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Mean Streets (1973)
For those never seeing this film or Godfather 2 , watch Godfather 2 first
19 July 2019
First saw those movies more than 40 years ago . Knew Deniro played Corelone but didn't catch that he was Johnny Boy in Mean Streets. The two characters are in great contrast and would of taken away my enjoyment of Corelone knowing the same actor played the disgusting Johnny Boy..... Mean streets has some good parts but it's a stretch giving it a 7 for me . The kind of movie I would of liked best as a young no family guy otherwise forget it since it has nudity and the characters are the ..What da f--- type . Looking past that it's too long , while watching it I was left with the impression that the cast had been told..Don't worry about what you say , it's okay to improvise because nothing is going to end up on the cutting room floor. Going along with this thought in a favorite scene at the pool hall the actor playing Clams / Scallops I found out later use to entertain improvising with the group Ace Trucking......Little Italy ,1960's ,Hoods , all the stuff I like but it really falls short this time.
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Word search :Stinkin New Zealand Western movie....this movie is the response
15 December 2018
Forgot the title after viewing it so searched the above words and.....bingo. Really only watched parts because I wouldn't allow it to steal much of my time. The poor persons that watched it all confirmed what I was seeing.....drawn out staring people and scenes that the viewer can't make sense out of. This sort of movie usually only works if the main actors are known to the viewer , appealing to the eye , has interesting characters , etc. It's almost merciless to compare it to the drawn out scenes of OUTW -Bronson,Elam,Cardinale,etc. This good for nothin film would be better off chopped up and made into a short. Warning people not to lose time watching this should be considered a good deed.
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Cameron Mitchell , everything as expected.
26 August 2018
Which means probably this movie is a cheapo and will not be a classic. A real crack-up reading astonished responses like grade z, a waste of time,etc .... Watched this movie for Anne Helm , sweet for me she can do no wrong .... The old casting couch movie guy is a riot , his performance is close to classic....The flaming man jumping in the swimming pool looks like he was doused by a tumbler of gasoline instead of a sipping glass of wine....Mitchell does a take-off on Chaney's Phantom of the Opera making a damsel look at his ugliness....Have no problem with the ending.
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Not boring
3 July 2018
Hardly watch any modern day movies so can't compare it to similar current releases . Although more vulgar , bloody , cruel than a Clint Eastwood spaghetti western they both probably are closer to b s than reality. The viewer may consider this film weird / strange but they won't fall asleep on it , that's why I gave it a 6 which may be slightly generous. A few minor notes ; actors may be hard to understand sometime while they try ( evidently ) real hard to sound like old west , uncouth , vulgar persons with a Southern drawl.....much attention is given to the outlaws having a dirty,grubby ( filthy ?) look which was in contrast to the clean look of the uniforms of the laboring prisoners making a break. In the same scene a guy has on a pair of long johns snow white clean , unusual for this movie .......The bad guys in this movie are a threat to mankind.
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Loco Love (2017)
Different , kind of.
21 January 2018
Different because it has Latinos in an integrated USA setting . Trying to find a movie like that is generally like trying to find Latinos in a U.S. history book , not easy. The setting is in Arizona where the young people go to a school that's dominated by Latinos and Caucasians , that's what the movie people refer to them as. A girl and boy from each group are attracted to each other. Maybe that's the way it is Arizona but the schools in my California area do not have many Caucasians (?) so the setting looks unusual. The teen girl main character strings along two guys , is immoral and talks back to her father,really lost interest in the movie fast . The portrayal of both groups is negative ,viewing is not recommended but maybe this is considered modern day entertainment and the Mexican producers were trying to fit in.
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Richard Reeves does not fail
19 January 2018
Was curious about this movie because Richard Reeves had third billing for it. In dozens of movies he had played small parts of bad news enforcers . Usually it takes only one look at him to know he is looking for an excuse to be violent. For the most part in those movies his lines added up to only a minute or two so how would he do in this movie. Maybe having a bigger part would show that he was in above his head and disappoint . Glad to report that Richard Reeves did not miss a beat in a continuation of playing the heavy very well. The bigger part in the movie even calls for one character to analyse him and it seems very accurate . Reeves did have one line that made me laugh out loud ,that was different. If there is another Richard Reeves fan they need to see this movie. As far as the rest of the movie goes the viewer is on their own. Character study may find that Reeves part is the easiest to understand.
