
1 Review
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9 years of development for this
12 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The gameplay is mindless, boring and repetitive. It sticks out, that the minds behind the original Arkham games are no longer part of Rocksteady, which is no wonder.

The idea to set this game in the Arkhamverse is probably the worst thing DC ever did. What was the point? They could have gotten away with the whole crapshow, if it was an alternate universe, created for this purpose. Even then, it would have been an obvious soulless cash grab, but everybody would have forgotten it in a year.

The "story" is utter trash, dialogues are cringe, and the characters are unbearable. Of course they had to switch Deadshot to a black guy despite he was like his original comic counterpart back in Arkham City, creating plot holes and cheap, forced explanations for it. The hall of Justice is decorated with pride flags, and the only member of the League who's treated with respect is of course Wonder Woman. She goes out like you would expect, but the rest of the team is just gets pissed on, literally.

And the worst is how they handled Batman. Not because he dies, (although I think it's pretty weak to kill off the main hero of this franchise in a weak spin-off and in the most disrespectful way) but the fact, that they brought him back for this. And yes, I know the title says "Kill the justice League", but it was not necessary at all to bring him back after the events of Arkham Knight. He had his ending.

He fought the biggest names trough the series, and they handle him like a mobile game boss, and gets defeated by these second hand villains, and for the final blow they put him on a park bench, gets lectured by Harley Quinn and then she guns him down. It's obvious that he's only part of this disgrace because they thought this would bring in more fans.

You can feel how the "writers" not only hate these heroes, but not even understand them. But probably they were not even trying to.

Thanks a lot.
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