
21 Reviews
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Fast X (2023)
Big cast no story
6 January 2024
Jason Mamoa is the only one that's makes this with watching - yea loads of action and set pieces, some better than others. Dialogue and acting has got worst and is now just cliche. For the amount of a list stars abs budget this could have been so much more. Cena and Malmoa did their best but it's still bad. On the plus side yes is fun, yes there's action and I guess guess it's a F&F movie but only just - others in the franchise have been better and this is just making up numbers even though it had a stupid budget mainly spent on the main stars, some of who only spend a few minutes on screen even if badly .
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Just watch it - you'll be better for it.
30 September 2022
I've started to enjoy these standalone brit movies with unknown characters and actors more and more and this is a good example. It's clean, well acted, feel good and a nice story even if it is predicable, but that doesn't matter because the pace and dialogue make it real. No flash stuff, just realism and a good story, yes can be a bit cheezy but all for the right reasons. The cast and actor selection is excellent and work well and the straight forward production concise. The Stevie character is fabulous throughout and show how strong and important EVERYONE is. Watch this film - you will be better for it.
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Rafe Spall make this movie
8 September 2021
Great idea and story but its the cast that really make this modern sci-fi farce sing. Rafe Spall is brilliant bringing the role to life naturally and laugh out life funny. So many LOL moments which actually make the concept and idea redundant. At times there is sadness as the characters try so hard to make things work out - and it does make you think - if you could jump ahead a year or two what would life be like? But in the end Rafe makes this movie but all on all brilliant casting and such a fun watch - great film.
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Greyhound (2020)
Great Film - Should have been longer
18 July 2020
We need a 3 hour version as this was just great. The only issue was that it felt too rushed and that the whole pace was too fast. It was supposed to cover 50 hours but it was just an assault after assault and we could have done with more life on board scenes, back character scenes. Having Sid that what was produced was brilliant authentic, exciting and a new spin on WWII. Acting, screenplay and historic recreation are 100 %. Great film - now need the directors cut.
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Marvellous (2014 TV Movie)
Human Quality Shines
1 July 2020
Human quality is the greatest thing and this true story has that in abundance - Toby and Gemma put in superb character performances and bring to the screen the wonderful life story of Nell Baldwin. It's films and stories like these that make life worth living. The pace and scene making is superb it doesn't rush through or over dramatise but takes you gently through this marvellous man's life. The real life cameos are just perfect and add so much depth to the whole movie, A must see and beautifully made movie.
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Line of Duty (2019)
Terrible Direction
30 June 2020
First off Aaron Eckhart is great, he does his best and without him this would have been a sub zero TV movie rating, but he's fine. What's not fine is the direction of the action sequences. Men who can run forever, bullets flying EVERYWHERE and hitting nothing and then one shot hits someone who then has enough breath to give a speech. Also bad props - the cars look like cars which were made to get blown up with unpainted boot lids or obviously very old. The villains were total superhero's in their capacity to fight, run but terrible shooters and all of the guns had thousands of rounds. Sound was also poor with the music lowered in some scenes just to make a point and continuity was terrible with actors taking into ear-buds which didn't exist and don't get me started don how a webcam could stay connected to the internet for so long even with 4G. Don't bother this really isn't worth it unless you love Eckart.
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Loved It
28 June 2020
What a great film to be released at this time - underdog to hero story, funny and uplifting, great performances from Adams and Ferrell who hams is up just enough without going overboard. A simple feel good movie with enough laughs to make it a comedy and enough story around the the Eurovision process. Why not? A film for a cozy Saturday night. The music performances are not over long and the supporting cast hit the points needed. I enjoyed it - so there.
