
18 Reviews
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What was that?
2 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this at the video store for a long time, but never rented it, I figured it wouldn't be all that good, but when you like zombie movies, there really aren't all that many choices, so I gave it a whack one night. The beginning wasn't so bad, it seemed like it might be OK, it's kind of done as a sequel to Night Of The Living Dead, you see them wrapping up the zombie outbreak from that night. So far, not so bad.

There is one zombie that breaks off from the rest named Abbott Hayes, a notorious killer in the town, but he seems to be a smart zombie because he stays hidden for the next 20 years, and seems to have an agenda. He turns a group of teenagers into zombies, hence the title, and sends them to do his bidding. Every time someone sees him, they yell ABBOTT HAYES, despite the fact that his crimes were over 20 years ago, and he is now a badly decomposed corpse, somehow people recognize him the split second they see him.

The plot doesn't make a lot of sense, and the idea of a smart zombie with a goofy laugh and a strange dance like walk was really kind of off putting. I do want to give props to Jamie McCoy, she is a really beautiful woman, and she seemed like she might not be a bad actress if given good material. Not a very good movie, but there are worse zombie movies out there, and on a slow night, it might give you a laugh.
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I hated this movie
25 November 2004
I remember seeing the previews for this and really looking forward to seeing it. I thought it was going to be an honest look at the way a family changes when something like this happens to a parent, my family went through something similar when I was growing up, so to see someone like Harrison Ford take on this topic was something I really wanted to see. After I saw it, I was so disgusted. When something like this happens, the spouse and children have to adjust to a new life, and it isn't easy, and there's always a part of you that misses the kind of life you had envisioned. But in this awful movie, the wife is just pleased as punch that she gets to spend the rest of her life with a mentally challenged man, because he was kind of a jerk before he was shot, so you see, he and everybody else is better off because he was shot in the head and made retarded, the wife gets faithful husband, and the kids get the little brother they always wanted.

They could have made an honest and interesting movie about what some families have to face.If the movie had been about what families really face in a situation like this, it might have worked. As it is, I am offended by this movie to the Nth degree.
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Don't bother
2 August 2004
I like zombie movies, and I like vampire movies, so when I saw a movie called Vampires vs Zombies, I had to rent it, even though I knew it would be low budget and probably kind of silly. One thing I absolutely demand from a movie with the title of Vampires vs Zombies and a tag line of "the war between the undead has begun", is that vampires and zombies actually fight. There might have been vampires in the movie (the ending left that ambiguous), and there were certainly zombies, but they never really fought, and there certainly wasn't a war between them. The zombies didn't seem to be of particular concern to anyone, even though you hear the occasional news report about the dead coming back to life, you don't see anyone barricading their houses, or trying to find a safe place, people mostly go about their daily business, and the zombies are a minor irritant, like mosquito's. There is some decent lesbian action, and this chick with black hair shows up in a couple of dream sequences, and she's super hot, so it kept me watching for that reason alone. The movie was really bad, and didn't deliver what the title and tag line promised, just skip it and get a lap dance instead.
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Good, but not great
25 April 2004
I really enjoy political satire and films with the president as a character in general. This is a good movie, it was written by Aaron Sorkin, so it has great dialogue. The main problem that brings it down a few pegs is that president Shepard seems to be really politically naive for someone that has been a politician all his life. Like when a picture turns up of Sydney burning a flag at an anti-apartheid rally, the president seems to really not understand why that's a political problem, and he seemed so shocked that people might raise an eyebrow at the president dating a lobbyest that is actively lobbying the white house. And of course, when he announced at the end that he was going to go door to door to take peoples guns away, he lost reelection that very moment. I'm a pretty liberal guy, I would shoot myself in the head before I voted for Bush, but come on, these plot points really went beyond suspension of disbelief. But, the writing is strong, and the cast is wonderful, so it's still worth watching, just be ready to roll your eyes a little.
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Don't bother except for nostalgia
14 January 2004
I remember this being on Cinemax all the time back in the early 80s, I taped it, and when I was in high school, I mentioned it to a teacher, and she had me bring it in and the class watched it, and then the school library borrowed it and made a copy. I wonder if they still have it, they should be ashamed of themselves if they show it to any more classes, I was just a teenager, but these were educated adults taking this nonsense seriously. I saw it again recently, I remember being absolutely mesmerized by it at the time, I'm almost embarrassed that I was ever naive enough to take this for anything more than base entertainment. The whole production is just so cheap and silly looking, and most of the predictions haven't panned out, I'm sure Nostrodamus was a slick talking con man of his time, sort of like Sylvia Brown now, just say a lot of vague things and hope people overlook it when your wrong. All of that being said, Orson Wells has a great presence, and he almost makes this tripe seem plausible, if you close your eyes. If you saw it way back when, it's kind of fun to revisit it and goof on it, but you've never seen it, there's no need to.
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Timequest (2000)
Low budget, but good
3 January 2004
I was pleasantly surprised by this movie, it was actually pretty entertaining. I confess that I rented it because of the picture of the beautiful Caprice Benedetti on the cover, usually when I rent a movie I haven't heard of because of a beautiful woman on the cover, it's not surprisingly, not very good. Parts of this were kind of cheesy, but it was made with a lot of heart, and had a good story, do yourself a favor, if you see this one at the video store, give it a look, you'll be glad you did.
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So bad its good
27 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Minor spoilers

