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Highway to Heaven: Change of Life (1986)
Season 2, Episode 15
Lighthearted and Funny
9 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode of Highway to Heaven was a bit different - rather than deal with serious themes, it was actually really silly and fun. I laughed pretty hard at this one.

Mark and an actress named Linda both think the other gender has an easier time in life, and at the same moment they both wish they could spend a day in the other's shoes. So God grants them their wish. For the rest of the episode, Mark goes around in Linda's body and Linda in Mark's.

They could have handled this by seriously exploring the pressures society puts on both men and women separately; but seeing as the premise is pretty ridiculous to begin with, they kept it silly and funny. Mark complains about having to wear heels and swaggers around like a truck driver; Linda complains about having a beard and minces around acting so feminine that everyone around believes Mark is gay. It was so funny seeing the beautifully feminine actress act like a hot-tempered brute, and the "man's man" Victor French acting so effeminate. Both actors did a wonderful job here and the comical effect was excellent.

This is definitely not one of the many tear-jerking episodes, and is not to be taken seriously at all, but it is a really fun one which I enjoyed watching.
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Knight Rider: The Scent of Roses (1986)
Season 4, Episode 12
An emotional Knight Rider episode
8 June 2024
Knight Rider is not usually an emotional show. It's a show you watch to laugh and have fun and see some cool stunts. This episode is different - it actually is quite dramatic and might even have elicited a few tears from me.

I can understand why Hasselhoff wanted this to be the final episode. It should be. It feels very much like the final episode, because in the end, Michael realizes that his friends at FLAG are indeed his family, probably the only family he will ever have, and so he returns to them to keep fighting the bad guys. And we can almost imagine that Michael and KITT are still out there somewhere today championing the cause of the innocent, the helpless, the powerless...

I would have really liked a happier ending for Michael and Stevie. But still, I think this was a really well done episode and a fitting conclusion to one of my favourite tv series of all time - too bad they didn't actually air it last.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Jetrel (1995)
Season 1, Episode 14
A solid episode that elicited a few tears from me.
8 June 2024
I see in the reviews that many people did not enjoy this episode, but I personally did. True, Neelix is not my favourite character either, but still, I thought Ethan Phillips did a great job acting in this episode, as did James Sloyan who played Dr. Jetrel. I particularly enjoyed the scene where they debated each other - it was very emotional, and I actually teared up at the same point that Jetrel did.

I tend to like the Star Trek episodes that are more philosophical, and this episode was like that, as there was a lot of discussion about if a scientist should be held responsible for what others do with this creation; and similarly, should a scientist do everything he can to advance scientific knowledge, or should he avoid making discoveries that could be used wrongly by others?

This episode gave me some good food for thought. I did like it. And it was nice to see Neelix act more like a regular person and not like such a goofball.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Faces (1995)
Season 1, Episode 13
A dark and disturbing episode.
4 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
My husband and I have been watching through Voyager for the first time, and enjoying it very much. So far, I have liked every episode. I think this episode, Faces, might be the first one I didn't really enjoy.

The acting is excellent, and the general premise is interesting. Also, they did a fantastic job on the makeup. Yet, I could not enjoy an episode where a crewman of Voyager is killed and his face removed - so that the creepy Vidiian guy could wear it over his own ugly face. What's worse, he did that because he thought he could get the Klingon version of B'Elanna to get physical with him if he looked less hideous. Ewww....this is creepy, disturbing and wrong on many different levels, and seems more like something from a horror flick than from Star Trek.

What's worse, although poor Durst has been murdered, there is no mention of him at all at the end of the episode. There is no memorial service, no words of wisdom from Janeway, no vow that they will avenge their crewmate's death - just nothing. It's like everyone has forgotten him already.

Perhaps even worse than that is that although there are a number of prisoners still on the planet, that the Vidiians plan to use to harvest their organs, Janeway does nothing about it and makes no attempt to rescue them, which seems out of character for her. I have gotten the impression so far that she is a woman of action, and brave too, not one to run away. Yet running away without doing anything to help is exactly what she does in this episode.

