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Stormhouse (2011)
Badly written, utterly abysmal.....
17 January 2014
I sat through this biting my lip, not through tension, but from just sheer embarrassment. The acting was reasonable, but the lighting was disastrous, it looked cheap on every level.

The only good thing about a film like this is the actors can hide their faces and simply pick up their paycheck after they've finished with performing this rubbish. For a film of this 'quality' you obviously hire a cheap writer, who fortunately for them will always be able to remain anonymous, especially as they are irrelevant to the structure of the piece.

Whoever wrote this should go away for a long time and read a bit of Syd Field and learn the craft before ever putting pen to paper again. No need to go into story here, as it's been covered previously.

It saddens and angers me that with so much talent out there, a group of individuals can come together and gain funding for this kind of atrocity. No wonder the British Film industry struggles if this is the best it can come up with. I wasted a few hours, I suppose I should not grumble, at least I had the time to waste and can use this as a demonstration on how not to write a screenplay and tell a story.

Harsh I know, but this is a warning to others. Avoid Stormhouse like the plague, although the plague is a better option.
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25 January 2011
I sat and watched this with a member of my family who has cancer, and was sickened by the Beatles sketch regarding Prostate Cancer. It made us feel very uncomfortable, and angry, my relative was upset that his state of health could be laughed at, and they are still very ill. I just don't get the joke. I used to like Whitehouse and Enfield, but I switch over to another station whenever I see them. Ghastly humour.

I do hope that they learn that some things are just not suitable for comedy. I guess the joke was about sticking fingers up people's bottoms, yes, real class that one. I guess that in future they might make more jokes about terminal illnesses after all there are a lot of them, a wealth of material! Simply revolting.
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Lesbian Vampire Killers... The tit all says it all!
22 March 2009
This film is perhaps one of the most shocking British films I have ever seen. Step aside Shaun of the Dead, a new masterpiece has hit our cinema screens, splatting against it with the velocity of a bag of blood red rotten tomatoes. Yes, another classic British comedy! Was it perhaps scripted by Oscar Wilde from beyond the grave? If so may he turn and turn again, and his shrivelled brain disolve to dust! I cannot even be bothered to discuss the plot, the acting throughout would appeal to those that like shouting "It's behind you" at a pantomime. If you find bodily functions amusing, then have an enema instead, and get it out of your system. If you've recently sustained a severe brain injury, you might laugh between the dribbling, but those with severe brain injuries will probably do that anyway. My advice is save your money, put it on a lame horse at a hundred to one, it will probably be a loser, but not as big a loser as this pile of mindless bile. Avoid like the plague, or in preference contract the plague, it would be more interesting experience than watching this!
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A masterful display of wit, pure genius!
31 March 2008
This is easily the closes you will get to Kubrick's 'Dr Strangelove' deep performances from a skilled cast. Yes, many of the original team are missing, but what a wonderful show. The attention to period costume is remarkable considering the small budget. The wit of the dialogue far outshines some of Oscar Wildes later work. It is a great satire, you could compare it to 'All quiet on the Western Front' but with a rich sense of humour. It takes the death aspect out of war, and that can only be a good thing. I was particularly amused by this bawdy romp through the humorous side of World War II. Those were the days. When you see this it makes you long for a Third World War, what a jolly good laugh that could be!


Ten out of ten! Fantastic entertainment!
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Joyeux Noel (2005)
Madness. Sane men caught in a web of madness
16 August 2007
Full marks for this film, in a world of shallow Hollowood films, big meaningless bangs and fast cars, this movie blows them all away with its thoughtful exploration of those that have tragically been forgotten by a world that has ceased to care about the futility of the first great war. For many years I have attempted to sell a script based upon these events, but without success, and I am so glad that the 1914 truce has finally been filmed for all to see. All, is probably a handful of individuals, as I had to order the movie, as it was not in any shop, disgraceful really, but what can you expect? These forgotten, unknown soldiers, have led to a forgotten unknown film. That in itself is a crime. This film is a beautiful, but terribly tragic tale, the burial of the bodies was very moving, knowing that shells may well have churned them up again. It was also fantastically acted by all concerned, and it left me speechless, although I just had to say something, so I came here to voice my opinions. I will endeavour to praise this film to friends and family, in hope that they will buy it. I know this is not much of a review, but praise is all that is needed. Now someone should make a film about Kuentz, Harry Patch, and Henry Allingham, the stories they could tell, if anyone really cared to listen. At least Joyeux Noel is there, and I hope to God, that in time it gains a large fan base, it certainly deserves that.
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Not a big moustache in sight, but a lot of leather!
9 August 2007
I laughed when I saw the title. I thought that is a very dodgy title! I was even more surprised when I realised it had a gay character lurking in his sexy leathers behind the main character! (Not that he got up to anything behind him) Although, I have to say it is extremely well acted, and even though the film is rather ancient now, it was actually rather refreshing, and very entertaining. So if it pops up on television somewhere, and you happen to be in front of it, watch it! It is well scripted and splendid stuff. You don't have to be gay to enjoy it either! Nice bikes too, makes me want to get my three wheeler out of the garage. Pedal power... Oh yes... Work those legs!
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