This is the definition of a guilty pleasure, it's so incredibly awful, but also fun to watch. Filled with unintentional comedy, I actually went to see this twice at the movies, I had to show a friend of mine how terrible it was. First of all, it takes place exactly a year after the first one, even though it's really been over 5 years, and Ralph Macchio is pushing 30, but playing a 17 year old. The evil karate instructor from the first movie wants to get revenge on Daniel for beating his star pupil, and enlists the aid of a pony tailed rich friend, and a teenage "bad boy" of karate. The pony tailed guy is really into this revenge plot, he goes over the plan sitting in a sauna, and just bursts out laughing, just like from a comic book. The ponytail guy pretends to befriend Daniel, and train him, because Miyagi wants nothing to do with Daniel fighting in this tournement because......well, because that's what it says in the script. Of course, eventually the terrible trio let Danny in on their little plan right before the big tournement, and miyagi shows up and says that he'll train Danny, and then proceeds to wipe the floor with all three of the karate experts, and as Danny and Miyagi walk away, the three are still laughing and taunting Danny, which seemed odd to me since he's being trained by the guy that just beat all their asses all at once....but the laughing and the taunting were in the script, so why not. Of course, Danny is losing badly up until the last moment, until Miyagi gives him a word of encourgement, and then Danny snaps out of his stupor and wins......because it was in the script. Yes, it's really as bad as it sounds, but you'll laugh yourself silly, I promise.
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Gigli (2003)
12 December 2003
Well, I finally saw the movie that some critics are calling the worst movie ever made, or at least the worst of the year. If somebody really thinks this is the worst movie ever made, they haven't seen very many movies. The worst of the year? I would have to believe that critics have seen much worse than this over the year. I wouldn't call it good, but it's no worse than any number of movies that come out all the time, and it actually has a few funny moments, and some almost touching romantic scenes. The biggest problem is that it has one of those annoying, only in the movie's, mentally challenged characters that accidentally teaches those around him valuable life lessons. But a lot of critics gave positive reviews to Radio, so that couldn't have been their problem with this movie. No, I think what was really going on was that a lot of critics were reviewing the Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez relationship, not the movie. Now, I admit to thinking about that occasionally during the movie, like during a sex scene, I kind of wondered if that's the face Ben really makes with Jennifer in that situation, but I guess those thoughts might come up in any movie where the leads are involved, so it's not really that big a deal. It seems critics went overboard with their dislike of the stars by critical overkill. Ben Affleck struggles a bit with his Noo Yawk accent, and he's a bit miscast as a gangster, but otherwise is passable, and I think Lopez gave a better performance than the movie might have deserved. Is it good, not really. Is it off the charts bad, not at all, like my header says, it's just mediocre.
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So bad it's good
28 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Possible spoilers

A lot of people say this is the worst Star Trek movie, and I suppose it is, but it's also fun to watch in a Mystery Science Theatre kind of way. At the beginning, some diplomats are taken hostage by Sybok, a renegade vulcan (also Spocks brother). The head of starfleet contacts the Enterprise, which is a new replacement for the original that was destroyed in Star Trek 3, and it's not in working order yet, the transporters don't even work. Well, Kirk explains this to the admiral, but the admiral cuts him off, and says that he wants Jim Kirk their. Now, I know Captain Kirk is probably legendary in starfleet, but all they had to do was send a ship with a working transporter to beam the hostages out, problem solved, even a garbage scow probably could have managed it, but since Shatner wrote and directed, some ego stroking was in order for the good captain.

