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Underrated Action Popcorn Flick that Delivers!
14 June 2024
I write reviews on here as an industry insider so I don't hold back. So when an Oscar winning film is garbage and I see it that way, I will say so. That being said let's dive into The Tournament.

Honestly, this is one of the better action films of the 2010+ decade. Minimal budget, b flick cast. However, solid script and even though the idea is generic and the plot is transparent as hell. The movie is really fun to watch. The action is very well choreographed and the direction is very well done. Lots of gore and explosions and that one sick bad guy you want to see a horrible death! This movie packs it all together.

A rare find unfortunately and it's a shame because movies like these deserve more recognition than the Hollywood crapfest churns out regularly.

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Rent-a-Girlfriend (2020–2023)
Great concept that goes in circles
25 May 2024
It's honest and cute and hopelessly romantic. Let's emphasize the HOPELESS part. As the premise says "dude gets dumped and gets a rental girlfriend". The hijinx unfold with the PG version of a hooker.

Honestly this is the world's OLDEST trade. Sex for money has been around as long as man. It plays it off more innocently except for tmi on the protagonist and his "virgin masturbation" bits. Also, Everytime he gets an opportunity to solidify what he actually wants. He freaks out and acts like an indecisive moron.

It plays on many levels and is enjoyable but gets kind of repetitive to be honest. It's unclear where it ends as well.

8/10 since I feel like being generous.
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A Condition Called Love (2024– )
Sweet, Romantic, Unrealistic, Generic
17 May 2024
Okay first off this anime is pretty new so I might be obliged to change my review if it changes pace or stops being so lackluster.

The story of Hananoi and Hoturu. While Hotoru's friends are hitting their average teenage horny selves and finding mates, she is baffled by it. The problem here is there's nothing more to explain why she feels this way? She doesn't understand the need to have a boyfriend or even love for that matter. Is it some form of autism or she's A-Sexual? Nothing is explained in that regard and she comes off as a pretty generic yet kind hearted protagonist. Enter Hananoi, the pretty boy that acts the part. Seems like the kind of guy that would be putting notches on his bedpost. All show and no substance. His personality seems to go all over the place; especially when he declares his love for Hotoru. He presents her with an experiment to see if she can find out what romance and love and all this dating these kids are doing can pertain to her... and that right there is the biggest problem.

The characters are absurdly unrealistic and even naive to a point of stupid where you want to just smack them upside the head. Even if anime fantasy romance, a good anime will show some light on how harsh this time of life really is. People are shallow and most just want sex. It's not a point of view, it's the human condition. I'm not trying to state my own point of view but if you can't see the facts in the lines, you're either oblivious or just stupid. I'm also not saying there are exceptions; that there are GOOD people out there. It's just that it's in the minority of people that type of attitude/behavior exists.

So back to how this applies to the anime. It feels so stoic like they're stuck in some sort of G rated world that is so stale you could choke. It tries VERY hard to come across as romantic but tries so hard that it is just cheesy and cliche. I don't mind the animation and I feel they got it right with Hotoru as she's very plain looking but still has a cuteness about her. However, this exists in that cartoony generic type of anime. We don't really see anyone that's actually "ugly". As for Hananoi, his look is all over the place. Rugged looks, pierced ears and so big and manly! Yet in real life this type of guy would be more of a date rapist. In here he comes off as another hopeless romantic which just feels out of place. I don't know if I feel pessimistic about it but I'm sure being as honest as possible. Hopefully it gets better. 4/10 (me being generous)
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One of the most beautiful anime's ever made...
4 May 2024
Surrounding the theme of what one of the characters says is "a fateful encounter". "Higehiro: After Being Rejected, I Shaved and Took in a High School Runaway" (strange title and although accurate, probably could of found a better one) is one of the most bittersweet, heart tearing, emotional roller coaster animes of all time.

