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Not even hate, just apathy
7 June 2024
"Hey kids, do you want a version of Garfield that's completely devoid of the character's lovable sarcasm and wit, is so bland that makes The Minions seem like His Dark Materials, has a father plotline for some reason and tries and fails to appeal to modern sensibilities?"

If your answer to the above is yes, more power to you. But you should know that animation for kids doesn't deserve this, it deserves much better and a lot more respect.

This is the future Pixar wants!

The animation is semi-stylised at least, though nowhere near the heights of some like Spider-Verse.

Overall, don't go see it.
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A good "reboot"
1 June 2024
Fairly Odd Parents has been with me for a long time, and while I dipped out before the latter season rotted I still went here with a bit of apprehension.

Imagine, then, my surprise when this series revealed itself to be actually good.

Sure, it lacks the cynicism early Odd Parents had, and the wishes aren't quite as bombastic. However, the lighter tone is managed well without becoming too saccharine, and Cosmo and Wanda are allowed to be their original characters instead of defaulting to "silly men, serious woman" the original series fell into.

Animation wise its great. It's CGI but stylised as to fit the original character designs, not outright painted but with similar framing to the 2D original series.

Overall a good delight.
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Charming and Post-Modern
30 May 2024
Chicken for Linda is a story of guilt and seeking forgiveness... by cooking a special dish even when you don't know how to cook.

Visually, the art's gorgeous. It's very simplistic, with human characters usually monochrome, but done in vibrant colours rather than grays, and the style evokes a living painting, down to seeming stroke lines. It makes for an interesting cinematic experience.

The characters are all endearing and you can tell this movie was done with a lot of heart. The aforementioned conflict mentoned above is done seriously despiste the seemingly silly solution, and there is trouble brewing the background, to not spoil things to much.

Overall a solid recommendation.
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Cats Don't Dance mixed with MLP
18 May 2024
Thelma the Unicorn is about Thelma, a pony who dreams to be a singing star alongside her band. After an incident with ink, she's mistaken for a unicorn, and the plot runs with her journey of self-discovery and stardom.

The animation is rather interesting because for a movie with a whimsical premise it has rather caricaturesque character designs. This helps to sell that, despiste the protagonist being a pony, this isn't a standard MLP-esque fare, though little girls can learn a lot from this film.

Also, a narwhal villain is quite original.

Overall, a strong recommendation, particularly if you're into stardom plots.
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Chang An (2023)
A worthy effort
17 May 2024
Chang An is yet another historical Chinese animated film, and although there is some lionization of the Tang Dynasty, it is refreshingly portrayed as flawed. Not so much for the "Tubo" (Tibetan) army, which are portrayed as cackling villains, but oh well.

The story focuses mostly on the life of Li Bai, which is portrayed as quite exccentric, leading to some levity for the film. We see his rise from merchant's son to one of history's most celebrated poets.

The animation is standard CGI, somewhere between photorealistic and stylized enough that the main characters don't fall into the uncanny valley. In fact, the rather cartoonish designs often clash with the more violent massacre scenes in the movie.

Overall a historical curiosity.
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A modern classic
12 May 2024
This movie is a masterpiece. Visually speaking, the animation is gorgeous and reminds one of Cartoon Saloon's films, and much like Wolfwalkers it deals with the themes of colonialism and nature. Only instead of taking place in the past, it takes place in the present as a group of activists try to stop pipelines being built, drawing strength from oral traditions.

In these oral traditions, the Coyote naturally takes center stage. While some critics have seen the portrayal of Coyote as too negative, in some cultures he is indeed an "evil" figure, and some of the stories like 'Coyote and the Wasichu' are indeed taken from real oral traditions. The fact that coyote has four lives like a cat is a film invention though. I speculate in part why the Coyote is used as a main antagonist is that more overt symbols of human evil in Native American stories, like wendigos and skin-walkers, are taboo and he's not.

Overall, check out this movie. It will truly humble you.
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Mars Express (2023)
French Cyberpunk at its finest
10 May 2024
At first glance, Mars Express may seem like Blade Runner, having a similar premise, and indeed it homages previous cyberpunk stories, like one scene bringing to mind the Million Machine March from the Animatrix. However, it manages to be a fresh intro into this genre.

