2 Reviews
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Not Your Typical War Movie
26 July 2023
First it must be stated that this in no way is a 'war movie' as most think of it. The only direct depiction of battle occurs in the beginning of the movie, and as others have said requires some background knowledge of the actual history to grasp what is being depicted. However, I found it striking (and others without the historical knowledge can do likewise) to think back on this scene after the architect describes the ship's purpose later in the movie. I have no idea how accurate the movie is in depicting the actual sentiment's of the architect, but regardless it struck me and made me rethink how I viewed the construction of the ship in question.

At this point it must also be said that the dubbing of the movie does it no favors (besides not requiring a fluency in Japanese to view). The dubbed voices of all figures accept Yamamoto seemed to me to often not reflect the sentiments of the action depicted, which does detract from the viewing experience. However, they do serve to make the movie understandable for non-Japanese speakers such as myself, and for that at least I am grateful. I'm not sure if it is possible to watch the movie in Japanese but simply with English subtitles, but it is something to look into if you find the dubbing too jarring to watch the movie otherwise.

Returning to the rest of the movie, it follows the discussion of how the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) planned to expand during the 1930s, when war with the world was not yet actuality, but could be seen on the horizon. It therefore closely examines (with a background of the internal politics of the Japanese armed forces) the debate over two potential paths of expansion, and the costs behind each one. Cue the wiz-kid with a knack for numbers, called in to question the expected costs of one of the plans. And here is where the viewer intent on a stereotypical war movie will lose interest; but for those who continue watching, they will likely leave with a much greater appreciation for all of the abstract mathematical concepts they suffered through in school (I know I for one left seeing much better the usefulness of optimization and regression than when I began). This is a war movie that considers the intellectual backing of the effort, whether that be calculations, counterintelligence, or even how to effectively utilize (or counter if need be) the underpinnings of a nation at war; and that is not something with a terribly large audience of interest. But for those interested in such things, I found the movie a terrific watch.
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Ignore the Negativity
4 July 2023
Personally, I don't understand the widespread displeasure this movie seems to have caused. Indiana is back, and facing his favorite bad guys, creating a new trilogy of movies fighting Nazis. While I have no issue with slower paced movies, I never felt like some apparently do that the movie dragged along, or that some scenes were stretched past their proper lengths. I enjoyed the historical aspects of the original trilogy (and the spinoff Young Indiana films) more than the occult and alien, so I recognize this bias as regards the plot of the movie. Regardless, the plot holds together as well as any of the original trilogy, and while the opening shots are rather dark to cover the CGI required, I found the movie as a whole enjoyable, and the end a good callback and send off for Indiana. If you enjoyed the previous films, I see no reason why you shouldn't see this one; while the humor falls short of that of the previous films, it remains a fun summer blockbuster.
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