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16 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I writing a review as the only reason I took the time to watch the movie was related the reviews I had read.

In one review the main female character is noted as an Android. Nope, she's a synthetic human.

The "special effects" not Space 1999, they were better.

The story was more of a quarter baked notion, not even half baked. The story is like a frozen hamburger you put in the microwave for one minute and then eat. The whole story is contained in the first 15 minutes. She's a synthetic human that doesn't have rights as a person = slave. She wants to be free. She gets a hold of valuable information and then goes rogue. The company goes after her. She wins the end.

To state the story was a mess and thrown together would be giving these kinds of films a bad rep. It was so disjointed it's section was obvious and cliché but so off the wall you didn't know what the next transition would be from one video section to another. There are serious gaps, like the grand canyon, in plot points. The ship needs supplies for the trip, so the guy lays down to sleep; the next morning there's a fight and they take off without getting any supplies/fuel or anything. The woman has a chip in her head that will kill her in 72 hours after activation, so they go to a planet to the person that put her genetic code together to save her. The guy (Birkman) takes her there, hands her over while she's sleeping, the next morning they meet and agree to go to the planet where the alien ship for salvage is. What happened with the deadly chip? If there was a story board, then there would be five index cards in a freshman college paper format; Intro, 3 supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Suspension of disbelief: Nonexistent. For example, when they get to the alien ship for salvage there are blue skies with clouds like on Earth and a con trail from a jet plane in the shots. Near the beginning when they are taking off to get away from the big bad corporation she kills two guys; so the film took the time for her to dispose of the bodies by opening a bay door and throwing two obvious dummies to land on an obvious mat one at a time; like one wasn't bad enough.

Acting wooden & stupid. Directing would have been better by a 12 year old. Story Elementary school style.

There were a lot of low budget OK films in the 80s; this isn't one of them.

Doctor Who with Tom Baker has more story, better acting and directing; as well as better special effects than this movie and that was late 70s to 1981.

***I only watched due to the positive reviews. Save your time and watch anything other than this. Seriously not even so bad it's good; just pointless.***
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Open Grave (2013)
Waste of Time
24 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Seems like a movie written from the end to the beginning.

No real character development.

The mysterious element of the movie is used to cover up a lack of story/story development.

Over contrived mess that eventually has you fast forwarding through to the ending to see if it was worth even 15 mins of your time. Nope.

I approached this as a student film or the unpolished type of film. Unfortunately, no matter how much rope you give this movie; it still hangs itself.

I watched because some of the reviews were not gre8, just OK and figured at least it would be worth a watch. Nope.

My advice, pass on this one.
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Get a Job (2016)
Better than I expected
26 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Story which shows getting a job for young and older.

The film touches on the reality of job market as not only trying to get a job; but also the job placement company as an industry.

It's noted that the film was done in 2012 and didn't come out until now; which for me was the reality check the film provides in what all we have to go through to get a job and how the job market is messed up. Maybe the poltics of 2012 didn't like the idea of showing how screwed up the job market was and still is.

It's a fun film which is gre8 to watch if you're in the market for a job or after you have finally started somewhere.

The film didn't seem to short or rushed to me. There were clear messages with comic reflection.

If you have a chance and just want to enjoy a film; then this is worth the watch.

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Spotless (2015)
Definitely Worth The Watch
31 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I read the other review & decided to give this show a try, I was pleasantly surprised.

The only show to attempt to compare it to (pre-watch) was Dexter & about the only other show you can relate to when you first start watching.

The show develops on its own & by the 6th ep the story starts to deepen. When you start watching try a few episodes back to back. Eps 1 to 4 were all watchable & I wanted to see how the story would develop. I was hooked by the 6th ep & looking forward to 7th ep.

The acting, writing, directing, sets, locations, story, & etc. . are gre8 and keep you engaged in the story.