Great help in this department is the animation, which is almost infrographical in nature. There are surreal mental scenes, but some robots designs are appear in down to earth scenes as well, like the cat robot at the beginning.

Overall, a creative, imaginative science fiction world full of bright aesthetics and clever themes and motifs.
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Monsters at Work (2021– )
A worthy follow up
8 May 2024
Monsters Inc kinda of warranted an exploration into its worldbuilding, and we get that in this sequel series. We see what makes the machinery tick, and in season two we see an outright culture war between laughter and fear power. Overall, good worlbuilding drawing strong parallels with our own energy crisis.

The animation is serviceable for the most part, but gets really weird when it comes to hair. Most new characters have naturally looking fuzz, but Sulley's hair sticks out like a sore thumb. I wish they fixed that because it looks really distracting. Of course there's plenty of characters that are scaly or have fins instead of hair, but a number of monsters are fuzzy so Sulley's britstles look all the more baffling.

Overall, a solid recommendation.
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Dead Boy Detectives (2024– )
27 April 2024
Netflix blesses us with another Vertigo adaptation and just like last time they do not disappoint. Loosely adapting the first arc, this series otherwise creates a brand new plot while feeling like the comics continuity. The characters are on point and the ones introduced are whimseical much like any Vertigo character.

The opening is highly amusing and I never skip it. The show does uses traditional animation for one scene and it's positively lovely. Otherwise, the live action and CGI special effects are as good as the show's budget could provide, which is impressive by itself. The set design is chef's kiss.

Highly recommend this series.
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Obnoxious and missing the point
15 April 2024
If I had a nickel for everytime a movie based on Don Quixote was released in the 2020's... I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it'd be weird that it happened twice.

Overall, this movie is not pleasing to the eyes, having a CGI style with unflattering character designs; the fact that the 2D concept art in the credits is so lively only makes this a bigger sin. If it has one redeeming quality, it's the depiction of Spain's mountains, which look gorgeous.

Some odd creative decisions include having the Panzas be scientists, one of the henchmen having a weirdly swolen neck, three imaginary rabbits that have no impact in the plot and a jittery rate frame that makes movements look bizarre and unnatural.

The villain is a generic cliché and the story doesn't seem consistent with how ruthless he is given a scene I won't spoil. This movie has an environmentalist message, though it's also anti-gentrification so kudos I guess.

Overall a disjointed mess.
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10 Lives (2024)
All Dogs Go To Heaven + Rover Dangerfield
12 April 2024
This movie is about as generic as a CGI animated film can be (the poster is highly misleading by the way, since it's in 2D). The main character self-narrates, sometimes as a voice and sometimes as the character himself in the story, which is a choice I guess. Overall, Beckett is fairly unlikeable, being that kind of protagonist that has to go through a lesson.

On the plus side, it truly shows the wonders in cat ownership, and the bee preservation plot is fairly original and commendable since this is a serious issue. On the other hand, it leads to a rather predictable plot twist villain.

Overall, decent.
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Twende (2023– )
A fun series
11 April 2024
South African animation continues to thrive with this series, which is also a British co-production. Although it seems like a kindergarten show at first glance with it's bright 2D animation style and rounded character designs, the series is actually pretty witty. It has quite dark jokes (such as the boss's dealing with loansharks in the first episode) and the pacing is amazing. It truly knows how to foreshadow jokes and know when a gag overstays its welcome.

The main character is a pangolin, quite an underrepresented species in animation, and gags revolving him often allude to the animal's actual traits. In general, the show does a good job of illustrating rarely seen animal species.

A must watch.
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Fright Krewe (2023– )
The horror animation for children we deserve
5 April 2024
Fright Krewe is one of Dreamworks' less talked about shows and it's a damn shame. Taking a page from Goosebumps and other horror aimed at children, ths show is atmospheric, creepy and not afraid to show blood and violence, while still remaining sufficiently light-hearted. It really feels like a young adult novel being translated into animation, barring some of the more childish dialogue from Stanley.

The show is truly an homage to New Orleans folklore and to Voudoun religion. The idea of the protagonists having powers granted from the loa isn't just a gimmick; there are episodes where actual religious practises are on display to call upon their powers. And of course there are a ton of obscure monsters that don't even have wiki pages.

