
13 Reviews
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Blockbusters (2005)
Takes you back in time
16 May 2007
I had the chance to watch this in a theater a couple months ago. I really enjoyed it, but at times, it was predictable and cheesy. Though, all the credit in the world goes to the film makers, who put SO MUCH detail into the film, some of which probably cost them a lot of extra money.

While the first 8 minutes or so is good, it eventually gets too cheesy for its own good. I give it a 7 out of 10, mostly for the effort. GREAT directing, and mostly good acting. The comedy just seemed too forced and the story made it feel like i was watching a bad fan film, when really, the directing, cinematography and production design was superb.
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"You wrote that the world doesn't need a saviour, but every day I hear people crying for one. "
28 June 2006
Let me just say that it's good, its not mediocre or bad, but its surely good. Everyone i went with (i went to it with 25 people) seemed to have liked it more than i did, which was surprising.

The acting was one of the things i thought was top notch, not perfect like the 1978 and 1980 films. Brandon Routh effortlessly became Superman, he looks like Reeve, and sometimes even sounds like him. He was a bit young, but it was very easy to overlook. Kate Bosworth was a good Lois Lane, shes no Margot Kidder, but she was above average. I blame the writing of the character and how Singer directed her, but she was still good. As you would imagine, Kevin Spacey, while barely misses some of the great lines of Gene Hackman, has a wonderful time and does Lex Luthor extremely well. He has a lot of great lines, just for some reason, the magic of Hackman is missing, but can be easily excused. Sam Huntington does a great job as Jimmy Olsen and somehow catches a little magic that McClure just didn't catch, so for once, a cast improvement is made. The rest of the cast does their job well.

The action... not much of it. If you expecting Superman to fly around the whole movie tossing stuff around like a Spiderman or Batman film, you are mistaking. While there is enough action to keep everyone satisfied, and the special effects are top notch, the movie runs a bit long for the amount of action it actually has.

The comedy... thank goodness, the one thing i loved about Superman was the comedy. It's back and i loved it here. Singer was able to capture the light hearted side of the characters and really play with different situations. There is nothing that surpasses the Otis and Luthor arguments from the first films, but they come very close.

The story is great. Lots of twists and stuff you wouldn't expect.

So... what is wrong with this movie? What does it miss? It really dosen't miss anything at all. There is nothing bad in this movie... but i will tell you what harms the film the most. PACING. To my surprise, Singer seems to be the one that messed up a little much this time around. While everything he directed was top notch, the editing however was not. The film is top heavy, with great pacing in the first 2 acts mostly, the last act goes on too long and should have been edited differently. Don't get me wrong, the quality of it was good, but people were waiting for the ending to happen, and even with it did, nothing remarkable happened. The ending wasn't bad, it was a little disappointing thats all. It was underwhelming compared to the roller-coaster ride of a movie it was, though there is a little detail of the ending i will not reveal, but it made it kinda worth it.

Now... like i said... a lot of people i was with disagreed with me on this, but thats how i saw it. Everyone clapped for the ending, which surprised me, considering how much of a slow ending it was. It was a great movie, one of the best in a while, exceeds the quality of Lester's Superman II cut that we all love or hate, but never is able to surpass Donner's remarkable original film.

I give it 8 out of 10 stars. A great, fantastic, awesome film, but somehow does not meet the standard of the first Superman film.
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A great conclusion
19 May 2005
Just coming back from Revenge Of The Sith, i am sad to say its over, but the new film has a lot going for it. It was a roller-coaster ride. It matches up with Return Of The Jedi, i will have to see it again to find out if its indeed better.

Acting wise, Hayden does good in half of his scenes, others he is a little weak. Ian does awesome, his voice changing and odd lines i think are all intentional. He was so evil. Frank Oz voices Yoda well, and the fascial expressions match up with it. Ewan does a wonderful job again. Samuel L. Jackson is weak, and needed more scenes to further reintroduce his character. This film needs to be watched Back To Back immediately with Attack Of The Clones, in order for the character development to seem correct (and i watched them 28 hours apart, and it didn't seem like i knew Mace Windu).

The Battle sequences are awesome. The drama is very good and is only hurt a little by the weak acting.

You really understand why Anakin turns, and it seems so fitting. Very nice.

Go see this movie if you've seen 1 and 2. Its superb, and if you haven't seen them, watch them and go see this movie, its worth it.
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This is no film...
1 March 2004
This is not a film... calling it a film would be degrading it. This is a great piece of art and shoot be atleast nominated for Best Picture, and the fact that the people haven't voted this into the top 250 is beyond me. But by the time you read this review it might be in there.

The Passion is really monumental. It's only problem is the violence, just enough violence, but that would make it hard for alot of people to watch, thus, losing alot of its audience.

Even NON-Christian people will see this at as a good story. And the ending is not sad, it's actually a message of hope... see it for yourself... you will be willing to pay twice what you paid, i know i did.
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Penis (1997)
11 January 2004
This film was one of the most awesome films ever. The Script was solid, acting was frightingly good.

You would think not much would come from this film, but the story is great. 10 out of 10!
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Honey Glaze (2003 Video)
22 December 2003
I am overwhelmingly surprised at how good this film was.

