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Cringe!!! Skip this one
2 September 2024
I was wondering why the movie has such good reviews. I didn't read the book but I have to say, that I didn't enjoy the movie. It was so bad - and I was ashamed for the characters the whole time. So many things that happened are super unrealistic and senseless! It could've been a way better movie if they just made it more realistic and less cringe. The two main characters have no depth and I feel like there's no chemistry between them, because the whole movie just feels forced. I'm sorry for the actors, because this movie was so bad. If you're looking for a good romcom - skip this movie! It's not worth your time.
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10 February 2024
What the hell. Even if I ignore that this movie has nothing to do with the books at all - the whole movie is just super fast paced, the characters have literally zero sympathy and relations with each other. Yes the visuals are very pretty, but that doesn't change the REALLY BAD PLOT. Like, sorry, but if I hadn't read the books I'd only be confused - and even now I was like wtf did just happen??? And not in a good way. This could've been so good, but damn, they really did the books dirty. Baddest storyline ever. Can't recommend, please don't watch - it's just a waste of time and will leave you completely annoyed.
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Divergent (2014)
Can't understand the bad reviews
20 November 2023
I'm really surprised by the bad reviews. It seems that most of them have an issue with the dystopian world, but I'm wondering why would they watch a dystopian movie if they don't like these kind of things? I think it's not a combination of other dystopian books, because the only thing similar is the dark future, but otherwise I don't see any real similarities to hunger games. This movie is one of my all time favorites. I think it's a really good movie based on the book, not like others and the next parts of it, that don't have much in common with the book anymore. Also I loved the soundtrack, acting, cast and thought they portrayed everything as good as possible. I can absolutely recommend this movie, but won't recommend part 3 in anyway - since it's completely stupid. To the haters: maybe don't watch a movie genre that you're not into?
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Loki: Glorious Purpose (2023)
Season 2, Episode 6
Amazing but I'll miss Loki!
13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Damn, this was just amazing. The whole season was just a solid 10/10. Everyone acted so good, there's nothing to compare. I know the ending is just really good and an amazing plot, but if we don't see anymore of Loki my heart will ache. He's my absolute favourite character and he also changed for the better. So proud of what he's become, but he'll be missed. Maybe they're doing something else with him, but at the moment it doesn't seem like it.

I only see an issue with keeping kang the conquerer as the main villain, since his actor seems to be problematic, but maybe they'll find a solution for the kang problem.

But the whole series was a masterpiece and every single actor portrayed their role perfectly.

Thanks to marvel and tom hiddleston for giving us Loki! Hoping for more :)
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Black Mirror: Loch Henry (2023)
Season 6, Episode 2
Definitively a black mirror episode!
16 July 2023
I think most of the reviewer don't get the point of black mirror - yes this isn't about a dystopian future and new technical system. But black mirror is called black mirror, because it's supposed to show what's wrong within our society. It's supposed to mirror the bad things. This episode showed that we, as a society, use people for the stories of their tragedies and don't care about what's beneath the surface. I think this episode is brilliant and the ones that said it's not black mirror, don't get the series at all. There were more episodes without dystopian technical futures (ex.: shut up & dance)
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