13 Reviews
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Hanging on...
17 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What a finale!!

Hilarious, heartwrenching, shocking, all of the above!

A wonderfully written and great performance as Stede's wife Mary, make her such a sympathetic character I find myself rooting for her despite my love of Stede. A great take on the whole 'ex wife' trope.

Ed's story is heartbreaking. The guy just wants to be himself but the pressure put upon him to continue to be Blackbeard are immense.

By the end of this episode I had really fallen for all the crew, and desperately miss them in the between seasons stage. I cannot wait to see them again soon and see what season 2 has in store for us!
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Our Flag Means Death: Act of Grace (2022)
Season 1, Episode 9
17 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What an episode!!

Incredible performances from all involved, but Darby and Waititi showing that they have just as good dramatic chops as they do for comedy!

Stede and Ed's relationship built to this point and to see it actually be REAL and they actually have feelings for each other and it's actually addressed??? An absolute breath of fresh air when media mostly insists on hiding such things or merely hinting them.

The ending scenes are devastating, Darby's scream of horror is to be reckoned with, and my association of Lou Reed's A Perfect Day with Trainspotting has been well and truly trumped.
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Our Flag Means Death: We Gull Way Back (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
17 September 2023
An inspired portrayal of Calico Jack by Will Arnett bulldozes into this episode upsetting the balance Stede, Ed and the crew have come to.

Stede's burgeoning relationship with Ed is threatened, and Ed's loyalty is torn between his old mate and his new one.

Jack is loud, abrasive, and crude - everything Stede is not, and the tension between the characters is hilariously played.

As well as many laughs, there are so many poignant moments in this episode, and the ending scene to The Chain is iconic for a reason. One of the greatest scenes in tv history combining perfect music, pacing, and camerawork!
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Our Flag Means Death: This Is Happening (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
Oh my god...
17 September 2023
A fantastic episode, juggling two of the shows key romantic plotlines seemlessly.

Stede and Ed (and Lucius) on a treasure hunt, as the former tries to keep the legendary Blackbeard interested. And Jim and Oluwande visiting Jim's nan and finding out about their family's fate.

Jim's story is heartbreaking, and you can see how desperately Oluwande cares for them with a quiet and supportive strength. The portrayal of their relationship is truly beautiful.

Meanwhile, we get some hilarious improv from two masters of the art when Stede and Ed discuss Ed's potential restauranteur career.

Another wonderful ep!
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Massive Agression
17 September 2023
A wonderful character focus on what it means to feel out of place and judged by a world you feel you are not welcome in.

When racist passive aggressive comments are made at Ed, he and Stede decide to go to a fancy party to see how they do it. It is a great setting to learn more about both characters. Stede is used to pretending, whereas Ed feels he has never been given a chance due to his heritage to experience the finer things in life.

Frenchie and Oluwande's pyramid scheme plot is a stroke of genius, and never fails to make me cry laugh.

The episode ends with perhaps one of the most beautiful scenes in all of tv history. You may shed a tear.
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Wanna do something weird?
17 September 2023
This is perhaps my favourite episode of season 1, though admittedly it is hard to choose!

In this ep we learn more about Stede's past with his wife Mary, and we are given more insight into why he ran away.

We get the magnificence that is Rhys Darby and Taika Waititi acting together - Stede and Ed's developing relationship is an absolute pleasure to witness, as they hit it off straight (heh) away, and discover that they both want the same thing. To be themselves, and to not be judged for it.

The clothes swapping makes for great comedy and their solution for the Big Problem of the episode is inspired and heartwarming.
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Our Flag Means Death: A Gentleman Pirate (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Mah noses!
17 September 2023
Absolutely iconic episode, with massive props to the costume department for some really snazzy fits - namely Stede's white ensemble and Jackie's red blazer.

A who's who of comedy guest stars surround Stede as he tries to take his new persona to the Republic of Pirates, with very mixed success. We learn more about Jim and Oluwande as our characters get more fleshed out.

The bar scenes are hilarious, and the ending scenes shocking despite the comedy.

We also have one of the greatest introductions in any tv show ever and a meeting that I will never forget. The music, the dialogue, all of it is perfect!
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Our Flag Means Death: A Damned Man (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Vacation time!
17 September 2023
A wonderful second episode that builds upon the foundations of the pilot, showing how our crew react when they wash ashore on a beach.

Again, Darby's comedic instincts are spot on, and the dynamic between Stede, Oluwande and Black Pete are a particular favourite.

We get introduced to more important characters and can see where the season may be heading.

Also, a very refreshing take on island natives, making fun of the racist tropes often seen in their media portrayal. The guest stars again are great and given their chance to shine.

A wonderful episode with some of my favourite lines and moments!
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Our Flag Means Death: Pilot (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
As a crew!
17 September 2023
An absolutely magnificent start to the series, working as a great way to introduce many of the main characters we will grow with over the course of the show.

The found family trope has strong beginnings here, as we get to know this bunch of misfits who have come together to crew the Revenge, captained by run away aristocrat Stede Bonnet.

This episode really showcases Rhys Darby's comedic physicality, and introduces one of the main sources of conflict that will play out throughout the season.

Everyone gets their chance to shine, and I certainly couldn't wait to carry on my journey with them!
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Our Flag Means Death (2022–2023)
Pirate Perfection!
17 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love many shows, but none have gripped me so entirely as this one did.

Following the hapless Stede Bonnet, played by the until now HUGELY underrated Rhys Darby, we follow his diverse crew across his adventures on the seven seas.

The show is absolutely side splittingly funny, with immense comedic talent in the ensemble cast, as well as absolutely cracking guest stars.

The heart and soul of the show though comes from the relationships. Stede and Blackbeard falling in love was an absolute stroke of genius from creator David Jenkins, and seeing long time pals Rhys and Taika Waititi play it out is an absolute pleasure to behold.

With multiple queer relationships and even a non-binary character played by a non-binary actor, and an incredibly racially diverse cast and writers, this show is a breath of fresh air as to what tv can now be.

Bring on season 2!!
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Ghosts (2019–2023)
Hilarious and heartwarming
17 September 2023
This is such a delightful show, but without being to sugary. There are dark moments (understandable due to most of the main characters being dead...) but always with an undercurrent of love, warmth and real heart.

Each character is really interesting and funny in their own right, which I find rare in sitcoms such as this, and it is a real credit to the creative team for coming up with so many well realised characters that you fall in love with instantly.

I am very sad that it will finish after the fifth series, but am glad that they are not dragging it out for years and years so it can stay fresh and fun. It will be missed!
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Withnail & I (1987)
An icon
17 September 2023
Perhaps the most quotable film of all time?

An absolutely magnificent, hilarious, yet deeply sad comedy about two out of work actors who strive for that one role, while wallowing in alcoholism and self pity.

The leads all give stellar performances, and every bit character is equally as memorable.

I'll never forget choosing this for an english project on spoken language and me and the teacher just sitting there laughing watching the clip I was analyising.

Also definitely worth a visit to the cottage if you can. Great fun trying to get there and seeing other fans who love it just as much as you!
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Best film!
17 September 2023
A perfect film.

Every time I watch this I spot something new, and nothing compares to the acting, the cinematography, and the score.

Daniel Day Lewis is a tour-de-force, a combination of big and loud acting with tiny subtle moments that showcase the true scope of his talent. He deserved every award under the sun for this performance of a man's descent into power and loneliness.

Dano and the other cast are also magnificent, and really shine.

Greenwood's score is both awe inspiring and terrifying, and really sets the tone for every scene.

Just incredible! The ending scene is one of the greatest in history.
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