Of course, since the transporters don't work, a landing party consisting of the most important officers on the ship, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, has to go to the planet on a shuttle craft. And they meet up with Sybock, who it turns out is a touchy feely vulcan that can touch you and take your "pain" away, he does this for Spock and McCoy, but when it's Kirks turn, Kirk shouts in the way only Shatner can, "I want my pain, I need my pain". Sybock is sensing some kind of great energy at the center of the universe, which he believes to be God, and he just has to meet God, so he takes over the Enterprise, and it really seems to be that easy.

Well, they get to the center of the universe, and everybody piles into the shuttle craft and goes down to the planet where Sybock senses God. When they get off the craft, they all look around at their surroundings, and have looks of complete awe and wonder, and they all remark about how beautiful it is, calling it paradise, eden, and so forth, but all it looks like to me is a Nevada desert, maybe they don't have deserts in the future, so it seems impressive to them. They pretty soon come across God, a brightly lit face, that everybody is impressed by and is bowing down to, except for Kirk of course, he has his doubts, he asks for proof that he's God, and that's when McCoy has a great line, "Jim, you don't ask the almighty for his I.D.". God proceeds to say that he will need their starship, that's when Kirk figures out for sure that it's not really God, and the face gets really ticked off, and starts chasing Kirk, and just when it looks like it's curtains for Kirk, Spock shows up in a Klingon shuttle and shoots the face with a big phaser, and saves the day.

Yeah, it was lame, but Shatners ego is really a sight to behold.
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This movie is even worse than you've heard.
15 October 2003
When I go to see a movie about zombie's, I'm not expecting oscar calibre performances, or writing on the level of The Godfather, but I do expect the actors to at least not look like their straining to read their cue cards, and dialogue that doesn't sound like it was typed out 10 minutes before the actor reads it into the camera. This movie was just awful, I actually got up and left about 25 minutes in and went next door and watched Cold Creek Manor, that wasn't very good either, but it seemed like Citizen Kane compared to this pile of crap. On the plus side, the girls were very pretty, that's probably the only thing that kept me in my seat for longer than the first 5 minutes, in fact I left after the hottest one got killed, there wasn't anything to hold my interest after that.
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One for the fans
19 September 2003
Whether or not you like this movie pretty much depends on what you think of Elvira. I've been an admirer since the late 80s, her look, and campy sense of humor has always appealed to me. The movie is pretty silly, and low budget, but if your an Elvira fan, then you wouldn't want it any other way. I saw this at a charity screening in Dallas, and Cassandra Petersen appeared and introduced the movie, answered questions, and signed autographs. She wasn't dressed as Elvira, she was just there as herself, I got to speak to her for a few minutes, and she signed a picture for me, she is still absolutely gorgeous, and a very sweet woman. She and her husband had to finance the movie themselves, the only deal the studios would offer wouldn't have allowed them to make any kind of profit from the movie, so if your a fan, then buy the DVD, you'll enjoy it, and if your not a fan, then buy it anyway, you can always look at Elviras "hills", that's worth the price alone.
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Dracula 2000 (2000)
Not bad
24 May 2003
I had a free rental coupon, and decided to give this a chance. I was a bit surprised, it was a decent movie. The actor playing Dracula is the weakest link, he doesn't have much charisma, so that keeps the movie from realizing it's potential, but still, worth a look.
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Sick and twisted (not in a good way)
16 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers

I saw this movie yesterday, I don't really know much about Rob Zombie, I don't listen to his kind of music. I'm not a big splatter fan, but I did like Texas Chainsaw Massacre and other horror films, so I thought I would give this one a chance.

I actually liked it at first, it was kind of scary and bizarre enough, but it just became more and more sickening, the evil family in this movie was just absolutely disgusting, which wouldn't have been so bad, but they are almost treated as the heroes of the movie, I get the feeling that Rob Zombie doesn't find their behavior all that reprehensible.

One thing that happened was just to ridiculous, there were 5 local cheerleaders that went missing that keep getting mentioned in the movie, and when one is discovered in the trunk of a car, dead, with the words "trick or treat" carved into her, they send 2 cops to check things out. That place would have been crawling with cops, my suspension of disbelief doesn't go that far.

I don't mind downbeat endings, sometimes I find them preferable, but this ending just took the cake, I think mostly because it wasn't presented as a downbeat ending, again, I get the feeling that RZ views this as a happy ending. Also, if they were going to end it that way, couldn't at least one of the villains have gotten their comeuppance? I would have loved to see that evil, annoying (but very pretty), blond bimbo get whacked. But of course, I think the director saw them as the heroes of the movie.

