
20 Reviews
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South Wind (2018)
10 March 2024
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Complete Serbian cliche copy of Hollywood crime/thrillers, cringy, poorly acted, garbage music, misogynist mentality towards women. Serbian chauvinism, presenting Bulgarians as dumb, crooks, cheaters, chalga maniacs. The plot is absurd. The main character survives being shot at by a swat team machine gun fire and by two AK47s in a drive by in an open cafe for no reason other reason except than he is the main character. He miraculously manages to kill 5 guys without getting hit. Drives a car only in reverse with no problem. Doesn't know what he's going to do half the time with the stolen car and the drugs.
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Head-On (2004)
28 June 2023
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This movie is extremly overrated. It's definatly below average. I am not turkish but I am from a neighbouring country so I have some knowledge of turkish customs and can tell you for sure that a father with a decadent behaviour from a turkish prespective who is also suicidal daughter will marry her to a complete stranger without time passing as to know if he speaks truth. Cahit and Sibel had absolutely no chemistry whatsoever. How could the man invite Cahit to a brothel while his brother in law was right next to him? Why did they got angry when Cahit told them to have sex with their own wifes instead (using the f word) when moments ago they were planning to cheat on them? Why did Cahit switch from turkish to english when he was talking with Sibel's cousin? Sibel starts loving Cahit so when he killed Niko and went to prison she leaves for Istanbul sticks to working for a while then returns to her old habbits almost getting killed in the process until being rescued by a taxi driver who she marries and has a kid with. In the end they meet at a hotel where they have sex for a couple of days then Cahit leaves for his hometown. Acting was decent, cinematography nice but nothing spectacular. Story as dumb as a brick. Overrated as hell don't waste your time watching it.
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5 May 2023
A real masterpiece of the bulgarian cinema with the legendery actor Todor Kolev. This movie perfectly depicts the 30's in Bulgaria. The humor is perfect and draws you away from the grim reality of that time. The moral of the people and the way of life is perfectly and truthfully shown. Todor Kolev amazing acting along with the other actors makes this movie amazing and funny. The cinematography was great. The scenes in the city were amazingly done, the people's reaction to the main character along with their clothing tells you in less than a minute about the difference between the people in the city and the villagers who were 80% of the population at the time.
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26 April 2023
My IQ fell watching this excuse of a movie. I thought productions like this were over in the early 2010's but I guess I am wrong. Only Adam Sandler can make such horrible acting in such a cringy movie. The only good thing I can say about it is that I watched it for free. Boring, terrible story, bad acting felt like a Bollywood film, cinematography was a little above average at best. Fake ratings nothing out of the ordinary at least the score isn't 7 or 8. The places in Europe where they shot were beautiful probably the second good thing I can think of in this ridiculousness. Adam should just retire permenantly.
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Ringu (1998)
26 April 2023
Probably one of the most if not the most overrated japanese horror movie ever. Absolutely nothing scary about it. Boring, decent acting, average cinematography, not interesting story. The spirit was lame as hell they really messed that up it is just a girl walking slowly and getting out of a screen apparently this or something other in this movie that I can't remember because there was nothing of the sort is apparently the most horrifying thing ever to whoever claims this movie to be a classic of the genre. I am not japanese so maybe there are thing that I can't understand but it doesn't really matter. The only good thing in this movie is the dude with the white sheet over his head in the tape who is my favourite.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Generic, not scary, unoriginal
5 April 2023
This movie isn't scary there are only a few jumpscares and almost no suspensful moments. Unoriginal looks like a compilation of movies like it follows, sinnister and the ring. The story was basic and not explained very well. The acting was decent. The cinematography was average. Boring to some degree but still watchable even though it's nothing special. I really don't know what to say about this movie. There were some good moments but mostly notinteresting. The end was predictable as hell. The characters felt so bland even though the acting was not. Didn't really care about them the directing sucked.
