
14 Reviews
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Missed Opportunity !
15 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
LOVE this movie.. They missed the perfect opportunity with Zahra Bankston telling Alex Claremont-Diaz " The minute you see a camera you better act like the sun shines out of his a$$, and you have a vitamin D deficiency" When Zahra finds Alex and Prince Henry in the hotel room, Alex tells Zahra "Hey you were right, I have a Vitamin D Deficiency, and Prince Henry has been a huge help" and see Zahra have another panic attack.

The movie pulls you into the story, you feel what the characters are going through the pain being separated the sense of obligations preventing you from being happy... all the way to Prince Henry and Alex walking out onto the balcony...
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Medicine Mandated
25 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The beginning was hopeful, but crashed. I do have to disclose my bias, being the victim of forced medical battery. The odd thing is that the medical community will allow an alleged parent to chop parts off their new baby boy (and recently allowed baby girls) for their parents religion (USA) However when the patient refuses treatment the medical community loses their mind. Which brings me to the alleged doctor, throwing a tantrum because the patient, 17 year old Adam, and his parents refused the treatment HE wanted to do.

After the court case was at recess so the "judge" could talk to Adam, she emotionally tortured the kid. WHY bother him if you knew you were going to order the mandated blood transfusion before talking to him. She makes it about her, and her not having kids, so she USED this dying boy for her selfish feelings. What she didn't expect that it would cost her, with Adam now semi-stalking her. While all this is taking place she is pushing her husband away, in the movies terminology, they were living as brother and sister.. She is self-centered, using people to get what she needs. She is the ultimate villain for this movie....

In my opinion, Adam had taken the wrong road after being forced to take a transfusion. He should have told the "doctor" and the "My Lady", "Go ahead make me better, but you better run as I will come after you both." But I was wrong, Adam actually got her good, and will pay in emotional pain, as by mandating the transfusion, kept him alive just to pass his 18th birthday, then being an adult refusing all treatment, and dying with so many regrets, anger, pain, and all the emotional trauma.... Had she respected HIS BODY, and let him pass PEACEFULLY with no emotional damage, no hate, no rage... karma wouldn't have done a massive smack down on her. Now as punishment she can carry the pain, the guilt and remember watching Adam dying in so much emotional pain every single minute for the rest of her life. Adam took the right road.

Nope, Not crazy, just been the victim of medical battery to many times. The courts and the medical field need to get on the "Bodily Autonomy" train. If they can mandate what happens to one persons body, they can mandate it to whoever they want.
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Not Worth the time...
12 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I love foreign films, as they show life, they do not hide language and male nudity... I thought this was a GLBTQA themed film, so even though the movie was SLOW and boring, I kept watching and reading subtitles... For nothing... The only GLBTQA moment is when the two guys kiss while the lady is working on them downstairs... So not worth the time and all that reading. Had I known this movie was about two guys screwing around and way immature for the storyline I would have passed on it.
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Fire Song (2015)
You have to read into it to get it.
26 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is SLOW but there is a reason for it, it shows you how life is on the reservation never ending. There is nothing really for the people to do other than drink, take drugs, and have sex... oh and many of them attempt/ complete suicide.

Personally I identified with the gay couple, (Shane/David) not knowing what they really want in life. Do they want to be together or just talk about being together. A LOT of needless drama between the two... They constantly change their minds, one minute the girlfriend Tara is going with Shane to college, then it is David going with him... After Tara's suicide the David keeps changing his mind, first he is going with Shane to college the next he is not going. The odd part was they seem to want to be in a relationship, but never show affection for each other like a typical couple would. The movie seems to make sex a no big deal, they show Shane having sex (after being pressured) with Tara, but NEVER even imply the gay couple has sex on or off camera.

The ONLY reason I wanted to keep watching the movie, was the lead male actor, the dude is a hottie. The only thing I wasn't sure if his arms were actually scarified or if it was all make up for the movie. They do seem a bit CREEPY looking but that is just me. Other than that he IS the reason to watch the movie
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Heartstone (2016)
WTF??? (Spoiler Alert)
8 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This community would be a dream for any psychologist. From animal cruelty to sisters majorly inappropriate with their little brother, and even a daughter physically attacking her mother... The "gay" plot was just an add on, the majority of the film is the straight boy going after girls.... The majority of the movie is boring, as there are scenes that do not even remotely help the story, like leaving the fish on the ground in the front yard... why kill them just to leave them to rot. As for the friendship between the boys, one loves the other, he protects him, (like covering for him wetting the bed) but the straight kid doesn't give a damn. The odd part is that even after the unbelievable suicide attempt, the kid acts like he cares, but doesn't really care. If he had cared at any time, the suicide attempt may have not happened. The movie just seemed like a struggle back and forth... and failed
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Esteros (2016)
26 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I know I jump around in my reviews, but its the only way I can get this out, so please bear with me.

I tend to love movies from outside the USA, this is why I requested the movie, and other than a few odd parts the movie was extremely better than expected.

This movie may be similar to a hallmark or lifetime TV movie, but it reminded me of my life, well up until the main characters met up as adults. Watching the pain in both of their hearts was hard, but these amazing actors showed what the characters were feeling, which is rare in the GLBTQA movies, usually it is the fake generic feeling if any feelings are present to begin with.

This movie does do the annoying flashbacks, but it worked very well. Showing how their friendship turned to love which as love does turned bad for a bit, as we have all gone through... if it was easy it wouldn't be worth fighting for.

