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Lost: The Shape of Things to Come (2008)
Season 4, Episode 9
Lost is back....
31 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
...and kicks part two of the season with a fantastic, climatic, jaw-dropping Ben Linus-centric episode. Ben is one of the best characters on the show and this is the best episode since the Constant. My favourite parts on-island were when they were playing Risk in the Barracks and the phone rings and when Ben is playing the piano and John and Sawyer come storming in and my favourite off-island part was the final scene when Ben confronts Widmore (the best part of the episode was that final scene actually). Michael Emerson's acting was excellent as usual and he deserves that Best Supporting Actor Emmy Award he was nominated for. The Alex execution scene was awful, but well-done. Bravo Drew Goddard and Brian K. Vaughn.
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WAY better than The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
24 May 2008
I saw it today and it was awesome. I-- wow. I loved the first one but this one it was the first one times infinity for me. I may see it again (who am I kidding? Of course I'm going to see it again.) It was very Lord of the Rings-ish to me in a lot of parts. And I'm a HUGE LOTR fan. Ben Barnes was the best in my opinion. He reminded me of Inigo Montaya from the Princess Bride- - only better. Way better. Caspian is my favourite character. While this movie is awesome, it is a bit violent for three to eight year olds. The acting was well done and the scenery was awesome. I love this movie a lot and... I have never seen a movie in the theatres that was this good. (I saw LOTR on DVD) I think the next movie I'll say that about is the Hobbit. So if you have a Friday night or Saturday/Sunday afternoon free anytime soon, see it. You'll be glad.
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The Game Plan (2007)
11 March 2008
I was humoring someone when I saw it and they said it was really good. Were we watching the same movie? I think I fell asleep during it. Why do people say it was any good? When it was the "sad" part at the end, I was crying not because it was sad but because I wanted it to be over. There was one part I liked: When it was over. I think I was thinking about Lost or Lord of the Rings the whole time. I can't believe people actually liked it. (Edit to I think I fell asleep, I did fall asleep because it was this ballet recital thing and then it was the "Sad" part) I think I need therapy from how bad this movie was. A few swear words came from my mouth in some parts.
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Lost: I Do (2006)
Season 3, Episode 6
29 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this episode, I thought Kate and Sawyer would be together since they kissed in Season One. It was so obvious that Kate was lying when she said "I only said I love you to make him stop" in Every Man for Himself. She was practically bawling when Pickett beat him up in that episode. I borrowed Season three from my brother the first time I saw it. When it started I thought "okay, Kate episode, this should be good." I saw it seven times. Maybe more. I love that episode so much. It's so good. Sawyer is my favourite. I think this is my favourite episode from Season Three. Or at least one of them. When Danny goes out to kill Sawyer (Good thing he doesn't I would've been the one bawling) I was biting my nails like crazy. It's a really really really good episode.
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Lost: Exposé (2007)
Season 3, Episode 14
Waste of my time
29 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I am addicted to Lost, but this episode was awful. Why did they have to bring in new snarky awful characters? I hated it so much. Here are the reasons why:

1- Nikki and Paulo weren't even in the first or second season. 2- The plot was weak and brittle. 3- I think I almost fell asleep,it was so boring 4- Paulo always has to go to the bathroom. Does he have bladder issues? 5- The best part was when they were buried (though, I almost got a heart attack when Nikki's eye opened at the end)

If you get Season three on DVD, skip it. I saw all three seasons on DVD. I borrowed them from my brother and I love every episode but this one. It was pointless, I think they could have just never add Nikki and Paulo, or they could have been redshirts.
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In all that is good and whole, will the madness never stop?
4 January 2008
I went because I was going to a sleep over at my grandparents with my two younger cousins (one of them was four, the other ten) I said yes, because I would be bored at home. Bad idea. The name is corny, the only part I laughed at wasn't even a full laugh out loud laugh, just me saying "that was funny" then life went on. The plot was thin, Justin Timberlake scared me as the dorky teen, and the music sucked big time (Except for Live and Let die and even then it was bad). It was awful. I guess you can say that violence can comfort me sometimes. It comforts me with LOST and Lord of the Rings. I bet when I'm a mother, and I'm at the grocery store, there will be a cheap DVD bin and there will be Shrek the Third, and my kid will say "what's Shrek?" and I won't even be able to answer how sucky it was. Do yourself a favor and save your money.
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Lost (2004–2010)
I love this show
3 January 2008
I am addicted to this show. The first episode I saw was "The Man From Tallahassee" and my brother had to explain what a flashback was and when it happened. At Christmas 2007, he got Season Three on DVD and we watched the first four episodes. I became addicted to Lost. I borrowed his copy of seasons one and two, it only took me about ten days to watch, (it was Christmas break) then a week to finish season three, it took me seventeen days instead of three years. My favourite character is Sawyer. I also like Charlie a lot too. I didn't like Ana Lucia that much. I got Season One and every weekend, I have a Lost-athon (or try to anyways) and now I'm saving up for season two. This is my favourite show.
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Bee Movie (2007)
"Well, this sucks"
23 December 2007
I was invited to see this movie with my grandparents, my three cousins and aunt then out to dinner at Wendy's. I didn't eat the Wendy's I get a stomach ache just looking at it. Anyway, I didn't know what to do. At ten a.m. the next morning, I was woken up by a phone call, it was my grandpa. I choked out that I would go see it. I saw the previews on TV, they all said "oh, it's great you'll love it!" I went because it was my two year old cousin's first time seeing a movie in theatres, I wanted to be polite. I was lucky enough to see a preview to see Enchanted, one of my favourite movies now. That was the best part. I prefer violence in movies like LOTR. Which are my all time favourite movies. (I never read the books though. I get all my info from my cousin) I walked out of the theatre. I had to say I liked it in front of my two year old cousin and my four year old cousin. I enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed the Shrek films and Finding Nemo, well, Finding Nemo was worse, much, much worse. I don't like animated films, except the Simpsons movie. As I said earlier, people who like violence and love the Lord of the Rings as their favourite movies, like me, you may not like it like me. Anyway, that's my opinion.
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I hated it
4 December 2007
I heard about it when I was eight or nine. I didn't watch American Idol back then, I only started to watch American Idol when I was twelve and a half and I was exhausted that night and I hadn't eaten dinner yet and it was going on 8:30-- Okay I'm getting way off track here. The song Anytime near the end, was the only one I liked. I remember my cousin saying something about it. Kelly Clarkson and I'm sorry in advance to all the people who liked this movie, she can't act. She didn't even want to do it. I didn't like Grease and it's a musical. I loved Hairspray (2007) High School Musical (2006) High School Musical 2 (2007) and Enchanted (though it's not really a musical) but other than that I don't like Musicals. I refuse to watch them if they're like FJTK it's awful. It sucked. It only stayed in theatres for two weeks at least if not more than that. In a way they broke the rules, competitors aren't allowed to fratenize until a few months after the finale. And Simon Fuller who created American Idol was the writer and producer. All in all, I give it 1/100000000000000th of a star (if that even exists) or less.
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I forgot about it until now
19 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When I was eight, six years ago, I loved this movie. I saw it a couple times before it re-released on VHS when I got it at Zellers. It had some good laughs. I forgot about Maleficent saying Hell, but I laughed when she said that. I also laughed when the two kings got drunk. That was classic. I liked at the end how the dress kept changing from pink to blue. If they make a sequel and a three-quell like with Cinderella, I swear I'll go nuts. I don't like it that much anymore, I'd watch it but it would be boring for me. I prefer Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Stardust and Harry Potter now. I like it and all but not as much, it's from 1959 and all. The color is way better on the VHS now.
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