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There is no word to describe how bad is it
4 April 2023
Tragedy, absurdity it comes from Maxim Genchev who is undoubtly one of the worst directors (if we can call him that but i know we can't for sure) in the history not only of Bulgaria but the whole world. There should be a law that forbids him from directing anything. The acting was terrible, the story wasn't explained it was just random stuff thrown thogeter, the absurdity in this movie surpasses half of Bollywood. The story was some nonsense mockery of the bulgarian border guards during the communist period from 1944-1989. I wonder who gave him the money to make this and how much he paid for it to win an award?
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Top Gun (1986)
Worse than the sequel
31 March 2023
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First I watched Top Gun Maverick then the original Top Gun (this movie). Turns out the original is way worse than to sequel. If Top Gun Mavrick was a mild military propaganda this is really bad, boring, notinteresting military propaganda that came out in the 80's. I personaly expected it to be better than the sequel but I was wrong. Even though this movie is made in the 80's it really didn't fell like the time period. The story is as basic as they make them types of movies. Good guy beats the bad guys get's the hot girl that is also his instructor (teacher) comrade and a friend dies really not tragic I really didn't care about the guy because the directing was trash.
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Overrated predictable garbage
31 March 2023
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O boy, o boy this movie totally suck I don't know why it has such a high rating even my cousin said: Dude watch it it's really good. Turn out it's not it's so predictable and basic absolutely nothing scary about this movie the genre should be labled as a tragedy not horror why because it so boring and uninteresting the story is not developed and is basic some dude just kidnaps kids and kills them he kidnaps a kid that kills him in the end so predictable phone ringing when it's disconected and dead kids talking through it without any explanation of how this happens it just happens sister having dreams of past and future events not explained also all that is said was that the mom had some kind of abilities.
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Average military propaganda
27 March 2023
The first thing you need to know about top gun maverick or movies like him including the original whether you are on the right or left politicly is that this movie is military propaganda that is actually quite average and not that good as people make it out to be. The actors are good, music is really good, the story is typical cliche about nice guy saving the situation that we have seen in countless movies. I haven't saw the original but it doesn't really matter as this movie has retro vibes that are used for propaganda but they work really well and I enjoyed them even thought I am not american (since this movie is directed to americans) and the story isn't that complicated.
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The Northman (2022)
Really weird
23 March 2023
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I really don't know what to say about this movie. It's definantly the weirdest one I ever saw. Long, boring, bad CGI, average cinematography, predictable. Show me you are a man said the shaman apperently the answer to that is a burp and a fart what the hell dude who wrote this? Berserker ritual not imppresive definantly overrated scene I don't know why people hype it up it felt so bland and cringe. The main character bitting a enemy on the neck and howling what the hell. Why the creators made the usurper lose the kingdom and flee to Iceland to a simple farm and how the children of Amleth will rule it when it belongs to another king? Overrated film I don't recommend it.
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Alexander (2004)
Not worth watching
13 March 2023
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I will star by saying that the actors are really good, the cinematography is also really good but this movie is way too long it could have been 2 hour long instead of 3. Thre are a lot of needless scenes. The story starts with death of Alexander and from then on isn't shown chronologicly which makes it messy. The fight scenes and the setting was good. A lot of goofs in this movie. Big money spend into this project but turned out bad. It's watchable to some degree but I definitely don't recommend it. Not that interesting the story that is based on a actual historical figure had great potential but the long running time and directing killed it.
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Zift (2008)
Good movie
1 March 2023
One of the best new Bulgarian films. Dzift is a dark white film with cynicism, a fun sense of humor and a really well developed main character. The moth quotes are really interesting and can connect you to real life. The story at the beginning with the cheating wife that ended with the bigger the feces, the bigger the damage morally rather than materially was really interesting. The acting was good, cinematography was on point and the soundtrack was really good. It wasn't some full blown anti-communnist propaganda. The characters and stories throughout out the movie were really well done. After all it is definitely worth a watch.
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Undercover (2011–2016)
The best Bulgarian series
28 February 2023
Pod prikritie (Undercover) in english is probably the best bulgarian series ever produced. Like all series it has it flaws and goofs but the show is so realistic and so well done that you can barely pay attention to them. The actors are fenomenal expecialy MIhail Bilavov (Dzaro),Zahary Baharov (Ivo Andonov) and Marian Vulev (the hook). Ivailo Zahariev who plays Martin is not so good actor but not that terrible. The music isn't comprised of famous songs but that doesn't matter as they are excelent. The cinematography is on point. To foreginers who watch this you may not understand the bulgarian humore and mentality in it. But it is still a very good watch.
