
6 Reviews
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Fool Me Once (2024)
I am such a Fool!
28 January 2024
The mini-series Fool Me Once started out well enough, although I was unenthusiastic about the bland cookie-cutter characters and the boiler plate script. It slow walks you through politically fashionable tropes - the ex-military dark horse female protagonist that is a crack shot and can rag doll men 2X her size, etc.

However, I slogged on as I was interested in watching a British detective series and it was BBC, so there was that. I will not afford the BBC such a positive bias in the future.

The real problem, the unforgivable issue came about 2/3 of the way through Ep. 1. Maya, the female protagonist, sees her husband on a nanny cam, the husband who was murdered recently. After she confronts the nanny, the nanny pepper sprays her and legs it with the SD card. IF you can suspend disbelief that a matronly pudgy nanny can overpower, even with mace, a top of her game bad ass combat vet, then the plot is still acceptable.

So, she literally waits for days to pursue it and then despite being at a party with a crew of her very fit military buddies, she leaves to go and track down the nanny. The plot continues to descend into madness following this highly irrational theme, so Ive chucked it in. I just can't tolerate stupid lazy irrational writing.

1 / 5 stars.

The problem arose from all plot points after this. Logically, if she couldn't pursue the nanny on her own, she would have called the inspector or the police and have an APB put out on the nanny. She doesn't! She hangs out at the house, dabbing her eyes with a towel for ages. It's only when the detective on the case shows up out of the blue, that she tells him of the surreal turn of events. Instead of initiating an immediate rational response, like chasing this nanny down she or they do NOTHING!!?" Remember! SHE SAW HER MURDERED HUSBAND ON A VIDEO CAM AND WAS ASSAULTED BY THE NANNY WHEN SHE QUESTIONED HER??! SHe wair.
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Plot holes and needless stupidity mar this joke of a film
4 December 2023
I was not surprised that the directing and scripting were bad to the point of childish. The budget just couldn't support better talent. Fairbrass is passable as an actor, as he always is, but the rest a pretty low on the food chain. I was able to set that aside because it was predictably poor but I was only out for half way watchable action film. However, what began to bother me was the mind numbing, just idiotically STUPID plot holes and implausible script!

Fairbrass who is clearly presented as a very street wise, East end bad ass would stumble around making the most moronic, unbelievably, stupid errors.

\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ Spoilers below \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \ /\/ \/ \/ \/

In one case, Fairbrass chances on a man counting money with bags of cocaine in the back room of a club. First of all, there is NO WAY that dude would have been counting all that loot in a room, with an open, unlocked door. A room that was accessible to any drunk patron wandering around looking for the bathroom. Fairbrass decides to take a detour and steal the loot, despite the fact that he's in the HQ of a very dangerous gang that had brutally murdered his mate. After a scuffle, he knocks the guy out and then without a care for getting jumped begins to rather laboriously pack a bag with the coke and the money. Misses the knocked out man, feet away, noisily and groggily getting up, grabbing a gun and training it on him. Manages to execute the man with both barrels of the shottie (very loud). Leaves with the bag and encounters another henchman in the hall, previously KO'd and while interrogating him Fairbrass gets surprised AGAIN! Knife to the throat but of course manages to knife guy first. He then proceeds to the office of the gang boss. Charges in without a care for the possibility of likely body guards in this room and gets ambushed AGAIN! So, I'll spare you the details but this theme of a seasoned, street wise gangster, Fairbrass, stumbling from one idiotic encounter to the next is just pitifully lazy and ignorant.

Later, he is chasing an arch-enemy who is badly wounded. This loser is largely responsible for betraying his mate and getting him horribly butchered but does Fairbrass EVER break into even a jog to catch this creep? NO!! He just strides along with the guy limping along, in plain sight and easily reachable had he just picked the pace up a tad!? The creep gets away as he's able to jump on a bus! LMAO So needlessly implausibly STUPID!

Anyway, this is the tone of the film respective to writing and the repeated trespass on credible narrative that I can't forgive.

1 out of 5 stars.
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Comedic Parody presumably
27 October 2023
Absolutely awful to the point that it approached the level of a comedic parody. It has damaged Kurylenko's career and probably neutered other hopefuls in the rather thin cast. I suppose some of the fault could be assigned to what was likely a very low budget. It looked like a school play really or a production on the stage at a renaissance faire.

The costumes and scene design were cheap, unimaginative and not even close to authentic. They looked like the costume design team had gone down to Jo Annes Fabrics at their local strip mall and dug around in the discount bin.

