
10 Reviews
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I had no sympathy for her
22 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I grew up being forced to watch this film, quite simply because my siblings adored it and I ended up having to watch it with them whether I like it or not.

Now the story is simple and straight foreward- a young girl spies on other people and writes about their flaws in a notebook she carries with her everywhere but her fun in spying is soon foiled when the other kids read the notebook and thus begin to lash out onto her. The class gets their revenge on her and she gets revenge back and she ends up apologizing for her actions.

Even when I was like eight or nine when I first saw the film, I never felt bad for Harriet. Why? Simply because this definitely was not a victim-less situation where "oh, poor Harriet everyone is picking on her; let's pity her!" comes to mind. Heck no, in fact I ended up feeling more sorry for some of the people she got back at. Sure, the bullies were harsh but what she did was over the line. I didn't even feel sorry for her in the first place because she had it coming the entire time that she was spying, writing notes in her book and writing rather negative conclusions about other people. Had it not been for her "greater than thou" attitude, I would have appreciated the story a lot better.

Speaking of her "greater than thou" attitude, am I the only one who was always bothered by her revenge scene? She simply could've been the bigger person to actually realize that her nosey habits and attitude were the problem, not just other people. However, no, we follow a rather immature brat who instead of taking responsibility goes as far as using verbal abuse and cutting off someone's long braid off for her own petty "revenge"; even though she was asking for it the moment she chose to bring the book everywhere.

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God awful
7 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I really wish there was a rating lower than a 1, because this movie is just that awful. Just what makes this movie so bad that not even small children would like it? Annoying protagonist: Walt is probably the most irritating lead character I'V seen in my life. Sure, you can easily argue that he's annoying because he's been spoil-ed and pampered for all his life; which makes it semi-understandable. However, I have seen leads in similar situations who actually managed to pull it off without seeming annoying and at least semi-likable; Walt is not. Walt has no redeemable traits whatsoever which makes the audience want to strangle him rather than hug him.

Bad voice acting: I might have been able to stand the characters a little better had it not been for the horrid voices. The only voice I could stand somewhat was Venom's, and she sounded like a stereotypical teen aged girlie-girl which actually says something about the atrocious cast. I looked over the credits and it turns out there were only five voice actors, which explains quite a bit but is not excusable. Walt sounds way too quite and high pitched. The horses... were they TRYING to make a British accent? The hen was too high pitched as well. The mother's was alright, but everything she said had the exact same tone of voice. The spiders... WTF?! The snakes were semi-bearable, but not by a lot. The alien... things, both drove me nuts during the five minutes they were there.

Half-Assad animation: Give the plot and script to someone who actually knows how to animate and this movie might'V been better, but not by a lot. If you cannot even animate your characters walking then there's something dreadfully wrong here. Not to mention there are plenty of half Assad animation. That explosion scene? Worst I'V ever seen.

Storyline: So basically its about a pampered and spoil-ed piglet who eats his mother's cherry pie and breaks her favourite pot then refuses to tell her the truth about it. Then a snake comes along and promises the pig that he will make the pig's "talents" (or lack thereof) known to the world; when in reality he just wants pork chops. It all backfires when the spiders and wasp (who wishes he was a bee) saves him from the slaughter house.

Mind you, the moral is important: you shouldn't lie, which is a good lesson to children. However, there are tons of other children's films that I'd recommend for that lesson where the moral is settle.
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21 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly wish that I had seen the "Dark Knight" or at least "Step Brothers"; seriously if you're going to the movies then see those films or the "Star Wars Clone Wars". But avoid this one at all costs; it will bore you to death.

What's the plot? Unlike the first one, there was none worth mentioning in this one. Except for basically that Leena is bitchy about Kratos (I don't care if I spelled his name wrong; I hate the film too much to care) getting married to someone else, Carmen gets a major role in a play and her mother is pregnant, Bridgette goes to an archaelogical (sp?) trip then goes home to her grandmother then Tibby is being her usual bitchy self but this time she is worried about being pregnant with Brian's baby; and guess what? As predictable as it is, it turns out she isn't. But she ends up leaving Brian in anyway because "she doesn't want to talk to him" or some bullshit like that. But she ends up with him in the end; as I predicted.