The premise is all in the title; a young man named Yoshida just having dinner with a woman he's been in love with for 5 years turns him down. On his way home, (a little drunk) he finds a sixteen year old runaway under a street lamp. She is all alone in the wilds of the city of Tokyo.

This is where the "chance encounter" happens, and he tells her she can stay the night until they can get things straightened out in the morning. The sheer volume of honesty of how good a person Yoshida (main character) is, also becomes a flaw. As he is kind hearted and no-nonsensical type of person with a big heart.

The girl Sayu, admittedly has said she has spent the last few months having sex with men so she could stay with them. He wants nothing to do with this and wants to show her that it's not her that is wrong, but the world as she perceives. Through beautiful storytelling, to fantastic acting; I found this to be one of if not THE most beautiful animes ever created.

Although even if by accident, they could fall in love. It's not about that and Yoshida's character would never accept that situation. The love here is deeper, and it is very visceral.

As others have mentioned, the ending is a bit confusing, but the story definately is open ended. I am hoping we get to see more of these characters eventually! 9/10 (my one issue besides the weird ending, was the musical score wasn't done very well).
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Scum's Wish (I) (2017)
At least the title fits... Scum!
30 April 2024
I am pretty open minded to most love stories and even would go as far as to consider myself a hopeless romantic. Anime like Clannad: After Story, Ah! My Goddess, and several love/romance/pain combination type anime can be done really well. The Pet Girl of Sakurasou is even a weird well done addition. They all have one thing in common, that Scum's Wish doesn't. The characters may all be somewhat diluted, but they aim for what they desire. Their conclusions are usually beautifully told and felt with the audience. Love is the most powerful thing in these stories.

Scum's Wish sets apart from this from the beginning. With a bad set of unlikable characters to their twisted disgusting fantasy. One is some sort of incel and the other is a skank wish some kind of twisted incestual lust for her brother.

They both act nasty to other people and while it may display a more realistic depiction of how horrible humanity can be. Nobody really wants to see that?

Skip it.
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Elevator Game (2023)
Waste of a good idea... Horrible Execution
26 April 2024
Shudder needs to consider hiring some people with solidified talent. So turds like this film can't be churned out anymore. Elevator Game tries to play out like a Ringu, Grudge-esque type film. Where it fails is in the production itself. The acting is horrible, on par with some really bad student films I've seen. The way the story is fleshed out, very bad dialogue, bad pacing, predictable characters and moments. It has a cringe to it. Not even bad to be good enough to have a cult following like Evil Dead. This film is just trash. The special effects/makeup team also dropped the ball with their fifth floor woman that looks like something you'd find on a bargain brand Halloween makeup kit.

If you're EXTREMELY bored and want a really bad horror film, or are very very short on the spectrum and easily entertained, give it a watch.

Otherwise save the hour and minutes of life this steals.
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Deal or No Deal Island (2024– )
Deal or No Deal with extra crap
25 February 2024
Deal or No Deal, classic game show that's simple enough is put into a hybrid "Survivor" show. Basically extending the show into bit pieces to extend ONE winner throughout multiple episodes competing in stupid activities. The host is some b-list character actor that I'm sure few people have ever heard of.

You don't need to take a formula that already works and add to it. What's the saying? "Don't mess with perfection."? You wouldn't want to watch people having to eat bull balls or run through mud to get to the wheel on Wheel of Fortune? The game is already peaked at where it's at.

I honestly don't know what they're thinking at this point, except to drag it out more and "try something new"... except it's pointless. It's a show that's doomed to fail before it even airs most likely. I can guarantee most won't like it.
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Such an amazing anime with such a bad title
4 January 2024
(SPOILER FREE REVIEW) Glorious animation, superb storytelling, dubbing is even really good. Story itself is very original and a bit strange in a good way. Evolving along the way from a wormy cute caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly.