I felt dirty after watching this movie.
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9 March 2003
I actually watched this movie when I was in high school with some friends, and I always remembered it being cheesy fun. Recently, me and a friend were at a video store, and ran across a copy of this, out of nostalgia, we rented it. We had to shut it off halfway through, I guess I must have truly matured over the years, I don't know what my younger self found even remotely entertaing about this garbage. If your into watching a monkey being killed and having its brains scooped out, this is the movie for you.
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Great movie
23 September 2002
This is a great movie. Otis Young gives a great performance, and so does the white guy(can't remember his name). LOL, sorry, couldn't resist the joke. This really is one of Jack Nicholsons best performances, and Randy Quaid was a stand out, makes you sad that he didn't do more with his career. I can see that if you never served in the military, the Navy specifically, that the movie may not do as much for you. The filmmakers obviously did their homework, Jack Nicholson was just like a lifer first class that will never make chief because of his rowdy past and rebellious attitude. The dialog is sprinkled with Navy slang that apparently hasn't changed in the last 30 years(I wouldn't s**t you, your my favorite turd, let's shag a**). The movie is sad at the end when the two lifers want to help the kid thats just been screwed out of 8 years of his life, even though he obviously has some kind of mental problem, but they realize they can't, because, in the end they are lifers, just following orders, and even though they wish this was their last detail, they know it won't be. The bar scene is a classic, and is worth seeing the movie for that alone. Also, keep your eyes open for Carol Kane and Gilda Radner in a few scenes.
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18 September 2002
I only saw this movie a couple of years ago. I always avoided it at the video store because of the name, I assumed it must be about a little kid, something like The Champ or Lucas, nothing wrong with those kinds of movies, just not my cup of tea. But I happened to read about it in one of Leonard Maltins books, he called it one of the best comedies of the 70s, and very dark for it's time. So I rented it and loved it. I think it's pretty dark even by todays standards, Charles Grodins character is likeable in an odd way, but he's also two faced and deceitful, not to mention downright cruel to his new bride. I don't know of many actors that could have played this better than Charles Grodin, this was certainly his best role. In his biography he wrote that he recognizes the brilliance of the film, but he hated playing such a cruel character. The thing is, the character never intends to be cruel, he just can't seem to help it, lying and selfishness are just second nature to him. If your like me, you'll find yourself laughing and cringing at the same time. The ending is just perfection, he has seemingly attained what he wanted, the thing that he has lied and cheated and hurt other people to get, yet he seems to already be tired of it and longing for what he already had. At least that's my take on it, it's open to interpretation. This movie may not be for everybody, but if you like dark comedies, you should check it out.
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Sea of Love (1989)
Great movie
7 September 2002
This is one of my favorite movies. I became an Al Pacino fan because of this movie, it finally showed me what all the fuss was about. Ellen Barkin gives a starmaking performance, it's just to bad she made poor choices after this movie, but I doubt you'll see a sexier performance in any movie. The chemistry between Pacino and John Goodman was also fantastic. Look closely at the beginning of the movie, if you don't blink you'll catch Samuel L Jackson in a couple of scenes. I highly reccomend this movie.
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Enough (I) (2002)
27 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
***contains possible spoilers*** I saw this movie a couple of days ago at a dollar movie theatre. I guess it was worth a dollar to watch, but I couldn't see spending much more than that to see it. Some other posts have said that Jennifer Lopez is a bad actress, I disagree, I think she proved her acting chops in Out of Sight, but she has'nt done anything to challenge herself since then. This movie was just pretty dumb, bad script, some of the lines the actors are required to say are just breathtakingly ridiculous. To be honest, I almost got up and left, but after I saw Billy Campbell punch Jennifer Lopez, I did want to stay until the end to see him get his butt kicked. Her character is lucky enough to have a very rich long lost daddy to bankroll her once she goes on the run. I think we were supposed to think his character was charming, but the truth of the matter is that he seemed like an older version of the Billy Campbell character. Once J-Lo goes on the run, she cuts her hair short, which we all know completely changes your appearance. At one point she has to escape again, and throws on a wig, which makes her look pretty much exactly like she did before she cut her hair. I could go on, but why bother, for some people just watching an abused wife beat the hell out of her abuser is enough for them to want to see this movie, and if thats the only thing that matters to you, and plot and dialog, and acting are of no concern then by all means watch this movie, but if those things do matter to you, then you should skip it.
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