
3 Reviews
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The Lodge (2019)
Far better then Hereditary
21 December 2023
From the very beginning this film imediatly catches the attention of the viewer. With the beautiful cinematography work and the sound effects this film had a creepy and unsettling aura around even the most mundane of scenes. The story was told perfectly with just enough suspense and intrigue in each of their shots to keep the film flowing. There wasn't a single time that I was bored or distracted because of how attention grabbing this film is. The actors, especially Lia McHugh, did an excellent job portraying the distress and fear of their respective characters. I would highly highly recommend to all horror fans, I even though it was better then the crowd favorite Hereditary.
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You should watch it but don't expect much
19 December 2023
The series starts off incredibly slow. I wanted to quit this series by the first episode. Carol is boring and her life is depressing, there was honestly nothing uplifting about the first episode. I was even a little frustrated with how many more exciting possibilities there could have been in this universe while still accentuating the emotional tole on the characters. That being said I did start to find the charm in this dreary world by episode three. There is a kind of confrontation that the viewer receives when faced with the melancholy outlooks of the main characters. However, the writers ruin that confrontation in the inconsistency of their characters. There is almost no growth in this entire show and there is often times where character growth isn't shown, but the characters still act as if they have totally changed their personality and perspective on things. This is especially true in the jump of Carols personality from episode 7 to 9. Intact episode 9 was probably my least favorite of the episodes besides the pilot.

Now, without spoiling anything, there was some interesting questions and plot points the show introduced in episodes 2-3 and are not only not developed throughout the season but completely forgotten until the final episode. Even then the final episode doesn't fully answer the questions or mysteries that sparked from the first few episodes. With that said, episode 10 was a well structured and uplifting ending to what the show wanted to portray, the impending doom and emotional strain of the end of the world. There was a sense of humanity and life in the mundane that was beautifully articulated through this episode. If that had been exhibited through the show then this would have been a unique and beautiful insight into the raw reality of loss and death.

To summarize, while the whole of the show was disappointing and somewhat boring but there is something to gain form watching it. Keep your expectations low but your mind open.
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Interesting but slow
18 December 2023
I can defiantly appreciate the animation and time put into this film. I think the choice to use a drawn wolf overtop the "real" wolf was a great and unique choice that applied to the messages and concepts of the film. That being said this short should have been much shorter. I felt that there where many unnecessary scenes that provided nothing to the story. It was almost as if the animator had added extra visuals just because they felt like animating more scenes. It was as if the animator didn't trust the audience enough to imply anything, instead they showed you each tiny little action or interaction. I think you should give this film a watch for the visual interest, but don't have high expectations.
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