3 Reviews
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overall a good movie
27 May 2024
I was actually talking into watching this and honestly expected to die of boredom as I don't watch kids cartoons these days. Instead this movie kept me invested in it pretty much all the way through. Garfield's personality in this movie felt just like the good old lazy cat that we all know. The voice of Garfield is my only complaint, I was a little put off at first because of how different he sounds compared to the classic voice. But with that out of the way, this movie is quite fun and has some touching moments. It felt good to get a backstory to Garfield and how he came to be. Does this movie have any rewatchability? Maybe, but I don't really think I'll watch it again. Considering I was talked into watching this and thought I would be bored out of my mind watching it, it exceeded my expectations!.
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My Big Big Friend (2011–2014)
good show
22 May 2023
Its unfair that the two other reviews are bashing the show for having one bad episode, meanwhile they probably watch or let they're kids watch spongebob which is full of bad episodes btw much worse than this show but anyways this show actually had some great lessons and great episodes yes lilly was a snob and had very little to no redeeming qualities but that's not a reason to bash the show when again loud house has lola and lori and lynn. I liked the show and it has a surprising amount of nostalgia to me even though I was a bit above the age target. It's a shame it got cancelled but that's life nothing I can do but move on.
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90 Day Fiancé (2014– )
22 May 2023
Every single contestant is superficial and hypocritical and the audience members at the gatherings or whatever its called are just as bad they laughed at the guy who believed in aliens like they're beliefs aren't just as ridiculous it's sad really. Larissa, Ed, angie, syngin, etc etc they all make my blood boil, and even the hostess annoys me like I don't think there's a single person I've ever seen on the show that i like I've seen plenty of reality tv shows and i've definitely liked at least one person out of the bad bunch but 90 day fiance is a completely different story and by far the worst character that ever went on the show was angie hands down.
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