The story starts off pretty much as the title explains. To interpret it best, you have to give it a watch. The culture is different since it's Japan and it sort of explores so many different areas of the genres of storytelling. Basically, a fat loser gets killed by a truck running him over on accident and he is reincarnated into another universe keeping the memories of his previous crappy life. This time he intends to make more of it. Early on discovering the new world he's entered has magic and elements we dream of in this world. The story starts off interesting and kinda weird but fun. It can get a little perverted as Herem anime's usually do. However, later on it seems that the characters just grow up quicker? Besides that, a magical catastrophe occurres, sending everyone in its path scattered around the world. The main character must gather what he's learned, protect the girl he's chosen to serve and basically survive and try to find a way to return home. This is where the adventure just begins... and what an adventure it is.

If you enjoy fantasy anime, originality, good storytelling. Don't let the title of this one deter you away. It's REALLY good! I am very judgmental on my anime's. Not a fan of DragonBall Z or most mainstream animes. THIS is something so different and beautiful.

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Weird and overall pointless...
31 December 2023
The original Robin Warriors (Yoroden Samurai Troopers) aired back in the late 80's so few would remember it really. To those who were/are fans and interested in watching past the battles with Talpa and that storyline, don't bother.

Mostly all of the OVA's are contradictory and extremely confusing to the original story. Add to the fact that these weren't dubbed until nearly 20 years after the original series. They got most of the OG actors back which is cool, but it's been so long they don't even pronounce character names correctly. IE Ryu which was originally pronounced how it's spelled (RYE-YOU) is now (RE-YOU). Not a huge deal but kind of annoying. Especially since again, the original voice actors have returned.

The story itself is completely flawed and ridiculous. After everything they've been through, the armor is now "evil" and their entire story is basically being retold through each part of this OVA. Some random lady appears from the netherworld claiming the armor has always been evil and plans to snare each warrior, also bringing with her an ancient text that reads their whole story before it even happened. We don't actually see anything new until the final part, which is new armor based on the virtues that their original armor was imbued by... which makes no sense? Maybe there is too many mistranslations or maybe it's just poorly written. It's long and not as bad as the Black Inferno story (even more stupid), but it's easy to see why this wasn't developed back when the original series was made.

If you're a true fan I guess it'd be hard not to skip it. I am a huge fan and this really tried my patience. Would be cool to see a remake or something though.
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World's End Harem (2021–2022)
Just a grade below a hentai
1 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
World's End Harem is about a virus that wipes out almost every man on the planet. 99.9% is what is said. However, some males went into hyper sleep or something and became immune to the virus that killed everyone else. When they awaken it's their obligation to "mate" as much as possible; with a different girl each day. Artificial impregnating isn't possible of course 🙄. Most of the nudity is blacked out and that's fine because this is disgusting. I know that Harem anime's are supposed to appeal to certain men but this is ridiculous. There's a few scenes where some of the guys degrade the women or they themselves get sexually assaulted. I'd assume if some great tragedy like this DID happen, I'd be one of the men that hopefully died from the virus. If I woke up into something like this, I'd ask where the nearest roof was so I could plunge to my death.

The main character is very unrealistic and boring. He is saving his love for a girl that vowed to wait for him during hyper sleep. This is the only romantic aspect of the anime. However, when he awakens she doesn't want him and in fact wants him to have sex with other girls. Unless you enjoy perverted garbage, avoid.
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The Nun II (2023)
Better than the first, but still isn't good...
15 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first film was very underwhelming; predictable saccharine. While this adds more jump scares and intensity as far as gore and horrid deaths, it makes no sense based on the conjuring timeline. Also, besides the droll jump scares we have the Nun cleverly appearing from cracks in the walls or mishapen rocks or even magazines as seen from the trailer.

