
8 Reviews
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Revelations (2005)
Religious Terrorism
17 April 2005
I've seen Revelations-Part 1. I was concerned about this project from the first time I saw an ad for it.

This is purely psychological terrorism perpetrated by the Christian community on humanity.

They have been loosing their hold on the human mind for years and as of late they are trying to gain it back by pulling out the end of the world card, backed up by a child killing satanist.

First of all by doing this there is going to be SIGNS & WONDERS the Christians may not want to have to deal with. This THEY have loosed. There has been the deaths of Prophets, Priests & Popes since they brought this project to light.......Why? SIMPLE. Because Christianity is based on a lie, and in trying to continue it on this grand a scale.....REPERCUSSIONS WILL HAPPEN.

Now my question is.....Is Kingdom of Heaven part of this Christian conspiracy? After all it appears that it's trying to make the crusades palatable.......Gawd, even the Pope apologized for this years ago. I think if the Christian fundamentalist's had their way, they would re-institute the burnings and crusades, to rid the world of those who oppose them.

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One Excellent Chick Flix
16 August 2004
It seems that one Imdb member by the name of Will Lau seems to be highly threatened by chick flicks. Well is this one excellent chick flick hands down! Princess Mia didn't need to be drug down by some man to be allowed to rule her little country by herself. Yes this is definitely a woman's empowerment film. But it is also a film for a civilization that has progressed enough that stereo types, such as needing a male as a legality to rule, is an archaic concept no long tolerated in a thinking society. And this mentality needs to be taken into all thinking concerning male and female rolls.

All in all this is a beautifully filmed movie, the rich vibrant colors are a treat to the eye. It is almost like watching an old technicolor movie. Personally I cannot wait til it's out on DVD to enjoy the scenery even more at home. But in the mean time I think I just might go to see it a couple of more times.

PD2 is has a different flavor to it that PD1. But then Princess Mia is all grown up now. Even Queen Clarisse has matured. What I mean by that is that she is no longer is so wound up in the mechanisms of propriety, unlike in the first movie, she was not as hyper critical of her successor. And also learned, with the help of Joseph, that there are other things to life that a title can't buy.

~Lucinda Fox
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Victor/Victoria (1995 TV Movie)
Was It Cursed?
21 July 2004
Victor/Victoria seemed to be a cursed project from it's inception for Broadway. First of all Henry Mancini died before ever having seen his work go to the boards. Then during the run Billy Byers, it's orchestrater, died on his birthday in 1996 and for it's grand finale, this curse ended the vocal career of it's star, Julie Andrews.

One wonders why there was such problems.....Maybe it started back with the original Viktor und Viktoria, the original German version, when it's star Renate Muller hung herself in a Berlin sanitorium on Julie's 8th birthday, 1943.

It seems such a shame that such a dark shadow marrs such a lovely work. The show it's self is quite enjoyable considering all it's problems.
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My God She Really Could Act!
8 July 2002
I FINALLY got my DVD of Portrait of an Assasin today. It took a little longer than anticipated but it was well worth the wait.

This movie proves Maria Montez could act quite well, given the proper venue. Though in french, I enjoyed it thoroughly. It would have been nice had the actors had done an english version......not just dubbed by anyone. But alas it was not! Hearing Maria do french was interesting. Though handled well, you could tell it wasn't her native tongue. Unlike the French actors, she enuciated her lines so they were understandable. Personally I think the reason Maria had such a problem with her acting in her english movies is that she (undoubtly at the request of the studio) had to re-aquire her spanish accent, which she had lost years prior........Yes Virginia, Maria was faking her own accent!!!

I find it peculiar how there seems to be a problem with Maria character's name. Even the DVD cover mistakenly listed it as Catherine. Doesn't anyone ever actually view the movies before writing stuff about it?

Now Speaking of the DVD cover. WHY did they put Maria on the back of it instead of the front? She was first billed in the actual movie credits. To add insult to injury they took 2 of the supporting actors, Arletty & Von Stronheim and gave them the billing on the cover like they were the stars of it when they were NOT.........So What is up with this thing about not putting Maria on the cover of her own movies???? Arabian Nights was like this also.

There's a bit of trivia that you might find interesting about this movie. Henri Decoin wrote this movie and went on to direct L'Affaire des Poisons in 1955. A movie about Catherine DeShayes the Satanic High Priestess of 17th century Paris. It looks like the pinkie Ring Arletty was wearing thoughout the movie may have been a special one belonging to Miss DeShayes. And it is said that Maria became the owner of it after the movie was done shooting.
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Mahogany (1975)
4 July 2002
I saw this movie in the theatre when it came out in the 70's. I specifically went to see it not because of Diana Ross, but to see Jean-Pierre Aumont. Because I had been interested in his wife, Maria Montez, who died in 1951. And I had heard that he was going to use a pair of her Bulgari earrings as a prop in this movie, so it was of defineate interest to me. FYI: It was the earrings he gave to Diana in the movie.

As for the movie it's self, it was enjoyable enough. In fact I prefered it over Miss Ross's other movie Lady Sings The Blues.
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In Old Monterey
4 July 2002
Another of my Favorite Maria Montez movies!

This time she's in old California in this costumed piece. It would be great if they got this to video also!

A bit-o-trivia on this movie.......The part of a young woman played by Julia Andre was actually One of Maria's real life sisters.
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Cobra Woman (1944)
4 July 2002
I saw this movie over 30 years ago, when they used to play movies all the time on broadcast television. I enjoyed it very much.

It was a treat to see 2 Maria's. Her acting had actually improved some over time!

I wish someday that it would come to video, so everyone can see what a nice movie it was.
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Diane (1956)
History By Hollywood???
28 February 2002
If you take this for what it was, Hollywood's take on a real historical event, Diane was an enjoyable movie, as long as you haven't a clue as to what went on then.

They had so much wrong in this story it was rediculious. I mean they even omited Nostradamus, Catherine's protogee, and the one who made the predictions of the kings death and that each of her sons would rule.....for a time. What I would like to know is why they had some squirrely kid predict this? Instead of the truth.
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