Overall a fun ride across two seasons.
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The Inventor (2023)
Unafraid to delve
30 March 2024
Showcasing the later years of Da Vinci's life - a period that is relatively poorly known and ample for speculation - this movie is an honest attempt to be historically accurate while still being enjoyable for kids. It is definitely not afraid to handle mature topics, like religion being used for power or Leonardo dissecting and procuring corpses. One can argue this makes a somewhat tonally deaf movie, but it is well paced and written enough that it operates on the adult and juvenile with seamless ease.

The animation is a wonderously charming stop motion, with 2D elements for Da Vinci's schemata and diagrams. A definite recommendation on my part.
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Iwájú (2024)
Afrofuturism and child-friendly cyberpunk
24 March 2024
Whereas Kikzazi Moto did explore a few dystopian scenarios, Iwaju as an afrofuturist work takes a very real problem, that of class divide, and makes it a core theme in the series. With even the protagonist's father having prejudices and the main villain the result of unfairness and poverty, there is a layer of cyberpunk-esque moral gray area which deeply enriches the series, though of course it is still mostly child friendly.

The animation is where Iwaju struggles a little. It is your classic Disney/Pixar CGI, and would be rather bland if now for the vibrant cultural motifs. I also do like that some characters speak native languages without being translated.

Overall a must watch.
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Daunting anthology
24 March 2024
Variously translated as "Chinese Folktales" or "Chinese Bizarreries", this series is an animated anthology with eight episodes currently availiable. Essentially, this is the Chinese equivalent to Love, Death and Robots, except more tilted to the fantasy side of things.

The animation is sublime, ranging across the spectrum from Disneyesque 2D to abstract styles in 2D and CGI. The plots naturally vary wildely from each other, but they are closely tied to Chinese cultural identity, some shorts even being spin-offs of The Journey to the West.

Overall a stellar recommendation if you enjoy animation and Chinese culture.
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A good adaptation
23 March 2024
As someone who hasn't played the games, this show does a good job setting up the mistery of the setting as well as establish it's main players. Flashbacks are abundant, fleshing out the main characters, and they do give them a lot of depth as well as interesting tidbits into history. For instance the main character is Aboriginal, a rarity in animated media, and we do get to see her struggles with racist Australians in one episode. Similarly, another character is Native American, and we see quite a tragic backstory.

Where this show sometimes falters is in mood whiplash. Since the game had dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures, there are three as pets, which don't quite act as comic relief as somehow making the story more cutesy, which constrasts heavily against the gore and mature themes. They are also largely plot irrelevant, with the exception of the Parasaurolophus.

The animation is okay, with amazing fighting coreography.

Overall I say give this series a watch, whereas you like background prehistoric animals (plenty besides dinosaurs) or are just in for the human drama.
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Bit rushed but emotionally strong
16 March 2024
This is an adaptation of a book by the same name, but it has little to do with that, having its own original story. I suspect this was done to compete with Monster High, since on a surface level both works are similar, being set in a school for supernatural beings and having gothic main characters.

However, that is only skin deep. While Monster High and co are no strangers to maturity, this series is on a whole another level. It particularly tackles with the themes of discrimination and persecution with disturbing glee, being rather accurate to the experiences of targetted minorities even if the actual targets have no real life analogues.

Unfortunately, the show gets a bit rushed towards the end, and leaves way too many threads unanswerred, considering this is the only season.

But overall, I recommend it.
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Madame Web (2024)
Clunky but fine
9 March 2024
Madame Web is an interesting attempt to give an obscure Marvel character the spotlight. She is usually relegated to the role as a supporting character, and so the efforts to make her a protagonist are interesting. She's flawed, she's intelligent, making for an unconventional action protagonist that relies on her mind over raw power.

Where the movie fails is mostly in regards to its exposition, with unnatural conversations early on. Some shots are also jittery, this experimention clearly not paying off. Still, the story and the characters by themselves hold the movie up.