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Gemini Man (2019)
Such a shame
19 June 2020
It has everything in the build up - great cast - Will Smith rarely does a stinker - blockbuster backing etc etc But it doesn't work - story and plot is heavy, set pieces are just obvious set prices, continuity is so poor it's almost as if they wanted to get raspberries. Will Smith does a good job when he is himself. His animated younger self is just terrible - I'm sure they tried very very very hard and appreciate the amount of effort that went into the coding of the young Smith but you can tell and therefore your believe is lost - it's just not right. It's a step forward and one day, very soon, we will not be able toto tell the difference but because we can and because it is so important to the plot it lets this movie down. All in all I wouldn't watch it again a hurry - it's not a must see but if you like Will Smith you'll enjoy it.
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Lovely Film
11 June 2020
Lovely film and Nick Nolte deserves an award - such a hard subject but looked at from the eyes of a granddaughter (Sofia Nolte) who captures the questioning, wonderment then understanding of why her grandfather is acting as he does. Even though Sofia is actually Nick's daughter her acting gives nothing away. Supporting cast are good some of the plot timings questionable but none of that matters. How Alzheimer's totally takes away people and the description that it feels like their Head is Full of Honey captures the disease. I almost think this film is a must see - it's a great cast, great writing and great direction. Watch it, you will be moved and again Nick Nolte is totally brilliant.
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Trading Paint (2019)
This is pure tripe
14 March 2020
Direction is poor, acting is poor, story is poor. Why they even bothered with this I do not know. It's like what niche racing sport can we use to make a film and then not bother with the film, most of the racing scenes have no audience. John T did his best but why? And Shania is not an actress every scene was staged and not convincing, Poor movie, watch late at night if you just was bubblegum TV
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Replicas (2018)
Oh dear
25 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Oh dear oh dear oh dear - ok so the story is old - bring back dead family etc or Frankenstein but that's fine it's been done for hundreds of years . What is unforgivable is the dialogue the action the convenient situation the blind eye to science. But more over it's the straight face reeves gives to the whole thing - just speaking lines . I hope the money was good because he knows what was made was rubbish . Please don't bother .
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Simply 10 out of 10
26 October 2017
An amazing story of how a boy copes with the terminal illness of a mother. It will resonate with anyone who has lost a parent and is presented in such a way that the feelings and emotions a child has at the most awful time are shown with compassion and truth. You are left with a feeling of completeness even if it does have a supernatural twist. Beautifully cast and acted and amazingly well directed with special effects which compliment everything. Probably a must watch film for everyone before and after a loved one is lost.
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Buried (2010)
Spoilt by the Music
14 August 2017
A great idea full of tension totally spoilt by the inappropriate use of music - the director needs a lesson in how to build the feeling of confinement which should have been the absolute centre of the movie. Lots of plot holes made for a messy story with no tangible reason why certain items were with him or a reason for the whole thing. All in all a mess - could have been brilliant but unfortunately not.
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Great but a one shot wonder
3 March 2017
Let's get the performances out of the way first - This is simply the best Hugh Grant Performance for many years, and for Meryl it's on par with everything she has ever done - superb. Setting, cinematography, costume all excellent and the story is great and I truly, thoroughly enjoyed the film. My problem is he longevity - do I want to see it again? If it came on TV would I look forward to watching it again? Probably no. This is a one shot movie - it's great, beautifully made, but it's not a keeper and if I never saw it again I would care too much.
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Jaffa Cakes are a better bet.
7 October 2016
Open a packet of Jaffa Cakes. OK - take the first one and bite in - you know what you are going to get and the first one is good, so you go for another and another and after while they all taste the same and in fact you feel a bit sick and have a sore throat. Analogy done - this is this film. You know what to expect, enjoy it for a bit but at the end you have a bad taste. It is all just so poor, it tries so hard but you can almost see them act, here's the thoughtful look, here's the pained look. It's all just missing the belief look - you want to go to a movie to forget, to be involved but this doesn't let you do that - its too disjointed from the original story which was perfect and this is not. Cinematography, costume, makeup are excellent - its the acting and direction which fail. Watch it if you want but you won't be buying it and watching it again and again....