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Ringing Bell (1978)
Outstanding but not generally for children
10 September 2013
Purchased this film many years ago maybe on Beta.It's been misplaced so I haven't seen it for quite awhile.My children had watched it before I ever did.Since they use to sing a song from it I was really expecting some kind of cute movie,no way.It was really surprising how dark and serious this film was.The filming didn't meet up to the animation standards of other films but it gripped the viewers attention.There are no laughs in this film.My children didn't watch it with me as it had already made them cry.As adults they still talk about how sad it was.Anyone that let's their child view this movie takes a chance on upsetting them.
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The Temptress (1926)
Roy d Arcy/Manos Duras deserves recognition
8 March 2012
Not for or against Garbo but I have no interest to view every minute of one of her films.For the most part I will fast forward her movies only stopping if something of interest catches my attention.While skimming over this film I had to stop and view the entrance of Manos Duras(hard hands)played by Roy D'Arcy.It's really something the way silent films went the extra mile to give visual entertainment.The garb of D'Arcy instantly makes him a villain standout as he swaggers on to the screen.His appearance is somewhere in between Zorro overdressed or Zorro on crack.Along with having a gang he's a one man gang himself ready to use most anything that will cause injury.He and his guitar players are not to be missed.As for Garbo....she says her body is only wanted.That's as accurate as it gets.
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Caché (2005)
unintellectual review here from a USA working stiff
16 October 2011
No spoiler here but first my reaction to the shocking surprise scene...IT BLEW ME AWAY.Was watching the film late at night with the sound off reading the subtitles when the surprise scene happened.It was difficult to believe what happened on the screen,feeling numb I wondered if this is how it feels to be in schock.Although knowing what's going to happen I don't plan to ever watch that scene again.The filmmaker set the viewer up and then delivered a Sunday punch.This reaction comes from a non-drug user that has been watching movies since the 1950's....So many viewpoints it's difficult not sounding intellectual when reviewing this film but I'll try.Will use simple descriptions for main characters,Frenchman and Algerian.As boys they live together for awhile with the Frenchmans parents until he starts to tell fibs about the Algerian boy,then his parents send the Algerian boy away for good.The Frenchman ends up being a success with no guilt feelings about what he did to the Algerian.The Algerian ends up being a failure in life blaming the Frenchman for his situation.Both reactions make sense, the Frenchman was six when it happened,he went on with his positive life.The Algerian's sadness for what happened might not be understandable if it wasn't brought out he went to an orphanage that taught hate.That idea brings up visions of all kinds of abuse while remembering the nice home he lived in for awhile....Viewing the closing credits I was annoyed by the lack of answers to a few questions but got over it.Really don't think it's all that important who did the videotaping......Going by what was stated in the film the boyhood flashbacks more than likely are not 100% accurate visually.....told you I wasn't an intellectual.
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Worlds Apart (2008)
Don't treat it like Ben Hur
6 May 2011
Much of my family and friends are JW's and have no interest in seeing this film.Knowing their belief's I really understand their lack of interest in a film maybe about JW's made by non-JW's,it's a no brainer,stay away from it.The reviews only enforce the thought of avoidance.Good acting is good acting but using a movie drama for education on a religion doesn't make sense.In one of the Ben-Hur movies they try to pass it off as a Bible experience even though the Bible makes NO mention of a person named Ben-Hur.The makers of this film may of have thought the movies errors had less chance of upsetting JW's than another religion.Enjoy the acting but why formulate a religious opinion from a movie made by a non-member of that religion.
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Don't watch this unless you can fast forward it or thrive on tragedy
18 April 2011
For the persons never seeing this movie take note of the obvious,it's more than 3 hours long and mostly takes place in an apartment.With long inactive scenes featuring the main character it can be seen in less than one hours time that this person has little joy in their life.After one hour it's like "Hey I get the point already,stop showing the same scenes or at least make them shorter".The viewer isn't given a clue as to why the main character is so serious.Despite giving an indication that she wanted a child her relationship with her son aside from hi and bye kiss's has the warmth of a morgue.The son gives no evident problem and attends school on a regular basis.This would seem to be enough for the main character to have a more positive outlook on life.While watching this film the thought entered my mind that there needs to be a law to protect the viewer from being victimized.If you have three hours to give up and don't mind trying to figure out the message this is the film for you.Otherwise it reminds of when the Empire State building was filmed for hours at nightime.