I won't be watching this one again.
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MacGyver: Out in the Cold (1987)
Season 2, Episode 16
A decent episode
3 June 2024
This was a decent episode, although the part where they were trying to dig MacGyver out of the snow after he was buried in an avalanche really dragged on and on.

Also, the storyline was a bit silly. It was one of those episodes where MacGyver is not on a mission through the Phoenix Foundation, but where he just "happens" to become embroiled in some kind of gangster activity while on vacation, and a guy "happens" to slip him an incriminating microfilm while bumping into him on the ski slopes. Of all the luck.

Still, there were some fun moments, particularly where he gets away from the bad guys by squirting soy sauce of all things into their eyes. And it was fun seeing him have to take care of a rather demanding Pete, who has a broken leg. It was okay, but definitely not one of the better episodes.
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An okay episode, but definitely not one of the best.
1 June 2024
This episode of Season 2 of Highway to Heaven, Close Encounters of the Heavenly Kind, is okay but not great. The old folks are likable, the little boy is cute, and everything turns out perfectly in the end. I gave it another star because we laughed so hard at the moment with the twenty-dollar bill.

However, for some reason this episode didn't tug on my heartstrings or make me cry once, unlike almost every other episode of this show.

I feel like maybe the storyline of this one was a little bit weak. A social worker is trying very hard to take a little boy, whose mother has just died, away from his grandfather, who is his only living relative. Why? The social worker claims that he can't keep his grandson because he is a widower and because he doesn't have a job. That's rubbish. He is a kind and loving grandfather and they seem to have a nice house to live in in a nice neighborhood. The foster care system is much too overburdened to be worrying about cases like this.

Also, I feel an opportunity was lost to create emotion in the viewer by never mentioning the boys' dead parents after the first minute of the show, right after the mother's funeral. Adam seems to get over his mom's death super fast, which is a bit unrealistic.

Of course, it's difficult to create a compelling and believable storyline in a mere 45 minutes. But still, I think this episode was a bit weak compared to others in this series. The writing just wasn't as good as usual.
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Knight Rider: Voo Doo Knight (1986)
Season 4, Episode 22
More Like Doo Doo Knight
29 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am old enough that, as a young child, I watched Knight Rider when it was brand new. I loved it then, and I love it now - probably much more now, as it drips with 80s nostalgia for me.

I have been watching the whole series through and as a whole it's been one heck of a ride. I've enjoyed it immensely. However, this last episode, Voo Doo Knight, was a deeply disappointing conclusion to a wonderfully fun series.

For starters, there isn't a single cool stunt in the entire episode - not even a chase scene. KITT does almost nothing except scan the inside of buildings to tell Michael who's inside. The only action we see at all is Michael getting thrown across the room a couple of times. They obviously had a tight budget for this episode.

Then, the storyline is just really weird. A lady who claims to be a "voodoo princess" with a magic necklace is supposedly controlling people's minds when they wear one of her special earrings - but it is never explained how. Devon said it uses some kind of high frequency waves (which KITT of course can jam) but how does this connect with her necklace? Is it really magic or some kind of really sophisticated technology? If it's technology, how did this con artist get her hands on it? The writing is terrible.

Plus, we see two people commit suicide in this episode, which doesn't exactly add to the fun factor.

RC3 does absolutely nothing in this episode, Devon does very little, heck even Michael does little until the very end. Basically nothing much happens except jewelry getting stolen and archaeologists being murdered through mind control. Astonishingly, in this series finale Bonnie doesn't even make an appearance!

The only bright spot of this episode was the character of Elizabeth Wesley, who was cute as a button.