If this is a French production, then the French have a lot of great shows for us English speakers. The only barrier was language & this show is in English. This is the 2nd French show in English that I really like more than most Shows here in the U.S. Most shows here in the U.S. are predictable, cliché', &/or boring.

The sophistication of this show is well worth the watch & a welcome break from the current SOS in the US.

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The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
Amazing; 10 years & Still Funny!
8 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Big Bang Theory redefined my view of comedies. It's one of only a few shows that are a break from the derivative nonsense.

As of the writing of this review: IMDb Rating of 8.4 based on 490,563 users with 359 user reviews (including this one) & 107 critic reviews. The metrics speak for themselves & tell a truthful story.

I have seen the episodes several times. If my Father, Mother, or Son is watching it; I will sit down & watch it with them even though we've all seen it. It's still funny & better than most shows on TV; comedies or dramas.

If you haven't seen it then watch a few episodes from each season. You'll catch a few that you like & then watch the rest. I can't separate one season being better than the other as I've seriously watched so many episodes.

It's a gre8 show. If you haven't seen it. Then you have a lot of fun moments to break up your week & it will put a spring in your step.

Thank you to Chuck Lorre, the cast, CBS, & the production team.
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Telenovela (2015–2016)
Actually Funny; I took a chance & It was Worth It!
8 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I usually don't write a review for the pilot episode & I think by the end of this season NBC will have a hit.

The only other comedy show I watch is The Big Bang Theory. I love comedies & there just aren't that many that are fun nor funny. There are too many dramas: NCISSS, CSIII, Criminal Minds, Quantico, Chicago Fire/Med/PD, Law & Orderererer. Other comedy shows I've tried: Modern Family, Gary Shandling, Seinfeld; and several others I've watched over the years.

The acting, writing, & directing are gre8! The actors/actresses are top rate and draw you into the story.

If you work in a corporation; you will most likely find this show funny. There were a couple of parts that slowed down for me & it was gre8 to laugh at something that was actually funny when it picked back up.

Ep 1 Two main characters take a selfie while committing a crime. The main character asks the writer, "How drunk were you last night". The Gay guy stress eating. The macho guy has a cat.

Ep 2 The open door policy (no secrets). Two of the characters slept together & while giving the details the main character started gagging. Main character talking to writer. Writer plugs his ears stating, "Spoiler alert". Main character, "You wrote it".

The show is different & will have to carve out it's niche. This was worth the risk of watching & finally funny.

Thank you to NBC & the production team. I look forward to the next episode.
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Code Black (2015–2018)
3 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Derivative, formulatic, cliché', boring, dull, tedious, unimaginative.

Bad story, acting, directing.

If you like medical dramas then you could do better: ER, Chicago Hope. But wait there's more: Grey's Anatomy, St. Elsewhere, Night Shift, and ad nauseum.

In a real level 1 trauma ER there simply isn't time for all the interpersonal situations/interactions, staff's dramatic emotional meltdowns, cramped environments, as well as confusion/lack of communication.

I didn't watch every episode of ER or Chicago Hope and people that are interested in this type of genre already have the materials on hand (ER & Chicago Hope). Also, there are so many episodes of each series (ER & Chicago Hope) if you haven't seen it for a few years; you might not remember it. Additionally, if you start watching Chicago Hope & ER; you might see the exact same story idea/situation on Code Black.
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Gre8 for the Adventure
30 November 2015
Unlike Ancient Aliens; I feel this is Giorgio Tsoukalos' taking us on a journey of the paranormal.

During the season break from Ancient Aliens this was at least watchable from beginning to end.

I grew up watching "In Search Of"; so the tie ins with Aliens and other myths/legends I like.

The show has interesting episodes and is better than most network programming: NCISSS, CSIII, Quatico, Chicago Fire/PD/Med, Code Black, and etc...

