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24: Day 5: 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. (2006)
Season 5, Episode 13
episode 7pm to 8pm
14 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
In the last episode: Sentox gas is released in CTU. Some people get to the isolated rooms. Edgar gets late and he doesn't reach any safe area. He soon falls unconscious.

*****SPOILERS****** After Sentox being released at CTU facilities, they receive news that the chemical crew won't get there before half an hour. Jack and remaining crew find out the gas was mixed with acid and the protection seal of the rooms are fading. They have less than 20 minutes to rearrange the air-conditioning system to stop spreading the gas, otherwise people in the isolated zones will also die. Chloe tries to reach the air-conditioning system through computer, but she finds out there is a program in another computer interfering her access. Someone needs to shut down the program. Henderson still doesn't provide any information. Tony wants him dead but he agrees to hold his revenge till further interrogatory. President Logan gets help from the Vice-President. He advises Logan to announce Martial Law in LA area. Mike thinks it's a bad idea and warns Martha. Martha Logan and Mike believes the Vice-President is manipulating Logan for private interest. Karen Hayes (Department of Homeland Security) warns Prevident and Vice that CTU is "compromised". She takes their personnel to CTU for "major restructuring" - meaning replacing the whole CTU team. Russian Terrorists are reaching another target. They are only waiting for a map of the target. Jack get out of the sealed room to shut down a program so Chloe can access the air-conditioning system. He holds his breath and gets outside the sealed area, only to find out he cannot reach the computer from that floor. He returns to a safe area and pass the information to Chloe. Lynn is the only one who can reach the computer, but he won't be able to re-enter a safe area. Lynn accepts the task, even though he knows this means he gonna die. Lynn is not alone, another agent gets the news he will also die. Lynn has no option. He reaches the computer and shuts down the computer. Lynn's heroic action proves to succeed. Lynn and the other agent die. Jack wants to talk to Kim, but Kim wants to leave CTU. She leaves after few words. Jack goes towards medical room, to talk to Henderson, though Henderson is unconscious. But Tony is there and he wants to kill Henderson, blaming him for Michelle's death. Tomy gets a syringe with some toxic content to kill Henderson who apparently looks unconscious. When Tony is almost inserting the needle, he trembles, he doesn't find courage enough to do it. Henderson - who was only pretending - attacks Tony by surprise. He releases the syringe contents against Tony. Tony falls on the floor. Henderson takes a gun and run away. Jack reaches the room soon after wards, he finds Tony on the floor in a bad condition. Tony closes his eyes while Jacks hugs him and cries.
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Pleasant Days (2002)
no plot
26 October 2003
This movie was in th 27th International Movie Festival in São Paulo, (Brazil). It seemed at first it would have a plot. A woman who would buy a baby from a stranger to get money from her boyfriend. But it got lost in nudity, violence and profanity. Besides, poor directing leaves the audience bored if not angry (many scenes have not a steady camera shot, it shakes as the cameraman moves, becoming more difficult to follow). Not that is has anything to follow. There is no plot. Many scenes have no dialog and, when it have, it has no use. Most of the times, it features the leading actor captured smoking cigarettes in different places, where nothing else happens. The characters don't have any personality nor aims. This is really a waste of time.
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more than a love story
26 October 2002
In the Mood for Love got applauses at International Film Festival in Sao Paulo (Brazil). Not for its love story.

First, it has great direction and photography. Every frame seems a perfect painting. The acting becomes almost secondary, as the whole movie grabs people's attention.

Second, it has nothing to do with Chungking Express, another Kar-Wai success. "In the Mood..." is slow, but hypnotic.

Of course, being an "art-film", it may not attracts those who enjoy commercial movies. Image tells more than the plot itself and you find yourself entering in a dream.

People who enjoy paintings will love this film. But those who don't, please don't watch and please don't write any review about it.
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