The characters are bland and annoying. Now in the first one, I liked Tibby. But in this movie she got really annoying; along with everyone else. The books just bored me to the core; but the movie was worse.

I'm happy that I didn't spend my money on this trash; but I feel sorry for my mom because she did thinking that I would like because my stupid little sister does.

Right now I really wish that I had a say in what movie to see; I would've automatically went for 'Step Brothers' because it's a comedy and I prefer comedies over chick flicks any day.

At all costs, avoid this film!
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I love it
25 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably one of those series that has a special place in my heart. Mainly because, I've been a fan of this series since I was in the seventh grade. Yes, ever since I was between 12-13. However, back then, I was limited on how much I could know of the series considering my school only had the first volume.

Compared to other anime back in '92; this story does have a lot of originally. Hell, I still love this series much more then I love Inuyasha; mostly due to the fact that Inuyasha is not nearly as original.

Sure, the graphics aren't too hot but what do you expect from an anime that is nearly 13 years old? You can't expect a lot from it.

Anyways, The only draw back of the anime I have is the fact that Chichiri's catch phrase gets annoying.
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Teeth (I) (2007)
Awful; god awful
19 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This film is disgusting.

Destroying the male body through castration is NOT funny at all. If this film was about a guy with a dagger dick who went around ripping vagina's my reaction would be the same. It is horrible to think that someone would be sick enough to make a movie about some girl going around and castrating men.

Very sickening thought.

Hollywood is definitely out of ideas. Why am I not surprised? Oh right; they've been out of ideas for a long time!

It is also very sexist as well. They make out all the males; except for Dawn's father, to be either a rapist or sex offender of some kind.

Let me also point out that I was really hoping that Dawn would get owned in the end. Or at least have those damned teeth pulled out of her vagina.
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I've seen better
25 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Okay let me first state that I do not exactly hate this film, I just dislike it.

One of my main beefs with this film is the fact that Simba and Nala have completely changed since the first film. Nala looks too much like Sarabi (who was missing in this film. They didn't even mention what happened to Sarabi which confused me. But I'll get to the confusion in a bit) and Simba was such an asshole. Nala is just there. She doesn't play an important role, she's just there for the sake of being there.

Now onto the confusion. After watching this film again, there were too many plot holes left.

Why exactly did the outlanders get banished? We may never know.

Kiara was very annoying. She basically doesn't want to be queen while Simba as a a cub did. How original! What really annoyed me about Kiara was her overall personality; she was basically stupid and spoiled. At least Kovu wasn't AS annoying and spoiled as Kiara was.

Although we are meant to feel sorry for Kiara half way through the film, as much as I wanted to feel sorry for her; I just couldn't. If I felt sorry for anyone; it was Zira. She was blinded by revenge and hate to the point where it killed her. I was hoping that she at LEAST would be able to forgive Simba and live in the pride lands happily but no; she had to die in the end.

I did like the soundtrack and all and the movie did have a lot of potential. However, it was poorly executed.
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Danny Phantom (2003–2007)
Doesn't even deserve a star
26 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I actually used to watch this show about a year ago for the mere reason that I heard it was made by the same creator as Fairly Odd Parents. At first, I thought it was going to be just as good. But after watching about fifteen episodes, I got sick of it. Thank god that I found this site to let off some steam.

First of all, Sukey graphics. No, it doesn't have to change into anime style but if Hartman is trying to actually make an action TV show, then the least he should do is add in more detail in the fight scenes. However, the whole crazy hair thing does resemble your typical anime style so yeah. But still, putting in "POW" and "PUNCH" doesn't make up for the action. He can at least put in some real fighting instead of sissy punches and kicks.

Secondly, the characters are really frustrating. Sam is a poser, Tucker is the friend person, Danny is your typical teen angst person. Jasmine is your stereotypical older sister. The dad is too much like Timmy Turner's to even qualify as being 'original'. The only tolerable character on the show is Danny's mom. She isn't downright stupid or annoying.

