
2 Reviews
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Rodrigo Plaza. Territorio Enemigo.
14 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A soldier flees from the battlefield and loses his way in the forest. Hungry and disarmed, he bumps into another soldier from the rival army. The two engage in gruesome life or death game. Enemy zone is an interesting short film where we can see silent performances. This young director shows us a smart and laborious job. A perfect cover for a promising career. I admire his power, virtue and his wit. Suspense,hardness,where ruthless characters decide about their life. Is It only a game or a awkward situation? Laughs,fear,shame,pity,hate Ìt's all I feel watching this movie.Fresh air and powerful talent. Andres Gertrudix (from the successful Spanish thriller The Orphanage or The Backwoods, where he shares some intense scenes with Gary Oldman) stars along with Hector Gomez (who appears in several movies by Alex De La Iglesia such 800 Bullets) and young but outstanding Antonio Luque.
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The sun rises red-blood
25 November 2007
("The 12th hour") is a quirky and interesting short movie who explores the mysteries behind the making of a classic horror movie, "Nosferatu" (Murnau's bizarre adaptation of "Dracula").Two young Spanish filmmakers Rodrigo Plaza and Juanma Ruiz wrote and directed it...and everything else. Rodrigo worked as production designer. His home became one of the sets. His father and grandfather made the props you can see on screen, including Murnau's diary or Sherrinford's phonograph. Juanma edited the movie. Both of the directors worked as cinematographers as well. It's was shown at Alcine (Alcalá Henares Film Festival, in Madrid) last Sunday. A must see movie if you like Polanski's "The Ninth gate" or Peter Jackson's "Forgotten silver".
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