I understand that at the end of the series they had run out of money. But even if there was no money for one more good-old Turbo Boost, surely they could have come up with a better send-off for these characters than this strange and boring episode. I feel like it was a disrespect to the actors to just leave the show on a low note like that. It would have been much better just to have a retrospective episode where they talked about their favourite memories working for FLAG. Oh well.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Heroes and Demons (1995)
Season 1, Episode 11
A fun episode prominently featuring the doctor
28 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode, the addition of strange new kind of "photonic energy" onto the ship causes the holodeck to malfunction, and three crew members are inadvertently "turned from matter to energy" during a simulation of Beowulf of all things. The Doctor, being a hologram not composed of matter, is chosen to go into the holodeck and solve the problem.

I really like the Doctor, who, as of the end of this episode, still does not have a name. I really enjoyed how his character was developed in this episode, as he had his first chance to participate in a mission outside of sick bay. He also ate food for the first time, and was even kissed by a pretty woman!

Like most episodes of Star Trek, there were some goofs, and the storyline wasn't terribly realistic (haha!). But that's not what Star Trek is about. It's about enjoying an entertaining story, and this episode does deliver. Not the best episode so far in Season 1, but a solid, entertaining episode.
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Highway to Heaven: The Good Doctor (1985)
Season 2, Episode 12
A good episode with a good message
27 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a good, typical Highway to Heaven episode where we witness some serious dysfunction, and then Jonathan shows up and makes everything right. In this episode he and Mark work for a football team whose doctor is a little too free in dispensing pills. By the end of the episode Jonathan helps the team's quarterback admit he is addicted to painkillers so he can keep playing, the doctor to admit he is addicted to barbiturates (downers) to sleep, and the doctor's son to admit he is addicted to amphetamines (uppers) to get through college. In the end they are all well on the road to a healthier life.

This episode maybe wasn't as much of a tear-jerker as some are, but it was a solid episode and I appreciated the message that even prescription drugs can create problems in a person's life, and even decent, upstanding people can become addicted. It is common to hear messages against illegal drugs - everyone knows it's a bad idea to do crack or cocaine - but what about painkillers and sleeping pills? Those can ruin people's lives too if used improperly. I think this message is more important than ever today as the pharmaceutical industry has been shown again and again to value profit over people's health. We should all think carefully about what medications we want to take and make sure our doctor isn't a little too quick to prescribe them, like the doctor in this episode.
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Highway to Heaven: Alone (1986)
Season 2, Episode 13
A very tear-jerking episode
27 May 2024
This episode of Highway to Heaven was so good and so emotional. My husband and I started crying almost from the very beginning, when Arnie was making a wish that somebody would love him...gosh. And I cried many times through this episode. It was truly touching, and the ending was so happy.

Although I really loved this episode, I only gave it 9 stars and not 10 because I feel this one would have actually been better as a two part episode. Certain aspects of the story felt rushed and were left unexplained. For example, it was never explained at all why Laura Payne left her husband - nor why they got back together in the end. It was insinuated that they realized they were hurting their son, but we are not told that. So much more could have been added to the story there.

I really liked the characters in this episode, Arnie especially, who is just so darn lovable. I would have really enjoyed learning more about these characters and seeing more of their stories. I would much rather have had this one be a two-parter and not the previous episode about Scotty, since we have already seen quite a bit of that character.

Still, this was a good one. 80s tv was just so good, cheesy, and wholesome. Just love it.
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MacGyver: Pirates (1987)
Season 2, Episode 15
A typical, but fun Macgyver episode
27 May 2024
This Season 2 episode of MacGyver, Pirates, was pretty predicable, but it was fun. After finding his way out of a sinking boat in which he was trapped, MacGyver has to rescue an archaeologist from some pirates who have kidnapped her so she can help them find some lost Spanish gold. Of course, they hide out on a military testing island teeming with active landmines, and Mac has to find his way in without getting blown up.

This episode reminds me of a Knight Rider episode (Return to Cadiz) where a scuba diver is kidnapped so he can lead the bad guys to some Spanish treasure he's hidden in a cave. At least that's how I remember it...