It was no masterpiece that could win an oscar, but for a b-movie, it was great. The Comedy was Hollywood like as it was really funny. It is the best Legge movie i have seen and i bought the DVD of Honey Glaze because i liked it so much.

Great work on the film, i hope Legge brings out more movies as good as this one.

I went to the premiere of this and it was fun. The food was good.

If you like slapstick comedy, this Spy/Comedy is for you.

7 out of 10 stars!
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WCW Monday Nitro (1995–2001)
23 August 2003
I am sick of some of the stupid kids on here that say 'nWo was a RIPOFF of The DX'... If you were to make a valid point, make sure you look at the facts.

nWo was created in 1996... while DX was created in 1998 (I think), the matter of the fact is... nWo was atleast a year before the DX was made.

And for people that saw RAW is better, look at the crap the WWE Shovels at us now. I rather watch Nitro.

I bet all the people who said 'Watch RAW, Its the greatest Wrestling Show' dont even watch the show anymore. And dont blame it on the WCW part of the roster, cause its the WWE Writers, including Vince Mcmahon, who writes this stuff.

So, give WCW a break... It was run by AOL Time Warner, a huge conglomorate, while WWE was run by one man.

The WCW was great, as so was WWE. WCW was just the first one to have bad programming, but it wasn't as bad as the WWE crap today.
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A Classic... but...
12 July 2003
This movie is a classic. I still dont think this will be the most fun you will have at the movies this summer, despite what the commercials say.

Only see this movie if your a Big Goonies Fan or if you see movies often. Or if your a fan of the stars.

The movie is not worth it if you go to the theatures once a year and just see THIS movie. If you see 2 movies this summer, yeah, this should be one of them.

This might be the best movie of the summer, but it does not mean you should spend your time and money seeing it in the theatures.

Unlike some other films i have seen this Summer, i wasn't having that much fun while watching the movie in the theatures. For Kids, this might be a GREAT Ride, but it might be too hard to understand.

I actually think kids will like this film, so bring them to see it.
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Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven (2002 Video Game)
Scarface, GoodFella's, Godfather... Let me introduce the new member of the family...
24 April 2003
Grand Theft Auto 3 had a good storyline, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City had a great storyline, but this game has the BEST Storyline. The Ending is for some Predictable and for others unpredictable. Either way, Its a Brilliant Gangster Story that should be made into a real movie.

The Game is fun, its better than GTA 3 but not as good as Vice City. Very Good Graphics and very Realistic.

5 out of 5, one of the greatest of all time!
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The Best Selling Video Game Comes To Life!
29 April 2002
A Rather dissapointing movie based on the World Famous video game. At the time, it was still at a rising popularity. Over 50 Games featured these characters. Then in 1993, they were popular, but the movie should have waited.

I think a remake in the Future would work. The actors did good, the story was not like the original though. It was not Mario enough. They tried to fit it into the real world and they failed!

Other then that, it was not a bad movie. If you have not seen it, give it a look. I gave it a 6 out of 10 Stars!
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Magical And Exciting
14 April 2002
I just saw this movie last night. Great Movie, but i only gave it 8 out of 10 stars. It was Presented well, but the Plot really is not the Best Plot in the World. Anyways, it was a Good Movie. They extended it way too long but i understand why though. It was more like an Adventure/ Fairy Tale of Action and Myths. You will need a few views to understand it. Once you do, it will probably seem good.
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Not That Funny but Good Action
9 April 2002
Well, Its not Funny, if you are that "Stupid Comedy" Kind of person like me, you could make fun of it or laugh at it for how "Stupid" it is. Behind all that, Its actually a pretty good film, i am disappointed on the way the rest of the public took it. It has pretty good performances by Lloyd, Hogan, and others. I am a Big Wrestling Fan but i enjoyed this movie even before i was. Its a "typical" 80's film in the 90's. It is Funny for some people that are just looking for clean jokes. The Best Hulk Hogan Movie though, since he didn't give many good ones. I will give it a 6 out of 10 stars, but its still very good, so don't take the low ratings and don't rent it, its worth it. Its worth the few dollars. And its very funny at times, Any Star Wars fans would like it, it spoofs and connects with the movies in ways that are very funny. RENT IT! ITS WORTH IT!
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A Masterpeice
6 March 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This might not be the best movie of all time. It is my personal Favorite though. It had a excellent plot and was presented well. It seemed as if it was a long movie but it only lasted 1:47 Minutes! The Action was incredible. It is fast paced and after the incredible first film, the expense it great. I would tell anyone to rent it and give it a few veiws. It certainly is a great film. It did not catch all audiences like Star Wars or Titanic or Godfather. But it is the best Time Travel Film to date.

Marty Mcfly returns from his previous adventure only to meet Doc again the next morning to go to the year 2015 to save his future. He makes a mistake and buys a sports almanac and changes the future. Now he must return to 1955 to save the Future and get the almanac back from Biff without running into his other self.

I Didn't want to spoil the entire movie for you. Also, i would suggest you watch the first one first and as for a spoiler, theres a third one as well so you know its not over yet. Watch the 3rd one after as well. You wont regret it.
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