As the kids were developing the attraction for each other, you can see they are not just scared at something new to them, as ALL kids do, gay or not, but the added fear of people finding out that you are into the same sex as you, the fear that if they find out, either they will disown you or at minimum keep you from each other as was my fear. I am not sure if their parents knew about their feelings for each other or not, but at times, it seemed like it, especially one of the dads, as he watches the boys dancing, he didn't look to happy and ran for alcohol...

I wish the characters had been able to stay together as kids instead of being ripped apart... It would have spared the girlfriends heart from the pain, but everything happens for a reason...

As for how she reacted to finding out her boyfriend was in love with someone else, and that it was another man, It didn't seem to real, but of course it could be the culture difference, as here in the USA, you would be seeing the lady flipping the hell out.

The only reason I gave it a 9, and this is probably childish or pervish but they shied away from real life in the romantic parts and the nudity, as usual they had no problem showing the female completely nude, but the men were covered unrealistically, I could understand if the actors themselves are modest but it seemed more like the typical USA phobia a hetero man wouldn't want to watch a movie with a naked guy in it, even if it wasn't up in your face, like they do with female nudity.

Overall the romantic feel of the movie makes it well worth watching it, just keep the tissues close you will need it at the end.
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9 November 2015
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I loved Pitch Perfect 1, and have watched it 50+ times, excellent movie to add sequels and continue the story, they failed big time. Not one interesting thing about PP2, no back story on the last 3 years other than to say the Bella's won the last 3 years... No real relationship with Skylar's character other than the awkward scene of him dropping her off at work. and a totally unbelievable "internship"... I am surprised Snoop even agreed to be in the movie... He did okay, but it still sucked. It is obvious that they just threw this together just to make money rather than making a good movie. Barely any focus on the guys, and all around extremely social awkwardness.... The first hour, DRAGGGGGGGEEEEDDDD on for so long.... Pitch Perfect 1 was a great movie with tons of exciting music and realistic scenes... Pitch Perfect 2, was the opposite, all boring with a few good scenes... Very poor movie, definitely would never watch PP2 again....
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Billy Elliot (2014)
Excellent But.....
4 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the movie version way to many times. I like the story of a kid that decides he will be who he is, no matter who likes it or not.... The performance was excellent, especially noticing the similarities in the live show. It helped with knowing which part of the movie/performance you are at. I also loved the live, "if we screw up there is no take two" When Billy almost couldn't control his laughing when Michael was jumping towards Billy....

The ONLY thing I didn't like is the ending, they didn't show the dad and brother rushing to the ballet to watch Billy in the theater, and no showing Michael all grown up and with his partner..... That would have made it perfect, especially because the movie version only showed little clips of adult Billy performing, they could have added a little more....
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Bad movie with a few shots of eye candy
21 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER This movie SUCKED, the ending did not wrap up all the questions that the movie created, the DNA, of the sperm, it would match to the innocent guy but it would also show the sperm had been frozen. So he would have gotten off that charge. It also didn't answer the question of what was wrong with the female lead each characters "flaw" was shown in the beginning of the movie. The cops seemed to be stupid as the lead female character knew or had involvement of two serial killer victims and they didn't find that suspicious ???? a waste of money the ONLY perk was the semi nude scene with the massage therapy and that was seriously lacking... total disappointment
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Soldier's Girl (2003 TV Movie)
31 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers

I Have Never Seen A Movie So Well Made .... I Cant Express The Pain You will feel for the actual people this happened to MS ADDAMS PFC Winchell and his friends and family

The love shared between two people should never be laughed upon In This movie it shows how the "Dont ask Dont tell" policy is bull**** and doesnt work

I say this with pride s***** the armed forces policy on this issue i wish i would have known about this happening well before I enlisted Because GOD HIMSELF could not have made me enlist ......

THANK YOU to SHOWTIME and Especially to MS. Addams and PFC Barry Winchell and his FAMILY without them speaking out the TRUTH would not have been told

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9 February 2003
I love this movie not for the actors and not for the comedy I like it because of the truth it gives .

Cheerleaders are always Mean hateful *itches and the football players always think of football and end up not learning anything so they must take lil jobs and usually dont amount to much and usually end up fat

Everyone goes through alot of BS in high school I did as many have I wasnt popular i got picked on constantly since elementry school through high school it got to the point i couldnt trust people enough to make lasting friendships I was miserable in which the character "clarence" was....

the truth is everyone was miserable in high school except the cheerleaders and football players but hey smaller minds make cheers

My 5 year reunion is coming up this year and i only hope Mine will be as shocking as this film was...

Can We have Romy and Michelles 20 yr High School reunion PLEASE
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Teenage Caveman (2002 TV Movie)
11 January 2003
Move plot sucks, the girls just give it up and the boys act like they dont know what their doing (virgins) not very convincing acting... the only GREAT point of the movie is andrew keegan's lol Andrew naked need i say more? Now as for the deaths they were cool especially the head it was still talking after it was ripped off the body and the women explode !!!
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Great Movie for a laugh
3 June 2002
the best time and most learn for megan is at true directions i watched it originally because of RuPaul thinking he was she i rather see "her" preform than he preform any day. also id like to know where a "true direction" is so i can meet the man of my dreams as did megan find the gal of her dreams !!!
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Rock the Boat (1998)
Best "Survivor" out there this is the real survivor story
3 June 2002
You want the truth watch this movie your life does not end when you are told you have aids or hiv its the beginning of what you would not have otherwise experienced this is a great movie for insparation its a must see From someone that isnt infected with this horrible disease i say if (god forbid) i ever came down with it i would only wish to be like any one of these men.
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