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The Skydivers (1963)
Bombs away!
10 June 2004
Little could directors like Coleman Francis, Roger Corman, and Hal Warren imagine that their catastrophic pieces of celluloid excrement would, one day, bring so much joy to future generations. With the help of Mike, Joel, and a couple of robots, of course. Make no mistake, "Skydivers", along with "Plan 9 From Outer Space", "Manos, the Hands of Fate", etc... represents film-making at its lowest level. Lousy directing, flimsy storyline, complete lack of character development, crappy lighting, botched sound, laughable continuity, and, what might be the worst acting I've ever seen all make for a uniquely surreal experience.

While on the subject of acting, I, and other reviewers, are not kidding when we say that every actor seems to be reading from cue cards. After enduring "Skydivers", I immediately watched another MST3K masterpiece, "Sidehackers". As bad as "Sidehackers" was, Ross Hagen (Rommel, "I read your book, you magnificent S.O.B.!") was Laurence Olivier compared to Anthony Cardoza. So, in its raw form, I would highly recommend avoiding this hack job at all costs. However, if you're a fan of MST3K, this is actually one of the best episodes I've seen.
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Arnold (1973)
A "PG" comedy?
25 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
**some spoilers**

My parents took me to see this movie when I was 6 and it seriously freaked me out for many years to come - especially the shower squishing scene. At that age, I certainly didn't recall anything funny about the film. After a 30 year hiatus, I watched it again last week and, though I did laugh out loud in a few spots, I would hardly call it a comedy. Granted, the whole wedding sequence was hilarious - especially the performance by Victor Buono (the minister). But the rest of the movie was just a game of which selfish, unlikable, poorly developed character would get killed off next and in what gruesome fashion they'd meet their end - basically just an exercise in sadism. This pattern reminded me a lot of "Final Destination 2", though at least that film had something resembling a likable character here and there. (even if only 2-dimensional) Maybe there's a generation gap at work here, or maybe I just don't like English humor as much as I thought I did. Either way, "Heathers" and "Dr. Strangelove" will always be the apex of dark comedies in my book to which all others are compared - and "Arnold" falls way short.
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Started strong, but fizzled.
4 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
***Some spoilers***

I rented it because Ebert and Roeper gave it two thumbs up, but I've yet to figure out why. I thought the opening sequences went well and found the acting to be above par for the next generation crew. The conflict within the Romulan empire also gave promise of some interesting plot developments, but then, just when things were getting interesting, everything bogged down into one long talk-fest surrounding Picard and goofy-clone-guy. Sorry, but I found the whole link between Picard and his nemesis to be veeeeery contrived. (and BORING.) The only connection I could believe in was that they shared the same barber. And all of this trying to out-think each other was a little too reminiscent of "Wrath of Kahn" which, in my opinion, was a far better film.

Then, of course, we have the thrilling and completely ridiculous action sequence at the end where the Boobyprize has no shields nor power left and the enemy ship is about to toast the good guys, BUT the butthead's weapon system takes a wonderfully convenient 7 minutes to deploy - juuuust enough time for Picard to beam over with the last little itsy bit of transporter power (and the transporter blows up right after he leaves), then, after a fierce Rambo-style melee that would make Captain Kirk proud, Picard and Data destroy the weapon (and ship), literally, at the last second. Need I mention that, in the meantime, the script writers have managed to place just enough distance between the Enterprise and the enemy ship to keep the good guys from blowing up, too? In Galaxy Quest, these plot devices were funny, but in the Star Trek series they're really getting tedious.

"Generations" continues to be my favorite new generation flick and was a ton more enjoyable to watch than this poop. 4/10.
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More wonderful Hollywood b.s. morality
30 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, technically the movie was well filmed and had some lovely cinematography, but it was also obviously written to tug on the heartstrings of those viewers easily given to sentimental mush.

