3 Reviews
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Psycho (1960)
Best Film Ever Made !
22 October 2002
Psycho is the best film ever made ! I´ve no doubt about it ! It´s perfect ! The direction is perfect and it passes to the viewer the sensation of the bizarre , the suspense , the mystery and the dark mood as Hitchcock pretended to show. It´s a real shocker !

The screenplay is out of this world ! Joseph Stefano is a genius ! He and Mr. Hitchcock tricked us ! Everybody thought that It was a film about Marion Crane , a girl confused about her relationship with Sam Loomis , that decides to steal forty thousand dollars ! So we try to figure out how was she going to handle the situation ! But It ain´t the main point anyway ! Joseph and Hitchcock gave us a bait and we bit it !

This movie is well remembered by the very imitated shower scene ! Hitchcock (with the help of Saul Bass) designed it and used montage in this scene and it worked very well !

This film would not be the same without Mr. Hitchcock (off course) , Joseph Stefano and more two people : Bernard Herrmann and Anthony Perkins !

Bernard Herrmann composed an "all made of strings" dark music to Psycho and at nowadays it´s suspense synonymous ! It´s brilliant ! My personal favorite song is in that scene when Marion decides to steal the money and she is making her baggage ! By the way , that shot was a masterpiece too ! Hitchcock told us everything without a word (as in the beginning of Rear Window) , just showing the baggage , the money and Marion´s face ! Amazing ! Thrilling !

Anthony Perkins gave us the best interpretation in a motion picture ever ! Norman Bates is a very well developed character ! Tony is great as the fragile boy dominated by his crazy mother ! He has a strange glamour that make us believe that he´s innocent and he´s trying to hide the truth about his mother ! You still thinking : "It can´t be ! He seems to be a good man !".

It´s hard to me to describe the film that changed my life and the way I watched movies ... I didn´t know that a picture could be art ! I´m fanatic for this film ! If you have a chance , RENT IT , BUY IT , STEAL IT ... Whatever ! :)

Rating : Perfect.
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Masterpiece of German Expressionism !
22 October 2002
This picture is a masterpiece ! How could someone think in something like this at that time ? The film has really good casting ! Werner Krauss is excellent playing Doctor Caligari and Conrad Veidt (Cesare) too !

This movie has an obscure and bizarre mood makes the film looks really scary sometimes ... The painted scenario gave the film the touch that it needed ! It puts you in a nightmarish world , gives you the sensation of claustrofobia , depression and madness ! The objects have a strange shape and an irregular geometry that collaborate for the maintenance of the dark mood !

But the most important thing in this motion picture is the open ended story ! You´re never sure about the end ! It has so many ways of interpretation... It´s useless to try to define "one end" to this movie. You´ll be always asking yourself about the legitimacy of the man´s vision of the story.

It´s not scary , just sometimes , as I said. But it´s dark and it uses the shadows and lights effects so well that I was amazed the first time I saw and I still amazed ! German Films of that time were really good !

Congratulations to Robert Wienne and his cast ! It´s a masterpiece of madness and paranoia!

Rating : *****/******
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Psycho (1998)
Remake or ReFAKE ?
20 October 2002
A complete waste of time ! Gus Van Sant tried the impossible : to recreate a work of art ! It´s like someone try to repaint Da Vinci´s Monalisa or rewrite Shakespeare´s Hamlet ! The original one had a dark mood and dark humor with touches of sexuality and links between sex and food , food and death , domination , voyeurism , psychology , good directing , good cast , good photography ... The remake (or reFAKE) blew it ! It´s awful ! The only thing that they did not mess with was the thrilling score by Bernard Herrmann !

No one can imitate the genius ! Alfred Hitchcock is unique ! Get the original one !

Rating : zero/*****
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