
9 Reviews
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Great Fun! But leave the kids at home....
17 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This sequel to a remake has a group of trainee army reservists go up against our favorite mutants amidst beautiful desert scenery. We have violent deaths in spades anyone underage or averse to seeing torsos ripped in two should stay at home. On the other hand, if you found yourself routing for the mutants in the last are really going to love this one. The actors are suitable eye-candy who die at a speedy you have no reason to get bored. There is little that is new in this sequel but that will not stop you from having fun with this little horror-no-brainer. Just don't expect anything more refined than mutants doing what they do best...slicing, dicing, cannibalizing and of course breeding! Go Mutants! Bring on HHE 3!
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Primeval (2007)
An Enjoyable Creature Feature
9 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is about the hunt for a giant crocodile in a war torn African nation. Okay? That means that if you don't like monster movies in general you wont have any fun here. And for those complete and utter attention deficit morons who feel that the trailer falsely advertised the movie as a serial killer flick....all I can say is SHAME ON YOU! The trailer mentions the giant croc seconds into its start. You would have to be deaf and blind not to realise that this is a creature-feature! Okay on to the movie: Its a beautifully shot, fun filled thrill ride. There are enough variations in this monster movie plot to provide you with some interest (and its not a tired rehash of every other monster movie you have seen). In fact I would say that the ending of this movie is unique amongst creature features. The croc itself looks good and the locales it inhabits suitably creepy. The actors do a reasonable job and there are enough twists in the plot to keep you interested in what happens. All in all an enjoyable movie...not Oscar winning stuff...but just plain old FUN.
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Simply Excellent! A cult classic.
9 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
If you are a fan of violent movies, stylized action, off beat plots and dark humour you are going to love this film. The story follows two Irish lads in Boston who believe that God has sent them to kill mobsters. They are pursued by a camp brilliant FBI agent (played excellently by Willem Defoe). Gun fights, visions, glorious music and cop-villain drama plays out in a surreal and often darkly hilarious world. Imagine Tarantino crossed with David Lynch. For those with eclectic tastes this is a must see. Willem Defoe deserves an Oscar for his role. It raises important moral questions on the issue of using violence to fight violence. But you will be loving the action too much to worry about that thorny issue for long. The musical combination of Catholic psalms and excerpts from opera (La Boheme) is sublime. It is quite simply a brilliant tour-de-force of movie making. Go see it! Now!
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Supernatural Gore Fest in the Thai Jungles! Yay!
7 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is a Thai horror film that was simply fun to watch. A group of friends visit an old teacher of theirs who lives in the jungle. We see through flash backs that terrible things happened to them in the past at their school. Their beautiful teacher seems to have become a homicidal devil worshiping witch. Not only is she able to conjure the dead and cast spells that will make your stomach turn (think fish hooks and reptiles + soft human flesh); but she also seems to have a predilection for torture using a blow torch. Let the mayhem begin!

If you can find it online, download the trailer of the movie and watch it...its one of the best horror trailers you will see. And the movie itself is just as fun. What else can I say about this movie? Interesting and unpredictable storyline. Beautiful jungle scenery. Hot (but evil) Thai babes. Gratuitous gore. What's not to like guys? Watch this one and have a blast!
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Prey (I) (2007)
Enjoyable flick. Love those lions!
7 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie will appeal to those who admire 'creature features' or 'monster on the loose' flicks. The story is of a family on safari in Africa who are attacked by a pride of lions. The lions are real (not cgi) so the lion/human attacks look real. The acting was good with Bridget Moynahan stealing the show as the patient and resourceful step mother. Her character probably should have been given a commendation for not throwing the highly annoying teenage daughter to the lions. The story was slightly slow in places with perhaps more twists in the plot and more elaborate lion attacks required to match the excellent "Ghost & The Darkness" (which is the ultimate lion creature feature). However I enjoyed the movie nonetheless and dug the majestic shots of lions on the attack. All in all an enjoyable flick.
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Hulk (2003)
Wonderful cinematography and clever directing but DUMB plot
4 July 2003
Ang Lee is an extremely talented director. His fast editing, jump cuts and multi-panelled screens make for exciting viewing - so much so that you don't notice the 2 hour 20 minute length of the film. However the plot is seriously nonsensical (and this deteriorates further as you get to the end of the movie). That flaw makes it quite a forgettable movie but nonetheless fairly entertaining whilst you are in the cinema. It's safe to take your other half and kids to go see it, they won't feel the time was unduly wasted. It's about time that this great director gets to sink his teeth into an equally great script.
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Better than the recent Bond films but no where near the earlier classic Bonds
4 July 2003
There is nothing seriously wrong with this Bond movie. PB is a charismatic Bond on par with Sean Connery, the requisite Bond girl (Halle Berry) is a suitably appropriate piece of eye candy, and the settings, gadgets and bad guys are all novel additions to the franchise. However Bond films these days are so imminently forgettable. I can't recall a recent Bond flick with half the character, charm or story of Dr No/ Thunderball/ Man with the Golden Gun or Live & Let Die. Ultimately this particular set of story lines are tired and worn. Even the potentially exciting development of Bond's capture and torture and then discharge by MI6 at the start of the movie is wasted because so little of the film concentrates on developing his change in character in response to these events. We could have had an edgier, scarier and more ruthless bond; who blurs the lines between 'doing your bit for the country' and hurting everyone who's turned their backs on you. But of course that would have required some intelligence and character development on the part of the plot writers. And I suppose that would also have required some modicum of intelligence in the part of the average cinema patron (which is always a dangerous thing!). I think that if you are taking your pre-teen children to the movie, they won't have any grounds to complain about entertainment in this flick. However if you are expecting any amount of originality in this latest Bond offering, you are going to be sorely disappointed. There is one word that accurately captures the essence of the current Bond movies, and that word is YAWN.
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Dark Water (2002)
Unusual, unexpected, & thrilling Japanese Horror
6 October 2002
The wonderful thing about watching a non-hollywood flick is that the storylines are often completely unexpected and original. This movie (aka Darkwater) is a welcome breath of fresh air. Its well acted, creepy and you wont be able to guess what happens in the end. The music, lighting and camera angles are top notch. Its both creepy and utterly compelling. Watch it NOW!!!!
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Not terribly good but not a stinker either....
28 April 2002
The original story of TCOMC is one of tremendous depth...the hero's character undergoes tremendous change due to the repeatedly changing circumstances that he finds himself in, but this depth is sadly lacking in the film. The actors' lines are terribly glib which robs the film of any emotional depth and actually makes it quite funny. As for entertainment its not too bad a way to spend an hour and a half but I can not imagine anyone wanting to see it again or buying it for keeps on DVD. The action scenes are nothing special. The acting itself is not awful but sadly the terrible script stops the actors from making this anything more than a forgettable throwaway date flick.
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