***Spoiler to follow***

My biggest beef is with the story, itself, and the message it gives. Here we have a middle-aged bored housewife who's going through a midlife crisis and longs for some excitement. So what else is new? I'm middle-aged and I'd like some excitement, too, please. Enter our rugged traveling photographer, Clint Eastwood, and, a few screws later, our housefrau has now found the love of her eternal life????? Of course she's horny for him: he's exciting, adventurous, a deep-thinker, poetic - but very selfish and crappy family material. Meanwhile, her devoted husband of umpteen years, who is not abusive in any way and has stood by her through thick and thin takes the back seat because he's...well, boring. As a married man of 10 years with 2 children, I guess this gives me free license to dump my wife and kids if I suddenly wake up one morning and find them tedious in comparison to some hot new chick that really turns me on. It also makes me feel really good to know that, right now, my wife is probably fantasizing about dumping me for some rugged, exciting, outdoorsy type.

This is basically another Jack and Rose Titanic situation, where the audience is deliberately kept from the reality of what would happen if these two shmucks really did get together. Namely, Clint would dump Meryl when he got tired of having sex with her or Meryl would dump Clint when she finally figured out what a twit he was. Well, it's nice to know that they will be stuck with each other for eternity - under a bridge of Madison County.
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The Ring (2002)
Best scary movie in a LONG time.
21 May 2003
Buuut, it's obviously not for everyone. I thought "The Ring" was extremely well made, with great pacing, acting, cinematography, characters, and a suberbly creepy soundtrack. My wife and son were so freaked out by it that they refuse to even be in the room when I watch it - but, then we all have very active imaginations. My brother, on the other hand, and two of the people I work with could not get into it and were not scared in the least, so to each his own. I think the key word with this film is "subtlety". If you like horror/suspense movies that scare you with the subtle things you can't see, then "The Ring" excels. If you want some knife-wielding maniac to jump out at you every 10 minutes, then you will probably be bored and underwhelmed. As far as the "holes" in the plot, several explanitory scenes were cut from the final film because they disrupted the flow. I still think the movie worked just fine leaving some things unexplained.
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Only A.D.D. sufferers can follow it.
21 May 2003
Seriously, how could anyone sit through this thing? After 5 minutes of this amphetamine-edited nonsense, I had a splitting headache. This movie could not sit still for one scene to let me catch up to what was going on. Not that I cared, anyway. No one in the film got a chance to even finish a song without the director jumping in and out of it like some hyperactive 3-year old child. Completely unwatchable.
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Some campy fun to be had here.
21 May 2003
First off, the lead, Brad Dourif is a KOOK. If you're trying to take this movie seriously, then, I guarantee he's going to ruin it for you. If you don't take him too seriously, then he's actually kind of fun to watch. As with another reviewer, I loved the scene where Lisa (Cynthia Bain) and Dourif are declaring their love for each other - in between dodging the jets of flame shooting out of his arm in the car. Another great campy scene was watching John Landis as a snotty radio show producer getting toasted and flailing around the room. In fact, I found the last 15 minutes of the movie to be a non-stop laugh-riot - I'm just not sure if Tobe Hooper meant it to be that way.
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Hometown Boy Makes Good (1990 TV Movie)
Hometown Boy Makes SoSo
21 May 2003
Not a bad movie, "Hometown Boy" does have a certain endearing quality, with solid acting and direction. Anthony Edwards plays his typical geeky self in a benign story that predictably gets his character (Boyd Geary) in over his head. I thought the ending was even a little poignant and sweet, but the movie did lack something key. I think it had to do with the humor - or lack thereof. Several scenes that were supposed to add some comedy fell flat and kept "Hometown Boy" from being anything more than a passably enjoyable little film.
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Swim Team (1979)
Where's Bruce from "Jaws" when you need him?
21 May 2003
Oh, MAN! I had forgotten that they made movies this bad in the 70's. Retarded plot. Retarded acting. Monumentally stupid love interests. Plus, some of the lamest attempts at humor I've ever seen. I lost count after about 50 or so of the number of scenes in which some dufus falling into water was supposed to get laughs. Seriously, I'm not kidding when I say that the level of sophistication of the comedy in this film insults 5-year-old's. Combine all this with a soundtrack to vomit to and, please, won't some nice shark out there eat all these twits?
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