023
Went in with no big expectations but I am absolutely shocked how much I loved this - watched it in one go! I am from Latvia so a lot of the historical themes and background knowledge is culturally very close to me, but I am pretty sure that the series translates well to other nations as well. It's like The Office and Stromberg (a German TV series with black humour) meeting the 17th century. Good actors, good story line and great jokes weaving in the 21st century as well - I laughed out loud more times than I could count. Well done, Poland, I can recommend this series to everyone! Will show it to my family too.
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Dreadful waste of your money and time
13 December 2023
If I could get back my money for the wasted life time I just spent on this, I would. Another reviewer who compared it to a workday German TV movie was absolutely right - subpar, unimaginative plot, witless conversations, only fairly decent actors, corny lines. What did Woody Allen think? It is not enough to shoot some beige-colored takes in chic Parisian streets and manors, at least not in my books. Take away the flair of Paris and you are left with a thinner than thin plot. I have to say, the 1st part of the movie was more like 5 stars but then it went into such a steep decline that I was quite shocked.
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Rustin (2023)
Great historic persona, somewhat lackluster biopic.
22 November 2023
I always love it when the unsung heroes of history get their fair due - I must admit that I did not know much about Rustin before this biopic.

I think the beginning was fabulous, it had great speed and the camerawork was good but then for me it somehow did not balance well the depiction of the work and his personal life. Also, I hoped the events of the march would be portrayed more but it was somehow almost like pushed in quickly into the last 5 minutes of the movie with no real culmination.

Also, what is it with Americans never acknowledging the rest of the world? In the end it says something like "...with 250 000 people making it the biggest peaceful protest to date." Is it so hard to add "in America" in the end? E.g. The Baltic Way in 1989 when 2 million people from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania joined hands to form the longest unbroken human chain in history to protest their illegal occupation by the Soviet Union in 1940 after the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact in 1939? As a history-enthusiast I just don't like such half-true statements being put out there.

Otherwise, solid movie with a very good lead and I think it is important that more people get to know about those who have thought for the rights of all.
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Safe (2018)
Just dull
3 November 2023
I will not give it a rating of 1 simply because it is well-produced and the actors are decent, but all in all I find it horribly dull and unimaginative with the usual concept of rich middle class girl going missing from gated and secure living area and the family entanglements in said "safe" living environment.

I was not able to even get through the 4th episode, I had to turn it off. Somehow it is a new hobby of Netflix to produce these forgettable and lackluster series lately.

Watch it if you have literally nothing else left to watch on Netflix, otherwise, I would recommend to skip this one.
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Lackluster haunting with in-your-face product placements
1 November 2023
As a seasoned ghost story lover, I went in with positive expectations, especially, because I thoroughly enjoyed the goofy yet romantic 2003 year Haunted Mansion version - how this movie can have a score of 6.1 (at the time that I am writing this) and the older one 5.2, is the biggest mystery of all for me.

This was most possibly the most boring haunted house movie I have seen in 10 years time - I almost fell asleep 3 times in the cinema:

*No goofy jokes (I laughed out loud in only one place) * No really frightening scenes, poor CGI * The main actor and the mother (oh my, what poor and lackluster acting was that!), and most importantly, and I actually got a bit angry at the producers for that * Trying to sell me products in broad daylight, so to say!

In the movie you find blatant, and I mean so blatant that you want to roll your eyes, commercials for: *Yankee Candles *CVS Pharmacy *Burger King *Baskin-Robbins

Do I want to be spooked and feel mystery or do I want to see a commercial? Worst movie product placements I have seen for a long time.

As I said, the acting was horribly dull, I can't understand how Danny DeVito got roped into this - none of the characters are really likable, it all feels overacted. And why is Madame Leota wearing a Russian traditional dress for nobility? Google "Countess Orlova-Davydova in Russian traditional dress, 1903" and you will see what I mean.

But my biggest let-down is the plot: the villain, with such poor CGI that it is hard to describe, has no depth, we do not really know anything about him apart from the fact that he was traumatized as a child and now wants revenge. In the 2003 year version, we had an actually much more believable story - ghosts often manifest as traumatic, violent events of the past, souls that can't move on because they are shell-shocked by what has happened and then a house seeps through these emotions, and everyone who enters it, gets this chilly feeling of "something bad must have happened here". In that sense, the 2003 was like a psychological thriller almost - the grief that Mr. Gracy felt had prompted for everyone in the house to become emotional hostages of his. We understand the motive, the depth of the love and the grief, but here in this movie - a one-dimensional villain we have zero connection to who brings back random ghosts from the underworld.

I would strongly advise for people who like a good haunted house story to not watch this movie, it will not be anything you will remember even for the next weeks to come.
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Enthralling like the Sea itself
23 October 2023
This is one of the movies one is left thinking of for a while. I am sure it will often cross my mind when I'll see flocks of migrating birds pass seamlessly through the skies - the hawks, the cuckoos...

Concepts like "metamorphosis", "migration", "the sea", "horizon" are unraveling in this intimate story of a Portuguese family, which still gives one the feeling of something universal, because almost everyone of us is confronted with similar situations in our life. Love transforms us. Grief transforms us. It never goes back to exactly how it was. And maybe it was intended that way anyway? A never-ending metamorphosis.

A visual masterpiece I can definitely recommend, especially when one feels a bit pensive too.
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Tin & Tina (2023)
Good cinematic effort - don't trust the rating
23 October 2023
I am beyond shocked how so many people are throwing 1 ratings at this movie when in fact it is a very decent film. I think the issue might lie in the fact that it is advertised as Horror when it is actually more belonging to the Psychological Thriller genre.

It depicts subjects like infertility, miracle healing, growing apart from one's partner, uncertainty, and fate - sometimes we try so hard to escape something, but nonetheless it finds us in the most unexpected of ways.

I really urge everyone to form their own opinion on this film, which I found to be not the masterpiece of the century but still very alluring for a Halloween-time watch.
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Marcella (2016–2021)
What was Season 3?!?
21 October 2023
A modern, engaging British show which at first I found enjoyable - the first two seasons have many twists and turns and I found both plot as well as choice of actors to be enjoyable. The husband Jason irked me so much! Great actor, if he can make you hate him from his performance alone.

Quite grim murders though, would not advise it for people who have just lost children, it is quite graphic.

But the main thing why I am writing this review - WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS WROTE SEASON 3?!? Sorry, it was so bad, I could not even get through the 2nd episode, let alone the season. But the first 2 Seasons were still enjoyable.
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Do Not Disturb (IV) (2023)
Surprisingly good!
29 September 2023
If you think that this will be your average Turkish feel-good movie - think again... The start, even up until half of the movie, takes you one way to then take on a veeery dark twist, because anguish has just entered the building as a guest - a crazy night at a Turkish motel indeed.

I would definitely recommend this movie to everyone who wants to be a bit surprised. Nice camera work and the actors have also been well-chosen. Deals with many currently relevant topics like social media and mental health. Liked the fact that I had no idea how exactly this movie is going to end - definitely not predictable!
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