
2 Reviews
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Saltburn (2023)
The Talentless Mr Ripoff
22 February 2024
A film with characters so devoid of anything approaching life, you don't want anybody to succeed. If you're going to borrow from Highsmith, at least get it right. So many lot holes that allow logic to seep away, and acting of the 'Aren't we all deep and meaningful' type. It's a style over substance mess.

For a masterclass in this genre watch the Talented Mr Ripley and see where crafted performances get you. They could have even used the television show Hustle as a template and carried it off. Only Pike and Grant coming out of this clutching at anything above mediocrity. I'm also mystified by a butler who seems to be in the wrong film.
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Stick to the classics
26 December 2023
It's really badly written, full of secondary characters who are awful and leads who seem to be phoning in their performances, The bad kid is out of his depth and just a stereotype. This fails in humour or warmth that is part of what we love in our Christmas viewing. I so wanted Nesbitt to be engaging, but he's swamped by a script that has plot points you can spot a mile off. The two police people really scrape barrels lower than a dachshund's stomach and it all feels like a production meeting on Friday afternoon after a liquid lunch where the crew were killing themselves laughing. This is why people stick to the Christmas stuff they love.
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