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The BFG (2016)
BFG brought to Life at last - amazing
4 August 2016
Lord of the Rings was the first - it was the first time technology needed to be good enough to bring a book to life and now its happened again with the BFG. The BFG is a specific piece of literature, written in a particular way - its narration by Dahl is one of a kind and the feeling and message it gives when reading is almost impossible to recreate on film. By SS has done it, in a truly amazing fashion, the BFG is not just an animation but a full blown character right from the book, Sophie is a girl we all know, we also have family or friends with a daughter just like Sophie, just like Dahl did in his grand daughter. My kids, 11, 9, 5 loved it - the peril is enough to keep the plot moving and the laughs full - 2 hours for a kids film is a long time but they all sat enthralled just like when I red them the story at bedtime. Hats off SS this may not go down as your best movie ever but like ET it will go down in history the best of its kind the best rendition of Dahl novel ever and one which can never be bettered.
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Dad's Army (2016)
Why even bother
17 June 2016
So its not a Dads Army movie as the original Dads army cast are (mostly) gone, so rope in some similar looking (all very good actors in their own right) people and then string a plot together. This is just toilet, it does not do the original series justice, it does not stand up as a film it its own right and it does not do any of the actors any credit. They try very hard, all of the stunts and comedy scenes are forced, the plot is so thin it would have been reject ted by the original series. Sorry but its a waste of everyone's talent and goes to show some TV series need to remain as historic TV series trying to reinvent does not always work, if can watch this for free then do - but please do not pay anything for it there are much better movies out there for your collection.
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Knock Knock (I) (2015)
Total Toilet
25 May 2016
Absolute rubbish - but might become cult classic of the future, who knows - if the world becomes so stupid it does not rate integrity. There are so many flaws and so many holes - why they even bothered is beyond me. Everyone including Keanu does the best they can but the mind boggles on why they even tried - it's as if they were the ones under siege having to act in inappropriate circumstances. Avoid, then come back to it in 30 years but I'm not sure that will improve it enough, a strange combination of terrible dialogue, plot and budget - Keanu ca do so much better so it does beg the question - what favour did he owe in order to do this movie, it must have been a big one. It may have approved with age, but I doubt it.
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Cop Out (2010)
Good only because of cast
27 November 2015
With anyone else this is just a TV movie - but to be honest the cast make this movie and without them it is just a second rate cop flick. Story wise it's about as predictable as there is BUT the way it is acted makes it watchable and quite enjoyable. This is not a movie to sit in with and take in - it's a move to watch when you're a bit tired or after a few drinks where you need some entertainment. What more do you want, a bit of action, some laughs some faces you know and a good conclusion. It won't win any awards but as a bit of good movie fodder it does very well. You won't hate it. you won't love it - it's just there - enjoy - I did.
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26 November 2011
Plot = OK Acting = Poor Direction = Bad Effects = Terrible

Really, is this the best they could do, knowing the the franchise was massive. Very bad movie and such a waste - could have been excellent. The main gripe is that it may as well be an episode of Buffy - it's as if they have made it for TV rather than being a full blown movie experience. It could be laziness knowing that it would do well anyway but feel it has let the series down and will always be known as the crap twilight - a bit like Superman II all those years ago. So you have to watch it if you are watching the series but you also could do yourself a very big favour by watching anything else at all instead. Sometimes books do not need to be made into movies or do what Harry Potter does and split it over a couple of releases. HP does it very very well, Twilight very very badly. HP will still be watched 20 years from now I fear that this series will be forgotten and rightly so.
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Very very sad for so many reasons, classic film making and very disturbing.
15 December 2009
Please watch this. Such a well crafted story and great film making not seen much in modern times. A new personal and very moving take on the German camps in WW2 which allows the viewer to see it from the eyes of a bright eyed 8 year old who just sees good in everything and wants to have fun. He only knows one life, as you would, but what makes the film so good is you feel every emotion he goes through but with your knowledge of history you feel it 10 times as hard.

You soon forget the actors - their role is so good and language wise just think as if you were listening in fluent German. The English accent shows the class structure - much better than a fake German accent or subtitles.

You won't remember many films in your life but I think you'll remember this one.
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