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Project X (2012)
28 February 2023
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This has to be one of the most overrated movies ever. It is nothing more than a bunch of drunk degenerate teenagers partying and creating havoc. Currently I am 21 and outlived this period of parties when i was 18. This movie doenst conect to me at all and is not even funny or something enjoyable to watch. The story goes that some not popular kid decides to host a party for his birthday to bost his popularity the party goes out of control and chaos ensues burning down his parents house in the end he and his friends who helped him organise the party barely recieve any punishment and get applauded when they go to school in the morning. I wonder what people who like this movie actually like maybe the idiocy or tormenting your neighboours at night with loud noise.
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The Invitation (II) (2022)
26 February 2023
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This looks like amateur vampire fanfiction you can find on the internet made into a movie. The only reason I'm giving 2 stars is because the acting was decent, the music was decent, the cinematography was average, but the plot was so basic even for vampire movies. Lots of plot holes, the story isn't explained very well, all we know is that 3 or 4 families made a pact with a vampire to give him brides, how that works isn't explained at all and why would a vampire even need brides? All that is said is that their blood is special whatever that means. In the end the main character kills the vampires and burn down the mansion and is free typical cliche this whole movie is one big cliche and one last thing. If vampires die of fire why would the main vampire have lightened candles on the altar of the wedding when the bride drinks his blood and get his powers?
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26 February 2023
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Somehow the second part manages to be worse than the first. Remember the love interes of the main character from the first movie in the second (this) part she is completely ignored and forgotten. Typical South Indian cinema rajamouli style with ridiculous scenes like using palm trees to jump over city walls not to forget plagarism and terrible CGI. Long boring scenes, some of which made me laugh. Peasants beating a professional army, yes, it makes sense. Not to mention the many goofs this movie has like characters seeing thousand of meters on the battlefield. Enemy chieftan being hit with a large metal object on the head and not dying until beign hit with a mace in the chest yeah makes sense this is only a little bit of this typical style of cinema but it summarizes most of it. Bad acting,meh music,average cinematography.
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Really bad
24 February 2023
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Typical south indian cinema where characters are immortalised and given super human strenght. Terrible CGI looks as cheap as a macdonalds burger. Acting was decent but not that good. Songs were kinda meh. Plot was good but poorly delivered. Ridicolous scene that look like a cheap copy of 300,Troy,Lord of the rings probably because they were plagarised by rajamouli which wouldn't suprise me at all. This entire thing could have been only one movie instead of two. The story progreses so slow that I almost stoped watching. The love interes of the main character for some reason had to be turned white in order to be beautiful (colorism detected) when she already was beautiful and not that dark skined. This sums up most of it.
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RRR (2022)
23 February 2023
I am not Indian but my country broadcasts indian cinema so I am too familiar with it and I can tell you that this is your typical garbage indian movie without any sense or logic that is being market to westeners or people who have never saw indian movies. If it wasnt for the promotion this would have been just a generic indian movie not to mention rajamouli plagarism which is nothing new as he does it in all his movies. To anyone non indian dont be fooled this movie is nothing new and nothing amzing. I still cant believe this excuse of a movie won a golden globe and was nominated for an oscar but i know that these awards are rigged.
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City of God (2002)
23 February 2023
I saw this movie in december of 2020 and I can still remember all of the scenes. Never have I saw such a good movie. The acting,cinematography,music,setting is just phenomenal. The story goes as smooth as butter. I amazed by it all. This is my favorite movie of all time. It doesn't bore you and keeps you watching. The scene at the dancehall was truly amazing with its lightning. The beaches shown were amazing. The time period of the plot was really well integrated. The way of life in the favela was perfectly shown. Thank you Fernando Meirelles,Kátia Lund and all of the cast for making this masterpiece.
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