
2 Reviews
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expectations fulfilled
12 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Truman show is a classic, which is often discussed and used in pop cultural references. Most people have seen it, however I just watched it the first time yesterday after it was years on my watchlist. So I already knew what it was about, but it didn't diminish my watching experience.

Jim Carey fits the role perfectly, (although I don't like him as much as an actor overall) and the idea of a television show with a main character who is blissfully unaware about his life being controlled and used for entertainment is just really unique and raises many morale questions. The main protagonist is relatable, especially the more he questions his reality and tries to see the bigger picture. You get angry at the people of this show and ask yourself: how could it be legal to stripe someone of his own free will and withhold important information about his own reality from him?

It's a critique on society about the way people want to be entertained all the time, the way the media manipulates us into buying new products or shaping our way of thinking through personalized Ad's and algorithms. And it raises the general philosophical question if we have free will at all. All very important questions and messages which are now more relevant than ever.

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In love with the potential of the movie
10 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
To be fair, I loved the books and in general urban teen fantasy. So this is a recommendation particularly for those who read it or just love the genre.

The idea of wandering through people's dreams is fascinating to me and I enjoyed watching it, although it's not a one-to-one movie adaptation and the story of the books differ.

The initial concept stays the same though. And I think people should learn how to engage in a story, without comparing the whole time. It's not meant to be the exact same thing, especially since the author sold the rights to amazon prime. Still I could recognize the characters from the books, even though they were less profound and looked a bit different.

Story wise they made some changes, but not necessarily bad ones. The Idea with the Nightmares was not bad. And I liked that Liv's father died in the past. It added some depth to Liv's character and to her relationship with her sister. Unfortunately the other characters remained very superficial.

Everything that happens in the dreams looks really good and has a dark touch to it and overall the atmosphere's is consistent and exciting. But the movie feels rushed, because the plot extends only over a couple days, while in the book it's one school year.

I wanted to see more bonding between the characters, more depth in general for each character and more funny everyday-moments. Would have been cool to see how they evolve over the school year as a friend group, but also at home as a Patchwork-family.

I personally love seeing Books I read get an adaptation, it's always interesting what they do with it. This movie is like a shortversion of an idea that has way more potential.
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