
4 Reviews
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A Ghost Story That Was Less Fun Than A Kiddie Coaster
20 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I just don't know what to say. It was difficult to make it through this entire piece of drivel and stay awake at the same time. Let's see, we have an obnoxious real estate person who lies through her teeth and should have been sued, a screenwriter who never writes, a pretty young thing who steals blackberries and acts like a graduate from St. Vivian's School of Vacuous Smiles, and an old recluse who seemingly survives on air.

Then the usual stuff starts happening - sinister writing on walls, thumping paintings, rattling door knobs, meaningless nightmares - all pointing to a malignant spirit. In the end we find out that while in most ghost stories these things have a purpose, in this one we just sit there and go "Huh?" Major plot holes, or if you wish, failed plot devices. No action, no thrills, not even a hint at a jump scare.

Why, God, oh why did I waste my time on this? Please people, don't make the same mistake I did.
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Angels flying too close to the ground
16 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Characters disappearing and then appearing, wooden acting, poor effects, so disjointed at times I wasn't sure if the movie was out of order, or the editing sucked big time. I could never be sure it wasn't a made for TV movie, what with the fade to blacks and then picking up right where it left off.

The scene with the woman preparing meat for the guests both sickened me and made me laugh. "Many more, they keep on coming, many more"!! And how did half these characters get from where they were to where they are now? Did they all know about that back door that the Nephilim were too "thick as bricks" to see RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM? I did love the homage to George Noory however, it added a necessary touch of class and whimsy to the entire thing. Way to go George!!
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Baby Jane? (2010)
Almost gets it right, but doesn't quite hit the target
28 February 2012
I love parodies. Even the real bad parodies that have been churned out lately hold a bit of appeal for me, but I do hate walking away disappointed. Baby Jane? does a very good job of parodying and skewering (and skewing) the infamous What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?, but it misses the mark in several important places that needed to be hit directly. The biggest miss, in my opinion, was the dreadfully awful timing in the delivery of the most famous line -- "Butcha arrr, Blanche. Ya arrrr in that wheelchair". I got the impression they were trying to do a Rocky Horror-esque type of audience participation routine, but the overly long pauses accompanied by grotesque facial expressions simply ruined what could have been a comedic gold moment, instead of reducing it to a fabled let down. That is not to say that other moments didn't have perfect timing. Jane swinging the hammer for the first time at Elvira (and missing) caught me by total surprise and gave me a true laugh out loud moment. I would have liked to have seen that scene added to a bit, perhaps another swing and a miss, and then Elvira not staying down for the count, but it actually was fine just the way it was.

Another thing that bothered me throughout was the actor portraying Jane was very inconsistent in keeping the Bette Davis voice in place. At times it was non-existent, at other times it was weakly there, and at other times it was an excellent and eerie rendering of the original character.

The actor portraying Blanche played her pretty much straight up. There was an edge lacking in the character, but all in all he pretty much got her right, although just a bit too tepidly. I did love the entire scene with the typewritten notes and the playing with the original scene when everyone wondered why Blanche simply didn't yell out that open window to her neighbor. It was done maddeningly well this time around, and deserves kudos.

The movie had many good points too, and the sudden appearances of off the wall comedic elements (such as the two detectives in the car) were hilarious and a welcome addition to the movie. There seemed to have been a little uneven editing here and there, particularly with Edwin's second appearance, but anyone who knows the original movie can forgive that.

Baby Jane? is a fun way to spend some time, and probably lots of fun if you're in a group of queens smoking weed and drinking mimosas or JD. I watched it alone and had a great time, but I love camp. Don't expect perfection, but do expect some laughs, and even some poignant moments.
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More SciFi Channel fluff
21 December 2008
I'm not even sure if this was a SciFi Channel production or not; if not, it certainly had all the hallmarks of one. Silly storyline, poor CGI, large plot holes, etc, etc, etc.

I won't reveal anything about the plot - not that it would matter really, the same story has been done many times. Lost scientist, searchers, treasure, ancient god, ignorant tribe of lost natives, et al. This time it takes place, miraculously enough, in the Grand Canyon, in some area that has never, ever been seen before by white men.

If you would care to spend two hours staring blankly at your TV while marveling at stultifyingly bad acting, this is the movie for you. You may be entertained during commercial breaks though. Also, Shannen Doherty is still somewhat recognizable, in a puffy kind of way.
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