A big thanks to Giorgio Tsoukalos for taking the time to do this.
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Jury is back & has Convicted
24 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was hopeful when I heard about this show and that it was on Fox. Fox has done some good Sci-Fi: Almost Human, Terminator, Fringe, Firefly, X-files, Sliders, and etc... I'm not comparing the TV show to the movie at all. Other than the bells and whistles this is not Sci-Fi.

I had one person post me on a blog that Firefly was old. Well, when it was on Fox; Fox kept switching the night it was on from week to week. Also, it's 2015 and people are still watching it.

Reading the reviews is what prompted me to write a review. The younger viewers and their interest in Nick Zano was why I hadn't done a review, until today.

For any show, the pilot episode is important. If the pilot is boring with sloppy writing, acting, and directing; then you know it's only going to get worse.

Most Sci-Fi shows today are like video games. The characters and story. Minority Report isn't the only show guilty of this. Video games require active participation, TV shows and movies do not. So, there has to be a story that is acted out that draws the audience in; the total opposite of a video game.

Wowing us with the CGI, high tech gadgets, and tech jargon only works if there is a story. You know there's a story if you watch a show for 20 mins. At 20 mins if you still don't know what's going on, then it's not worth watching.

Sci-Fi is not only high tech it's fun. You never know what's going to happen. If the story is good you follow the character and character development unfolds. The story is the Horse and the character is the cart. In video games you choose the character. TV shows like the Minority Report put the cart before the horse.

***To the younger viewers that like Nick Zano and tuned into Minority Report for that fact; I apologize. Life is too short and in youth, which is such a short time, you deserve some fun and a healthy break from your school work.***

Fox obviously knows somewhat what it's doing as it cut the season from 13 eps to 10. As of today the IMDb rating is 5.9 at the 9th ep. Because of CGI the cost of Sci-Fi shows has gone down not up. The story and acting are worth the investment. I could be wrong and I don't think there will be a 2nd season of Minority Report and other than the official announcement this show has been cancelled.

Good Sci-Fi shows to watch: The 100, Continuum (which ended this year), or 12 Monkeys (2nd season to air in Jan. 2016).

I would recommend passing on this show, but it looks like everyone already has.
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Chicago Med (2015– )
Chicago Garbage
24 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
We have Chicago Fire & P.D. Now, we have Chicago Med. What's next Chicago Garbage? This just goes to show how far the "Entertainment" industry will push the boundaries to see how stupid we are.

Best guess NBC is saving money on sets/locations/CGI by having 3 shows all with Emergency services in Chicago. Moreover, so many shows like these 3 "new" dramas have been done before that they can just recycle previous scripts and update them a little.

Much like working in a corporation at the desk level, every 3 or 6 months there was a 3 ring binder of the new program that the company was implementing to stay in business. Much like NBC's Chicago Fire, PD, and now Med it was the same program from previous history repeating itself. They just kept giving another f*****g binder (AFB), from the past; hoping you didn't remember it. With the new improved AFBs in corporate America; you'd be at lunch with a co-worker discussing, "Isn't this the same program from March last year".

I suggest passing on this show as well as NBCs future shows: Chicago Garbage, Chicago Law, and Chicago Dog Catcher.
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TURN: Washington's Spies (2014–2017)
Excellent in all Aspects
24 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
What I like is how the show portrays a regular person's life impacted by the Revolution. What Abraham (Jamie Bell) goes through and how he gets sucked in deeper and deeper. The role of women and slaves. How everyone has to choose a side. Even with the high probability that the Revolution will fail, people still choose Liberty over Death.

The writing, acting, directing, sets/locations, and etc. . . are all superb.

This is historical drama, not a boring historical documentary for insomnia. To my knowledge there isn't one sports stadium in the U.S. that has Revolutionary re-enactments. So, the accuracy doesn't pack the audiences in. However, watching Turn can spark an interest in the American Revolution; just like National Treasure did.

This show stands by itself. Off the top of my head if you like House of Cards you'll like this.

Turn stands out from the crowd and is a Revolution for American T.V. The shows have become recycled, derivative, cliché', and etc... This is a nice change to actually look forward to watching a show.