The editing only made the wooden acting and the strange script more awkward. This is a career killing film and laughably bad. 2 out of 5 stars!
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Power Book IV: Force: Dead Reckoning (2023)
Season 2, Episode 8
Writing starting to get poor
25 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Theres a lot of problems that I notice but this episode really makes me consider abandoning this show. In the final scene Diamond is messed up over his girl's kid being killed. He's drunk and spreads a bag of dope around him and dumps a bag of money all over himself. This in itself is idiotic, even given the fact he's mentally conflicted + drunk but it is still ridiculous for the following reasons: #1 His place of business is a zero tolerance location for any drugs/business contraband. It's PUBLIC! Anyone can walk in. Thats where his PO visits him, FFS! So the zero tolerance law is that NO BUSINESS goes down there, at least no evidentiary materials can be at location.

#2 Doesn't even lock the door??! He doesn't have the presence of mind to lock the door with a ticket to a long prison sentence spread out around him at HIS BUSINESS when he's alone??!

#3 Lets just say points #1 & #2 are invalid because he's having a melt down over the kid? This still would not excuse Tommy Egan showing up, reading the sit. Having time to LOCK THE F'ing door and get the loot out of sight. Tommy is on top of his game and should be street smart enough to do damage control.

SO, I feel the writing is predictable. I saw that coming a mile away like everyone else - spoiler alert...

Diamond's PO bursts into the store, sees all the loot and is killed by Diamond! Such lazy silly implausible writing by script writers that are about as street as my little sister. This just exposed how lazy, naive and out of touch with criminal life the script writers are.
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The Worst
13 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I havent seen a film in this genre that was worse on every level.

Plot - from a Erkle styled black youth with a paper route to a kingpin running a syndicated section of the city and all in the matter of a few months. Clubsy attempts at tear jerker moments from pregnant girlfriends to cancer ridden mothers, all the while weaving a meta narrative of a powerful, geriatric black syndicate running the drug trade in the projects.

Acting - the main character seems to sleep walk through every dramatic moment, from getting beaten and extorted to having his family threatened to asking for a new paper route. All delivered with a dead pan, monotone, lids half closed, mumbling weary speech and body language. All the other actors are conspicuously devoid of talent or credibility.

Budget/cinematography - low low budget without the imagination to compensate. The most powerful men meet to ordain the new kingpin of a district. The meeting room looks like a low rent high school cafeteria with plastic fold out tables decked with cheap white cloths and folding chair t sit on. Theres no security, no amenities and no credibility. The low budget is very evident when we view scenes like the crime bosses trap houses. In other movies there will be dozens of people and levels of armed guards and look out but in this sad production, it's just the Boss and his henchman, "Shooter".

Such a sad, dreary uninformed description of life in the urban ghetto that it is astounding that IMBb gives it such a high rating (80%)??!
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An Elba in the face of credibility
21 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Complete trash script! 2 out of 5 at best.

So many stupid plot holes in the script that despite my admitted appetite for garbage crime thrillers, I shut it off far before the end.

Sometimes a writer/director must strain credulity to expedite the plot but when its just stupid, lazy writing then my patience is exhausted quickly.

The flaws range from dumb scenes like DCI Luther (Idris Elba) being thrown in a max sec. Prison where all the cons want a piece of him. He takes a shower at one point but with his back to the room, facing a wall and of course gets jumped.

Later Luther catches the "mastermind" serial killer (Andy Serkis) . The killer has Luther facing off with him and half of London's finest, heavily armed and surrounding him but manages to get away. The police are after Luther too but still they both get through the circle of police!? Luther catches up with him moments later, and the killer is handily resisting Luther. Luther (Idris Elba) is 6'3", 190lb of athletic muscle. The killer (Andy Serkis) is 5'7", 150lb. He's Gollum, FFS! Hobbits kick this guy's ass! Elba would rag doll that fool...and so on it goes.

There is an ongoing theme of top level cyber manipulation of data and intel by the killer and this is heavily leaned upon by the dial it in writer. QUestion: How does the killer get every cell phone of his victim's families? (in order to get them to all arrive at a location en masse)? Answer: Cyber!

Ridiculous plot and just plain stupid. Written presumably by an idiotic, pasty faced, shut-in that has never had a fight in his life and yet, writes about action sequences, combat scenes. It would be like me writing about seamstresses from the 16th century or something.

Don't bother with this lazy, reeking sad excuse for a crime thriller!
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