What frustrated me the most about this show is that it's just another one of your typical teen angst show about basically nothing important. Okay so there's Danny turning into a ghost kid and fighting ghosts and also faces teen problems. The whole teen angst part is not how teenage life really is. This is just another one of those shows that just make kids think that teen life will be all that when it is not. I used to think that teen life was like that.

As for the plot; there hardly is one. I've seen third graders come up with better plots for a story then this.
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Beyblade (2001–2005)
Clevar but lost it's touch later on
7 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the first season with all my heart; and its that season which made me leave a special place in my heart for Beyblade.

First season: The characters were interesting and likable. There was an actual plot line and let's face it: the plot was unique. I enjoyed how Tyson (Takao), Kai, Ray, Max and Kenny (Professor) all had different quirks; it made them likable. Tyson's eating habit was good comic relief and saved his character, Ray's random remarks always made my day, Max's friendliness made him believable, Kenny's super genius ways were always a nice touch and Kai's sarcasm also made my day. I used to love the characters to death. Seriously. 9/10

VForce: What the hell happened here; how did a series that was once good become bad so quickly? Why the hell did they change the animation style suddenly (and why take away Ray and Kai's muscles? They looked hot)? My biggest beef with this season mainly lies with one specific character: Hilary/Hiromi. What were they thinking?! If the dudes at the studio thought "Yu-Gi-Oh has a cheerleader, why can't Beyblade have one?" then someone please smack them for me. What is Hilary's purpose anyway other then to bitch out at the characters at every chance she gets and to be the cheerleader?

I know its stupid to hate a season because of mostly one character but Hiliary's character really ruined it for me. If I were to ask the BladeBreakers any question in the world, I'd ask "How the hell do you put up with Hiliary?" Seriously, how do they honestly put up with her; especially Kai. Seriously, I was just hoping for a moment when Kai slaps some sense into that bitch.

Why didn't the BladeBreakers just ditch her already if they were getting sick of her? 1/10

GRevolution: I'll admit, it's a little better than VForce. However, this season bored the living hell out of me. I was basically watching season 1 again with different animation and slower story movement. 3/10 because it's slightly better then VForce
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Elfen Lied (2004)
Tragic, well throughout and beautiful
18 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This has got to be some of the best anime I've watched. Sure it had a small cycle but it is very well thought-out and I've got to say, it's a masterpiece. I've almost lost hope in anime after watching Pokemon, Beyblade and Inuyasha but this show really brought back my faith in it. Nyu is adorable and Lucy just has to be my favorite character (after Lucy is Mariko). The ending to the manga was a lot sadder then the anime but this still got a ten out of ten. Anyways, this is a beautiful and well thought-out anime which is why it is my favorite. I know some of you may not like it for its nudity but hey, we all have to see the female body at least in one point of our lives. 10/10 for everything in this anime.
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Inuyasha (2000–2004)
Repetitive, boring, mildly irriatating
13 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Don't kill me fans but I have something to say about this.

Pros: Well, the most mildly interesting season that I've watched out of all the seasons that are out there of Inuyasha just has tobe the Shichinintai arc. Unlike the rest of the seasons, I personally think that this one has more of a real plot line and those mercenaries; good god they're such likable characters. Shame they were killed off. Of course, I would write a 15 page essay one why I like the Shichinintai so much but that would be boring for some of you. So this series actually does have some likable characters. I'll miss Bankotsu... poor, poor psycho little boy.

Cons: Outside of Shichinintai arc, the series was overall boring, repetitive and some of the characters are extremely irritating. Kagome for example: She overreacts too much to my taste; she acts like Yuka from Elfen Lied. Inuyasha: He's a loud mouth dog demon with a huge sword. What's so unique about him? He has ADORABLE DOG EARS! Tch. Sesshomaru is all talk, no action and very cocky. Naraku has just got to be the wimpiest villain that ever existed in the anime world. Miroku and Sango... they have some color but they just seem to stand on the sidelines too much. But what bugs me the most if the fact that they have absolutely no COMMON SENSE at all. Rumiko Takahashi has done a LOT better then this. I've seen it before.

If you like series with a lot of action, no annoying love triangle, no over repetitiveness, this is not for you then.
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