
2 Reviews
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Now or Never! (2024)
2 stars. It could be worse
18 March 2024
I just wanted to collect some thoughts about the movie. Let's not get into the money that was spent on it, or the politics of the whole thing.

Let's start with the positives: the visuals and set design are relatively well done, with only a few places that seem to be out of place. There are also some actors who give reasonable performances.

As for the negatives, the story is a fiction based partly on real history. It can be imagined as something like the Battle of Gettysburg with the two armies but with the teenage ninja turtles, because it is more spectacular that way. I think that's a complete misconception.

The characters are rather flat, with amateur acting in many places, giving an artificial and theatrical effect. And the story is very predictable, you always know what's going to happen, which makes it boring.

Can I recommend it? If you can watch it for free somewhere and you're bored and have no better ideas, then go for it. But don't blame me afterwards.
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Semmelweis (2023)
Embarrassingly mediocre
9 March 2024
The only reason I give 3 stars is the cinematography. Which is itself completely all right. But other than that, I would be in real trouble if I had to point out some notable/positive features of the movie. As someone mentioned before, the real downside is the storyline itself. It could have been improved, once they decided to go with fiction instead of sticking with the actual history. I would prefer a more realistic approach any day but this kind of thing can still be legitimate for some people.

The characters were mediocre, it is hard to say anything beyond that. The sophisticated presentation of the characters would have required thoughtful acting, but this was lacking here. There was much more to be made of this topic. This is a one-time watch movie, but only if you really don't have anything better to do.
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