
4 Reviews
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Abigail (2024)
This movie ,surprised me in good way.
8 May 2024
Just watched it.

Actually would rate it at 7 to 7.5.

Not spoiling saying kidnappers grab a 12 year old, then finds out she has pointy teeth.

And thought just that ....from watching the trailer,would be enough to watch....if well done would have rated it a solid 5.

{ Just to get this out of the way...My opinion , Zero bad CGI/special effects}

Unlike other ''horror'' movies that start too slow or too fast, this movie keeps a constant, interesting speed.

Oop's. Sounding like trying to being an '' Actual movie critic'' So try this instead....

Yes, a horror movie, plenty of slightly/scary stuff, but a well written story intertwined in it.

And a small, yet sweet twist in the 3rd act.

The girl (playing a 12 year old vampire) pulled off being an innocent victim in the first act well... But when ....won't detail,...just in a cage...the persona change from there on out...Amazingly convincing......

And that is when both the story and the action ramps up ,both fast well written......

Read all the previous reviews...and respect their opinions.

IMHO...Well worth a watch.
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ohh. tried soo hard to like this.
31 December 2023
Betting an ''Indie'' movie.

Found many of those over the years that I liked.

Unfortunately...not this one.

Huge fan of of ''Found footage'' movies, even many low budget ones.

Steal from BLAIR WITCH a little, no problem... but this movie, IMHO, too weak to watch.

Not a scary part in it.

Camping in the woods/check Running from ''scary sounds''/check....but no sounds were scary.

Scenes showing the female scary thing... not scary.

Just a lot of shaky cam running in the woods at night.

Again, and just my personal opinion...not worth a watch.

That said ,KUDO'S to the man that made it.. Although not a fan of this movie, saw a few sparks in it that showed ya should try again.

To others looking for,IMHO, a good, underrated, thinking found footage movie, might wanna look up Willow Creek.

There is a 10 minute+ scene with the couple in the tent,that actually made my arm hairs stand up!
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The Prodigy (2019)
Actually , kinda liked this....a 1 time watch movie.
31 December 2023
Not gonna add any spoilers...and it won't scare the pants off ya ,but has a good creep factor to it.

Mostly because of the kid.

The story is just good enough, the actors very convincing...but that damn kid pulls it off.

Creepy as hell...Played his part well.

Can't really go into details ,because don't want to post spoilers...but not a ''demon possessing a kid movie''.

That said , it went down a ''slightly'' different path. That path worked for me.

Rated it at 4 stars cause rarely consider a movie that relates below 4.

Again, not a great movie , but worth watching late at night, with the lights off.
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This movie surpise me after reading the negative reviews
16 July 2023
True, more a thriller than a horror film,(no zombies or but...well worth watching.

Saw another reviewer said ''after 20 minutes , so predictable'' he quit watching....... Damn near took his advice ,glad I DIDN'T.

The trailer comes across like countless movies about stumbling into some nut job family , nope a better story.

A few good twists to it.

Pacing is perfect, Begin's telling ya just enough about the characters to make ya think ya know them , then the story steadily increases in detail,action and twists.

As far as acting and writing goes..Everyone convincing , story line kept me pulled in till the end.

{Huge Kudos to the woman that played the ''MOM''} --------------------------------------------------------------------- IMHO There are movies well worth watching ,but only once. Because the twists.

This movie is worth a watch.
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