
2 Reviews
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Frikjent (2015–2016)
Started watching today and loved the fiord scenery.. the characters seemed very wooden
11 March 2017
and I immediately lost interest when the main character flat out lied to his wife (sorry she was a very bad actress) there was no 'realness' to the interaction - call me rash but I have watched enough series to know when something doesn't gel for me. There was the issue also of sub titles continually even when English was being spoken and I found that distracting.
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Silent Witness (1996– )
The Stupidity of character Nikki Alexander has reached new heights
11 February 2017
Watched tonight and the character of Nikki Alexander who of course usually jumps to conclusions, get is wrong, uses the first hour of the show to blame someone then changes it in the next hour. In this episode the idiotic premise was that she was 'friends' with a character, lost contact, remembers her when name is mentioned, visits her and chats and then suddenly has her cellphone number and are best mates yet again. Please give some realism to this show... forensic pathologists do not run around interviewing suspects, telling police what to do and rush ahead taking charge and not let the police do the investigative work. In the current episodes we have the head of the unit barely even in screen time and never consulted or updated by the Nikki character.
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