Anyway, this is a pretty typical MacGyver episode, with no really cool Macgyverisms, but it was still fun to watch. Fans of Star Trek might recognize Marta DuBois, who plays the lady archeologist, as Ardra, from the unique TNG episode Devil's Due. In fact if you scroll through the various actors in this show, almost everyone has been on either TNG, or Voyager, or both. I love imdb for this kind of cross-referencing.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Eye of the Needle (1995)
Season 1, Episode 6
I thoroughly enjoyed this episode.
14 May 2024
My husband and I, who are die-hard TNG fans, have recently started watching through the Voyager series for the first time. We have been enjoying every episode, but I must say, this is the best one so far.

Eye of the Needle is so well written and well acted. I found the main storyline, with the wormhole, highly compelling, and the surprising ending was unexpectedly touching. The secondary storyline with the holographic doctor was also touching. As well, it was interesting to see Captain Janeway in her nightgown with her hair down in one scene - it made her seem more like a regular person, a feminine woman at that, and not just a tough-as-nails Captain (although she is that too).

All in all, a really top-notch episode which I continued to think about for several days after watching it. I truly hope that there are many more well-written episodes like this one to come in this series.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Ex Post Facto (1995)
Season 1, Episode 7
I always enjoy a good murder mystery.
14 May 2024
My husband and I, who are both die-hard TNG fans, recently started watching through the Voyager series for the first time. So far, we're really enjoying it. This episode was no exception. I see that it has received a lot of negative reviews, but I found it entertaining.

Murder mysteries are fun. This one was well done I thought, as I did not suspect who the real murderer was until it was revealed. Yes, the alien race looked funny with feathers glued to their heads, but it's all good. I don't watch Star Trek for realism, I watch it to be entertained by the creative storylines and characters. And I did find the creative makeup jobs here entertaining, as well as the story itself.

What I liked best about this episode is that it prominently featured Tuvok and developed his character. He was already my favourite character, but now I like him even more. The actor, Tim Russ, does a wonderful job of presenting the highly logical and dispassionate Vulcan personality.
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Knight Rider: Knight Flight to Freedom (1986)
Season 4, Episode 19
A bit of a strange episode, but had some fun moments
8 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode, in which Micheal, KITT and RC3 travel to an imaginary Central American country to rescue an American diplomat and stop a military coup, was a bit of a mixed bag. On one hand, there were some fun moments: We see a Turbo Boost within the first few minutes (I know it is a recycled shot, but still fun), and not once but twice we get to see KITT drive through lava - possibly the most outlandish feat KITT is supposed to have performed yet.

On the other hand, the story of this one was really outrageous, and not only because KITT drove through window-deep lava. Michael almost single-handedly stops a coup in this country by punching a bunch of people out? All the military guys with machine guns are defeated by his fists? And at one point he is placed before a firing squad (with RC3 secretly the commanding officer). He appears to be shot and there appears to be blood on his shirt, but of course he's actually just pretending. Huh? It is never explained how he survived: Did RC3 put blank rounds in the guns? Or did Michael have some kind of bulletproof vest on? Where would they find either of those things? And where did the fake blood come from? It drives me crazy that they never explained that, nor other things in this episode, such as what motive there was for the general to take over the country in the first place. Not that I expect Knight Rider to be filled with realism, but it would be nice if they gave at least a weak and cheesy reason for things happening.

Knight Rider is one of my favourite shows from the 80s, and it was pretty funny watching KITT driving through lava, so I gave this episode 7 out of 10, even though it definitely isn't the best episode out there.
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Star Trek: Picard: Võx (2023)
Season 3, Episode 9
My enthusiasm for Season 3 just took a serious hit.
5 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After being pretty bored with Picard Seasons 1 and 2, I felt pleasantly surprised when I started watching Season 3, and it seemed that the story was actually moving forward at a nice pace, not to mention that it finally felt like real Star Trek - being on a spaceship and all. As the episodes progressed and all the old familiar characters joined in, I enjoyed it more and more. Episode 8 I think was the high point. I was so excited to watch the next episode!