Overall, a recommendation, especially if you're a Marvel fan.
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Aesthetic and just that
7 March 2024
This is an adaptation of Ramakien. To wit, it follows it's basic plot with accomodations for its sci-fi setting. However, the pacing and characterisation suffer considerably, making this rather shallow if you're not familiar with the epic, not helped by how some characters are reduced to archetypes.

The strength off this movie is its animation, which is a painted CGI style alongside animesque character designs. The sci-fi setting itself loans a lot from Thay cultural motifs and Hindu mythology, so if you're in for a fictional world based off Southeast Asian cultures you're in for a treat.

Overall, a decent but flawed effort.
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Megamind Rules! (2024– )
Less Excruciating but stilll painful
2 March 2024
Continuing where Megamind vs The Doom Syndicate left off, this series has much the same problems as that sequel. Being largely episodic, it does nonetheless follow a plot thread debuting in that movie, that still runs counter to the original movie's plot.

Some of the jokes admitely hit better, but for the most part the humor is still the same, largely juvenile and devoid of the wit of the original. The sole redeeming character, Nighty-Knight, has less secreentime and edgy quips, so that sucks. And there is a strange lack of romance between Megamind and Roxanne, despiste even being addressed in one episode.

Again, a must NOT watch.
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Excruciatingly painful
2 March 2024
Megamind was a suberb masterpiece of wit and good characterisation. This sequel has none of that, instead resorting to highly juvenile jokes, a frankly forced arc of Megamind not regarding Minion (oh, sorry, Ol'Chum) as his sidekick, and a slew of new characters that don't make sense canonically. Hey, remember when Megamind was the head of a supervillain syndicate in the original movie? Sure would have saved him the trouble of creating Tighten!

The only saving grace is Nighty-Knight. You have this ridiculously idiotic edgelord with shadow powers and the movie is well aware of that. Kinda of funny sine this came right after Orion and the Dark, where darkness was portrayed more positively.

A pointed must NOT watch.
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The Legend of Korra (2012–2014)
It's been ten years
26 February 2024
When The Legend of Korra first aired, I loved it. It was an action series with stellar animation set in a world inspired by Asian cultures, combining fantasy with advanced technology. What's not to love?

To this day, my opinion largely remains the same, I love it so dearly it's even inspired my personal projects. However, I'm not blind to the flaws of the show, which it has a few:

  • Although the idea of political villains was fresh and amazing, it ends up feeling very centrist. True, Korra learns from each villain and tries to address their issues, but it gives off the impression that extremism is wrong and that one should be "balanced" politically, which suffice to say it's not a good lesson.

  • The show suffers from pacing issues, due to Nickelodeon's messing with the seasons, first ordering one then two then four then gutting the fourth of one episode. This makes this Team Avatar feel less like a family than the previous one, but they are still likeable and have distinct personalities.

  • The modernisation is neat, but I wish they didn't take as many western cues. Advanced societies can still retain their traditional clothing, you know.

Even with these in mind, the show is still a solid masterpiece, and it will always have a place in my heart.
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A successor to Tuca and Bertie?
24 February 2024
This series focuses on two main female scientists, Dr. Sleech and Dr. Klak, operating on all manner of surreal experiments and sci-fi nonsense.

This series as a whole reminds me a lot of Tuca and Bertie, down the similar dynamics between the more hedonistic Sleech and the more neurotic Klak. Klak in particular is very relatable to me, as the series explores her anxiety nd turbulent relationships with her loved ones because of it.

The animation is fine. Not groundbreaking, gets the job done. The humor can occasionally be funny, but the series is more interested in being a drama, in spite of all the wacky sci-fi things going on.

Overall I recommend it.
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Psi Cops (2023– )
A spiritual successor to Xavier: Renegade Angel
19 February 2024
Where to even begin with this show?

This series focuses on a pair of paranormal detectives who have to be the most chaotic neutral characters to ever be created. They are the vectors through which this show establishes it's comedy: very fast paced, with enormously nonsensical jokes. You literally cannot predict where this goes.

In many regards, I find it similar to Xavier: Renegade Angel. It too is a fast paced, surrealist work, only mocking paranormal detective shows rather than new age stuff.

Uniquely, this show has actual continuity, which elevates some of its jokes further. Even then, the absurd nonsense is the main appeal. And, well, the main characters are hot.
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