This show is worthy of taking a look. Enjoy.
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Scream Queens (2015–2016)
24 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I only watched Scream Queens because I had watched Scream the TV Series by MTV.

Reading the reviews motivated me to write this review.

Scream the TV Series was the Homage to slasher films. It was intended to show it could be done as a TV series and for both young and older viewers.

Scream Queens is just ridiculous. The characters, if you can call them that, are cartoonish. The comedy mimics the 3 Stooges; which was funny a long time ago. The story is so bad you don't even wonder who the killer is nor who will be the next victim.

This would have been better as clips on Youtube and not Fox.

To be fair watching this show is about as fun as watching Metal Gear Solid 5, MGSV: The Phantom Pain. My son wanted to show me this on youtube and it had the same effect on me as this show did; eyes rolled into the back of my head and wanted to stay there.

Watching world news is just as funny with lots of horror thrown in.

If you get a chance to watch this, then I suggest you PASS on it and watch Scream the TV series.
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Rehash of the same stories
23 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I went straight to the 3rd episode (Black Triangles) as the same stories aren't very revealing.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: Why hasn't there been new pictures or footage to go along with stories. We've had Smart phones since 2005. So, from 2005 to 2015 we don't have anything? Stories are derivative rehash of previous material devoid of anything but eyewitness accounts and drawings.

This show is 2015 I was hoping for new pictures or videos to go along with the stories. Either there is nothing new to report or the aliens have boycotted the Earth since almost everyone on the planet has a cell phone.

These type shows can be fun and Ancient Aliens goes into updates on what's new or newly discovered. When you keep rehashing stories from before 2005 and relying on eyewitness accounts, drawings, and there recollection; it's like sitting around the campfire and hearing stories.

I was hoping this would be OK.

If you are hoping as well; then I recommend. . . PASSING ON THIS.
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Alaskan Bush People (2014– )
More Alaska from the Alaska Channel
22 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
More Alaska from the Alaska Channel.

The ONLY Reality T.V. show is Survivor. The participants lose weight, suffer the elements, have actual injuries/medical emergencies, don't get to look pretty for the cameras and etc. . .

Which leads us to the fake show Alaskan Bush People. Obvious contrived drama Jerry Springer style. Why bother? Discovery Channel needs to change it's name to Alaska Reality TV show Channel.

I live in Florida. I've read the reviews by Alaskans. So, if I can tell it's fake and the people that live there can, then it must be fake.

Spoiler Alert: The show is fake. The show sucks.
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Agent X (2015)
Agent SuX, really really sucks
11 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
***WOW 3 episodes and IMDb rating 6.0; it must be a good show.***

If caged monkeys could type, then they would be typing good reviews for T.V. shows that suck. Especially after the pilot episode and then every 2 to 3 days after. Like seeding the clouds for rain. The poor monkeys are working. Sometimes the effort is so obvious it backfires.

I'm with the other honest real reviewers. The 10 stars and gre8 reviews were obvious. Moreover, I've noticed the bad reviews get at least 2 votes that review is not helpful within 1 to 2 days. Furthermore, one bad review is followed by positive reviews right after.

If the show was any good, then the flock of fake reviews wouldn't have been necessary after the pilot episode.

There are big name actors and Sharon Stone helped produce the show so I had high hopes that it would at least be OK. It ended up being a cookie cutter approach of scenes thrown together without a story.

The beginning is action; just like The Player, then Sharon Stone being sworn in and quickly going to the computer room where more story is supposed to unfold. I was left scratching my head after 20 mins wondering if they were aware there was an audience.

I was hoping that this show would be better.

If you get the chance to watch this show....PASS.
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Doctor Who (2005–2022)
Moffat Ruined Doctor Who
7 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I stopped watching Dr. Who because I felt Steven Moffat had permanently changed it from Sci Fi to Fantasy Magic.

