
13 Reviews
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My Favorite 11+
26 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
1 word. WOW. This was such a good finale to me. Honestly, the best Maze Runner movie there is. The thing that characters need is trauma and Thomas had WAY beyond "some trauma" after seeing his best friend, his love interest, and even his enemies die. This was definitely the saddest out of the 3, (rip Newt 😭) but this is probably one of my favorite movies of all time. Also, the way Teresa like, redeemed herself at the end by saving Thomas and staying behind in the fire. It was pretty heroic. Another thing was the note. I love how they added it because it shows how much Thomas met to Newt. Overall, very sad, but very good. I recommend ages 11+
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Really not scary 10+
14 April 2024
I watched this at night with my family and we all thought it was pretty stupid. It wasn't even scary, some parts were just a bit disturbing and weird. I was kinda expecting more from this, but if you're looking for a little movie for the whole family that won't give you nightmares, watch this one. If you're looking for an actual "scary" movie than don't bother watching this. I was relaxing the whole time I watched this. There is little to no gore so know that before you watch it, kids are also put in danger throughout the movie trying to survive the book's story that it wrote for them. Overall, I didn't really enjoy this movie. 4/10.
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Wish (II) (2023)
Kinda bad for a Disney movie 8+
6 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the movie in theaters and it looked like they changed the changed the animation style and they added outlines to their characters 🤢. And there was this one scene where they are all singing about wanting to get their wishes back from the king and the queen walks in and there's an awkward silence until the queen randomly starts singing again...very weird. Asha literally sings the same song over and over's kind of annoying...Also, the king just turned evil in like two seconds...there wasn't much build up storyline that shows why he randomly became evil. I really didn't think this was good... 3/10.
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M3GAN (2022)
This is the most unique PG 13 movie 12+
31 March 2024
Wow. I watched this movie and I loved it! It was so much better than most of the other PG 13 movies that I have seen. Most PG 13 movies are like, monsters and stuff, but this movie was about a very live-like robot. The movie like gives you the feel of a doll kinda like Chucky, however, it was too silly to be considered R rated. It was a pretty good storyline, however, I felt as if a lot of people were dumb and just wanted all the attention to themselves in the movie. It really had a good balance of story and murder. I don't know why people say it's "15+" because it's really not. It really wasn't that serious of a movie, but it was great! "Are we really going to let ai take over...?" 8/10.
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A Quiet Place (2018)
Overrated, hours of silence. 10+
19 March 2024
Okay. First of all, this movie wasn't scary... then I realized that the whole movie was silent. I don't think I can watch part 2. This just wasn't a very good movie. There was a little bit of gore, which was okay, but there was absolutely no story to it. It was like on of those animations without sound, but worse. You had to try to infer what was going on. The monsters were pretty scary I guess. I don't understand why everyone likes this movie so much... I wouldn't want to waste my time watching this. However, it is okay if you are watching it for your first horror film. It was also just kinda stupid. Well, that's it from me, 5/10.
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Hocus Pocus (1993)
I love this movie! 9+
18 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watch this movie every Halloween and it never gets old. I absolutely love all of the characters! This is my favorite Halloween movie of all time! I love every part of the movie. If someone hasn't watched this movie yet that's reading this, then you have to watch it. It's definitely worth it. Basically it's about a boy's sister going missing and when he goes to save her, he realizes her soul has already been taken by the witches. He tries to fight the witches, but they turn him into a cat. The witches stay alive only while the black flame candle is lit. I won't spoil the rest. You're going to have to watch it for yourself!
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Okay 8+
18 March 2024
This movie was pretty interesting. I loved the graphics. It just felt a little bit weird with the storyline. It also felt like the longest movie ever. It wasn't scary, I don't know if it was supposed to be though. This is a movie for the whole family. I just recommend 8+ because of the ghosts that might scare a younger audience. This movie is more of a comedy then a scary violent horror film. It was kind of a bore and it was pretty stupid as well. You should probably see it once, but you probably won't want to see it again. I honestly didn't know this was a horror movie. I just didn't enjoy it that much: 4/10.
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My disappointment is immeasurable. 7+
18 March 2024
I'm sorry. I watched this movie just getting into watching horror movies, and I thought this would be good. I almost fell asleep while watching this. Sure there's a little bit of storyline, but absolutely no violence or scariness. When there was what sounded like a jumpscare, I was excited only for it to be Molly's dad. This movie felt so long. There was like nothing interesting but the one flashback scene towards the end. I was very disappointed in this film. The characters weren't even good. I really had hopes in this movie from the trailer, but it lied. It was absolutely nothing like the trailer. 2/10.
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This movie was okay 10+
18 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
They saved all of the scares/intense scenes for last. Basically, a girl (Jessica) moves into a new house with her family and the people that lived there before died from mysterious circumstances. The house is still haunted with ghosts. The beginning scene was probably the most disturbing scene in the whole movie. It just overall wasn't scary. There was little to no gore in the movie, which was kind of disappointing. There is also one scene where a man gets attacked by crows and he goes insane. We then figure out that he was the one that killed his family as he tries to stop Jessica's family from leaving. Not very scary. I wasn't completely disappointed though.
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Imaginary (2024)
This movie really surprised me! 11+
17 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. The first half of the movie was just chill but it all changed in the second half! There isn't much gore in this movie which will disappoint some, but there is quite a bit of disturbing scenes. The movie reminds me of other horror movies such as Annabelle and Coraline. Beware, there are a few jumpscares that scared me to death and there's a bit of swearing. Besides that, this movie kinda surprised me. This is a must-watch movie. I enjoyed it. I rated it a 5/10 because it was kinda confusing and it wasn't very scary. The storyline was okay, violence was not high, it just didn't deserve a 10/10.
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Big City Greens (2018– )
I love this show! Amazing! 7+ Family Friendly
16 March 2024
Everyone in the family can enjoy this show! It's very funny and fun! The characters are so relatable! Even younger viewers as well as older viewers can watch this hilarious show! There's no swearing, although one episode gives the idea of a character swearing however, no words are said. This show is great for when you are bored. It's about a country family that moves to big city. The family goes on adventures everyday. It's also great for playing in the background. Overall, this is an outstanding show! I'm waiting for more episodes! If you're looking for a good show to watch I would definitely recommend checking out this series!
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Annabelle (I) (2014)
Okay... 13+
16 March 2024
Overall, Annabelle was a good movie. The beginning scene might disturb younger viewers as well as the end scene. There's quite a bit of gore, beware if you aren't a fan of that. There isn't really any actual jump-scares. I watched this not really knowing what was going to happen, it added the scare. Violence is high, people almost get killed and sometimes people go to the hospital. There is some storyline which makes it have a good balance of horror and mystery. Honestly it's only rated R for violence and gore, no swearing. I rated this movie 3/10 because it was just lacking storyline and plot.
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It was good, but it wasn't scary. 9+ with adult(?)
16 March 2024
I've watched this movie over 10 times. It has an okay storyline and is good for younger viewers. There is little to no gore which might disappoint some who follow the Five Nights At Freddy's franchise. I myself was a little disappointed in this film, considering what everyone creates with FNaF. The character development is okay too. There is a bit of swearing, should still be okay for younger viewers. The most intense part of this movie is when 4 people break in the the pizzeria. Overall this movie is better than 5/10, I just rated it based off of scare factor. There were some intense scenes. Pretty comfortable overall.
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