The real blunder here is how confusing this addition to the conjuring universe is. At some point in the film, another seperate demon/entity appears as a Goat? Of the devil? Without explanation on where it came from or how it was sent back. These films also make Valek seem like some sort of unstoppable force, first getting the blood of Christ spit in its face, then the eyes of some Saint (which in the demons hands would grant it more power?). They try to provide an explanation for the eyes but it's very thin, and again doesn't really make sense. Mrs. Warren sends Valek back to hell with a simple command at the end of The Conjuring 2. What is the point of all of this? Also having now excorcized Morrese, how is he the man in the video we see in the first Conjuring film? Then we have another mid-credit scene with the Warrens for 5 seconds that gives us absolutely nothing but a pointless cameo.

Only watch if you're bored or a VERY huge fan of The Conjuring Universe. 5/10 (and I'm being generous)
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Frasier (2023– )
Tossed Salad, No scrambled eggs...
7 November 2023
If you're a fan of the original Frasier you'll notice that this show is not at all like the original. Some people (not including myself) enjoyed the successful "Cheers" in which gave birth to the character of Dr. Frasier Crane. However, it was also presented with its own ensemble cast as was its successor, the original "Frasier". The problem with this is Kelsey Grammar has no good supporting cast. The overacting is really bad and the jokes aren't funny. If we could get one or two of the original characters to move to Boston from Seattle it could make the show more interesting. It also wouldn't hurt to bring back the writers of the original show. Even though James Burrows has returned, it doesn't bring that feeling that the original carried. The original show started to slack a bit after the premature death of its creature during the horrible September 11th attacks. It still carried its charms though and it'd be nice to see more of the characters we fell in love with before they depart like the late 'great' John Mahoney. May be rest in peace.

If the show doesn't provide some of these changes, I doubt it'll stay on much longer. So far about halfway through the first season and I'd give it a 3/10. The original is a 9/10.
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Saw X (2023)
Saw returns to form
1 November 2023
It's been over a decade since Saw: The Final Chapter (aka Saw 3D/Saw 7) was released. The film finally wrapped up the storyline between Doctor Gordon and the villainous Detective Hoffman. As with the rest of the original films, alongside the story ran an awesome trap about a man pretending to suffer a jigsaw trap, and profiteering via books and publicity.

After that, the story was left finished for the most part with a few open ending questions. Was Doctor Gordon taking over? Who were the other masked vigilantes working with him? How far did the legacy of John Kramer (Jigsaw) go?

Unfortunately, the studio heads at Lionsgate and Twisted Pictures opted to go in a different direction. Rather than go further ahead, they decided to go backwards with the awful "Jigsaw" stand alone film that left more plot holes and a bad taste in the mouth. More than anything else; it's different take on the franchise was hollow and confusing. After this, a few more years pass and we are given "Spiral: From the Book of Saw". This was a film that we all could of gone without. Not only did it 'Spiral' downhill further than "Jigsaw", it was riddled with horrible characters, a story that had no connection to the other films and just felt disingenuous to the core of the franchise. As it stood as somewhat a sequel, it was a great example of all the WRONG ways to go with a Saw film. After this abomination it seemed like we were left with a dead franchise... until Saw X was announced and boy did it deliver.

The format wasn't completely back the way it used to be, however it's hard to complain about much with this film. The timeline taking place between the first two Saw films, it made an excellent addition to the canonical series. Not only do we get a new story with John Kramer (Jigsaw) once again reprised by the great man himself, Tobin Bell. We also get to see Amanda Young (Shawnee Smith), Jigsaw's other half in her learning curb days. The story broadens on Kramer's life battling cancer with a breakthrough treatment that could cure him once and for all. He seems to change to a degree where it seems like things would of been different... had this not all been a scam.

Since bad people have to learn not to take life for granted, Jigsaw returns to teach the scammers some hard lessons with some innovative and new painfully exquisite traps.

I won't go further as this is supposed to be a spoiler free review and if you've read this far, trust me you will love this movie and welcome it as part of the saga. It's not completely back to where it was, but it's a HUGE difference between the previous two abominations and actually stands very well. There's a large chance we will see more (hopefully!) of the franchise as this has done very well, rightfully so. 8/10 for a great comeback; hoping for more.
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