But my enthusiasm took a serious hit when I watched Vox. What were the writers thinking? The compelling storyline that had been built up, with an unusual and interesting antagonist (the goo people) was completely derailed when we find out that the bad guys are really the Borg. Again. Seriously? The writers couldn't possibly come up with something more original than that? I was really enjoying having a new and unique bad guy to learn about, and then it ends up being the very same bad guys from both Seasons 1 and 2! I can't believe the writers did this. I thought for sure Jack was going to be something cool and unique, a new kind of human, a Q, or infected with some virus that gave him supernatural powers, anything new and interesting...but no, it had to be the BORG. Good grief!

Though my main disappointment with this episode is with the Borg being there, I also see other problems with this episode that bother me a lot. For instance: *There is no way on God's green earth that Worf would EVER leave behind a partner to die. He and Raffi were partners and friends - he simply would NOT leave her behind on the Titan. Very out of character.

*Shaw's death was not done very well - they could have given the poor guy a better send off than that - and I feel like they only killed him off because they wanted to have only the original officers of the Enterprise-D on board there. That's rather cold.

*Since when does Deanna do mind melding? Did she gain new abilities since we saw her last? If so, an explanation is in order.

*Also, what happened to Deanna and Riker's daughter, Kestra? They haven't mentioned her at all. If the goo people kidnapped Deanna you would think they would kidnap Kestra too.

*I really don't see why Jack ran to the Borg at all. Sure he was mad at his dad and questioning his identity, but after showing himself time and time again to be a Good Guy, I find it really out of character that he suddenly turned some guns on Picard and took off to join everyone's worst enemy. It was too sudden of a change and I didn't believe it.

*Like others said, it was great to see the good old Enterprise-D again. Not only because of the nostalgia, but because finally we can actually SEE the crew! The Enterprise had proper lighting! (and carpeting, yay!) But come they really expect us to believe it can be piloted by only 7 people? That's a bit of a stretch... *Wasn't the Excelsior the ship that Elnor was on? And we saw it be destroyed. So Raffi was grieving Elnor's death for most of Season 2, and was ecstatic when he got another chance. But this time when he dies she doesn't even notice or care? Okay.

*Lastly, and most importantly, did the writers even watch Season 2 at all? What happened to Agnes, the "good" Borg queen who changed the Borg into a benevolent species? Now suddenly the Borg are once again obsessed with assimilating humanity? Starfleet in particular? Talk about a lack of continuity!

I am just so disappointed. A fantastic season, ruined with one stupid episode. I would actually have given this episode a three out of ten, but I gave it five because it was truly enjoyable to see the bridge of the Enterprise-D once again.
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Star Trek: Picard: Monsters (2022)
Season 2, Episode 7
Even worse than the previous episode.
22 March 2024
Monsters, the seventh episode of Season Two of Picard, was even worse than the previous episode, to which I gave three stars.

I consider myself to have a pretty decent attention span, but I was bored about a minute and a half into this monstrosity of an episode, as I was watching the painfully tedious descent into Picard's subconscious mind while he lay in a coma and his brain revisited childhood trauma...and it went on and on and on. What on earth does this have to do with anything? Have the writers forgotten what this season was even about? Where is Q? What happened to Dr. Soong and his "daughter?" What about that whole going-back-to-the-past-to-change-the-future thing? The story was absolutely spinning its wheels in this episode and went nowhere.

The only bright spot for me was seeing that Tallin was actually Romulan. This does explain a lot, including why Laris, who is clearly her descendant, looks so much like her. I do like this actress, who I must say is beautiful, and I do like both Tallin and Laris as characters.

But on the whole, this episode was awful. The script is so strange and all over the place and doesn't go anywhere. I really feel for the actors because they have nothing to work with here. Especially Rios, who does nothing in this episode whatsoever but hang around the clinic and flirt with the pretty doctor. Santiago Cabrera is a very talented actor, but his talents are being shamefully wasted here.