There isn't something for everyone as the stories are dull/boring. The suspension of disbelief isn't even a factor in the writing. Dr. Who was fun and an adventure. Now, it's just stupid and pointless to watch.

I was reading the reviews and pleasantly surprised that other people have picked up on the Steven Moffat shift.

The 2005 to 2010 were the best so far; and were still Sci Fi.

Russell T Davies leaves and Moffat runs amok.

If we wanted Fantasy Magic there are numerous shows to watch; just like the Zombie Genre.

From 2005 to 2010 Dr. Who is Sci Fi and the stories are written for grown ups. Dr. Who with Moffat's influence doesn't acknowledge the suspension of disbelief premise and just dives into stupidity. For example Dr. Who on a Tank in the Dark Ages playing an electric Guitar then going to the Darleks' planet.

Moffat has alienated the long time Dr. Who fans, as well as the relatively newer audience.
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12 Monkeys (2015–2018)
Gre8 Show, Can't wait for nxt season
6 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
For the good shows I usually like to wait a few seasons. Reading some of the reviews I decided to jump in.

I wasn't a huge fan of the movie and the TV series is Gre8! I have watched season 1 twice and enjoyed it each time.

Due to most TV currently; I lowered my standards to: 1) can I tolerate watching the whole show? 2) Does it keep my interest for at least 20 mins at a time? 3) Are they aware there's an audience?

Thankfully 12 Monkeys requires no effort to watch. Good story, directing, acting, and etc. . .

If you love Sci Fi and the Time Travel Genre, then this is worth a try for you. I decided to watch at least three episodes and was hooked. I can't wait till next season.

Sci Fi (I liked the old logo) channel can make a good show. Enjoy.
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Self/less (2015)
29 August 2015
I went into the movie not expecting much; Ryan Reynolds (Green Lantern/RIPD), an hour and 10 mins in I just stopped watching.


It reminded me of The 6th Day only The 6th Day was worth watching to the end and an OK movie.

The pace and progression of the movie started good and then spiraled downward.

A lot could have been done to make the movie better and I don't see much from Hollywood worth watching. This movie was no different.

My recommendation/suggestion; watch good TV shows or a movie you haven't seen in a while.
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The 100 (2014–2020)
Finally Engaging Sci Fi!
21 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Finally Engaging Sci Fi!

What I like about the show: Writing, directing, acting, flow of ideas (narrative).

Engaging: I actually watch the show without getting distracted or pausing show to walk off and do something else. I look forward to the next episode.

What I didn't like: I watched the first three episodes and was bored. It seemed disjointed.

I decided to give it a try again and picked up at the 6th episode of season 1. I'm glad I did.

I read a little of the reviews and the input about the technical specifics and/or physics. I can respect the technical point of view and this is SCI FI. Just imagine Star Trek back in 1966. Communicators, cell phone technology wasn't even around the corner. Using Velcro. The cultural diversity of the crew. Also, about Lord of the Flies. There were four children in my household. It was Lord of the Flies from the time the children came home from school to when I arrived home from a relaxing stress free 12 to 16 hour day at work. So, Lord of the Flies from my limited experience can happen in four to five hours.

The show has an original premise.

Bottom line most shows are unoriginal; hack writing, bad acting, lame fight scenes. I haven't had the pleasure of writing a good review for a while. If you are uncertain and love Sci Fi, then try the show out. If you like to watch from the beginning and it seems a little slow, then jump forward a couple of episodes. I hope you enjoy this show as much as others and I do. If not, then it was at least worth a try.
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Dumb & Dumber
14 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If you love 100% Hollywood films, then this is a crowning jewel.

In a word the movie is Weird. After seeing it, I'm still unsure if the audience was a consideration. I'm reminded of one of the X-files episodes in which there was a "freak" show carnival and there were several good points about PT Barnum. All the excitement to see something and it's actually an exit door that slams behind you.

What I didn't like: From the beginning the movie jumps around; which makes it hard to follow. Just because I feel sorry for crazy people doesn't mean I want to sit and listen to them for over an hour. It was the typical shot gun approach and came across as alienating the audience.

This is good because we say it is. You went out of your way to see this. We have your money, now you can leave or suffer through the rest of this. Another sad remake that couldn't take the time to at least acknowledge that maybe it would not have been a bad idea to put some effort into making it good.

What was good: Consistently lousy across the board; writing, directing, acting. If there was anything interesting that didn't keep my mind from wandering I'd note it; however, I cannot recall anything interesting.

The effort I put into this review is more than was put into the movie.
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Window Wonderland (2013 TV Movie)
Pleasant Surprise
8 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't expect much and figured I could just turn it off if it was uninteresting; and Window Wonderland was a pleasant surprise.

The story draws you in to the point you can at least watch it to the end.

The characters started to matter to me and it would be great to see a second movie.

I have seen a lot of disappointing movies lately and this was a good break.

If you like some of the Hallmark Channel presentations; then this might be a good one for you.
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Gabriel (2007)
judge the film quickly = toxic
18 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Because of the positive reviews I went along with it might be OK to watch on my movie day.

Within the first few minutes; I knew it was a horrible movie and decided to give it 20 minutes.

The fight scenes are laughably reviewed as Equilibrum, Matrix, and etc. . . 1 review even compares this to Blade Runner.

The fight scenes are so ridiculous you'd be better off going to a local martial arts school for pre-teens and watching them fight.

No story, No acting, and essentially nothing.

I watched a lot of Sci Fi B Movies in the 80s on VHS; they at least had a story, if they were weak with fight scenes they didn't go out of their way to point it out to you, and most importantly; they were actually concerned about the audience. For example, you make it for someone to view. If you make it as a student project to get a pass grade in school, then good for you; and no need to share.

Any time you take to go through and figure out if this movie is worth even watching is time wasted.
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Gambit (I) (2012)
Funny Movie that is Actually Funny
18 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Funny Movie that is Actually Funny; not because it was decided for us.

Story, Acting, Directing, Editing, Settings, Audio, and etc... seamless ; as well as Excellent.

What I liked was instead of the shotgun approach and clumsy attempts at making us laugh; Gambit was a comedy that didn't need to tell us what it was.

You are allowed to be drawn into situations as they progress, drop your defenses for the typical comedy movie assault by Hollywood and just enjoy the movie.

The main character has the preconceived notion of how this plan will work, then there's the real situations, and finally; all is well that ends well.

Excellent movie that you will enjoy.
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Residue (2015)
no story/connection for audience; not worth your time
4 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
There were a couple of moments when I thought; hey now the story is starting. Brief sparks, then there was stuff that went on. It's like the writer had a paragraph for this film and then bloated the rest out with fluff.

The acting was fine, seemed like there was money put into this. Filming , scenes, locations.

The one thing missing was an actual connecting point for the audience that would have resembled a story worth watching.

I watched in 20 minute increments as nothing was going on in a story sense and I figured at some point it might pick up. After one hour and 26 minutes I jumped forward eight minutes to watch the ending.

If this is the "pilot", then obviously alienating the audience isn't a good way to have future viewers.
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The Forger (2014)
Good story well implemented
4 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Acting was seamless and pulls you directly into the story perfectly.

Music was good throughout the film, except for one song.

Drama as a genre term is fine and seems to have a negative connotation. So, Father and Son; yes. Family members coming to terms with Main character's time in Prison. Father helping son. Gradfather and Father coming to terms.

Criminal story was excellent.

It's nice to know movies can be made every once in a while that don't use the roller coaster formula of extreme loud noise/music/audio, then pop your ear drums.

When you have something worth saying; or a story to tell, shouting doesn't make it better or the words have more meaning.

This movie is great for after a long hard work week and you just would like to kick back to enjoy a great movie. Enjoy.
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