I guess I will keep watching just to see how they pull together this train wreck of a season. But it feels like punishment.
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Knight Rider: Knight Song (1985)
Season 4, Episode 11
Light on Action
20 March 2024
We really love Knight Rider at my house and are currently watching it all the way through on DVD. While the first three seasons were pretty much non-stop fun and action, there is a noticeable drop in the level of action in Season Four. I'm guessing that the budget was cut and they were no longer able to smash up another Trans-Am every episode doing Turbo Boost shots? I can understand that, but I also think that Season Four is just not as entertaining as a result.

In this episode, Knight Song, Michael, Bonny and RC go to Chicago and become embroiled in a sort of turf war in RC's old neighbourhood. Although we do get to enjoy the glorious sight of Michael smashing through an upper-story window, other than that there is very little action in the episode. KITT basically does nothing - no Turbo Boost, no Super Pursuit Mode, I don't even think he squeals his tires. There is a scene at the end with a garbage truck that would be been amazing if KITT boosted over the truck, but he doesn't and the scene falls flat.

On the bright side, RC finally does something in this episode. He beats up the bad guy, who is his friend from the old days. Up until this point in the series, he's done almost nothing, except drive the truck a few times and insert an electric plug once when Bonny's computer wouldn't turn on. Oh, and he delivered Bonny to the women's prison. It's strange that they hired a new actor and then basically let him sit there and do nothing.

For a Knight Rider fan this episode is still worth watching - they all are. But Season Four is definitely not he same in terms of amazing action shots.
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Star Trek: Picard: Two of One (2022)
Season 2, Episode 6
Season Two is getting more disappointing with each episode.
19 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I am not a fan of this new kind of Star Trek series where a single storyline is carried on over 10 episodes. It just takes forever to get anywhere and contains too much filler. However, although Season One did drag for me quite a bit over the middle few episodes, yet I still felt it was worth watching. Season Two, not so much.

I feel Season Two is a step down from the first season. The same great cast of actors is here, but what the heck is going on with the writing? With each new episode, more annoying problems spring up, more rabbit holes are found to go down, and the story becomes yet more complex and convoluted; yet nothing is really solved and no answers are found. This is getting really annoying. This episode in particular felt like a total mess. Everything is going wrong, nothing makes sense whatsoever, nobody seems to know what to do next, and even Picard has no idea what Q really wants from him...for that matter we are not sure that Q himself even understands all that is going on (as he seemed confused in the previous episodes). Characters we thought were on the side of good are now seemingly not...and then when it was already confusing enough, Picard gets hit by a car and has a heart attack and then goes into a coma...even though we know he is now a synthetic life form...what!? Confusion and chaos reign in this episode, and I really disliked it.

I still gave it 3 stars because I think the actors in this series are excellent - except perhaps for Patrick Stewart himself, who, as much as I hate to say it, I think should have retired from acting by now. His speech is noticeably slow and slurred in this season, and though I am a great fan of his work in general, I think there comes a time for everyone when you're just to old to keep working. I think he has reached that time, though I am sure he's trying his best. The other actors do an excellent job with what is, in my opinion, a terrible script.

Also, as others have said, it appears almost this entire season is taking place on can you call a show "Star Trek" that does not take place in the stars?

Just disappointing.
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Running Home (1999)
A quality family film
11 March 2024
My husband and I watched this movie on cable tv a long time ago, and found it very memorable and touching. For many years we tried to remember the movie's name so we could watch it again, but without luck. (I guess because it was a small Canadian production it's not well known.) Recently we were able to find the name of the movie through Reddit, and so were able to finally watch it again about 20 years after the first time.

We enjoyed it just as much this time, or more. It's a quality family film with action, suspense, great acting (especially by the two main actors), and some very moving and emotional scenes. I definitely cried at the end. A real unknown gem.
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