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War don't play
17 April 2011
That's the main point that stood out for me in this movie.Still a teenager the draft called me and some of my homies,some of them went to Nam.First and second hand I've known the vast majority of persons that went there went through changes.The brutality in this movie reflected some of the experiences I heard about.Many men don't recover from it,a lot are around us and are misunderstood.Some persons may have a different opinion about war after viewing this movie.That was the strong point for me about this movie.This review comes from a person that might of talked about World War II with their Uncle but his body was never sent back.
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Apocalypto (2006)
Surprised to see some Mexicans upset about this movie
10 April 2011
Can't comment on real Mayans good or bad they have long passed on.Books about them are probably written by persons that never met them and may contradict each other.That's a short version as to why I don't care to make a comment about Mayans.Some Mexicans/Latinos/Raza are upset about this movie's portrayal of a people they never knew.This I find strange.Why?Because I find no negative comments from Mexicans on the movie "The Wild Bunch".For any Mexican reading this that movie takes place during the time of your grandparents or great grandparents.The movie shows Mexicans in a negative light and many of them being killed by non-Mexicans in their own country.To me that's much worse than showing Mayans as a violent people.So maybe again nobody will see it the way I do,some persons are just different.
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The Ring (1952)
Classic B movie
26 March 2011
A young Rita Moreno playing the sweet girl next door,Jack Elam in a tweed sport coat and floppy hat as a sleazy boxing promoter...Wow,I can't ask for much more.Movie was made when I was a youngster,watching it now it looks so nostalgic almost like being in a dream for me.Many scenes look to be shot on location and remind me of my own slum.Shiny old cars,carhops,old houses,etc are just icing on the cake.The story?Young Chicano trying to bust out of poverty by being a boxer also facing discrimination which was more blatant back then.All the cast gives realistic presentations...Some things don't change with time,like an angry young man being calmed down by the soft words of his girl(Rita)...Although crazy about boxing I don't like boxing movies which this is,part of the reason I didn't give it a 10.
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The Tall T (1957)
Wasn't expecting much from this movie,ended up watching it twice
25 March 2011
Recently saw this movie I think for the first time.In the 1950's Westerns I like to see Lee Van Cleef,Jack Elam,Lee Marvin,Claude Akins and other bad guys.None of them are in this movie but the cast gave good performance's making this film enjoyable.Richard Boone was a good heavy,even when calm I compared him to a volcano that might erupt at any time.Henry Silva's character was deserving of study,sometimes moody his outer person with it's calmness didn't give full indication of his violent ways.When appearing on The Untouchables TV show as "Little Charlie Sebastino" he seemed to be the same character only dressed in a suit.Along with that during this movie he seemed to remind of someone else.Maybe alone in this opinion but I feel Brando's character Rio from "One Eyed Jacks" may have been influenced by Silva's character in this movie at least some.This was a solid good Western all the way.
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Caged (1950)
Impressed by Agnes Moorehead
12 November 2010
A serious no laughing matter movie about prison life period,no need to consider gender.Even with all that for me the character that stood out most was the warden played by Agnes Moorehead.Having not seen her work before I went into this movie not being a follower of hers but in the end I liked her presentation.Trying to change what's wrong in the prison she keeps running into a brick wall.Visiting officials to the prison aren't really concerned about doing what is right,their main concern is keeping their positions and not upsetting persons in positions over them.The way the warden doesn't back down to these pompous,gutless bootlickers was to my liking.It seemed like a scene at many workplaces maybe yours.It reminded me of the persons that butter-up those in charge.Those in charge clean up the unit when they hear higher-ups are coming for a visit.The officials in this movie remind me of the above.I'd like to think I saw a bit of myself in the wardens character.
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Everything I expected and a little bit worse
13 October 2010
This sound movie is named after a silent film that I like "The Perils of Pauline" and made many years after it.Not really knowing what this film was about I had no curiosity about it.Usually the only kind of musical that interests me is something like "Go Johnny Go" or "Don't Knock the Rock".Add to this I don't know who Betty Hutton is and chances for me liking this film was slim,too bad I was right.What was the problem? Pearl White was Queen of the serials,this movie wants to show her as a comic/bumbling person,maybe they were trying to pass her off as Mabel Normand.The dragged out sneeze scene was a dud and for some reason they had to have Hutton go around in blackface,maybe someone thought that was a knee slapper. Hutton was suppose to be about 27 years old at this time but for some reason she looks closer to 37.To my recollection I never seen Pearl White with the hairstyle Betty Hutton has in this movie,she looks like Spring Byington from December bride.The two most important guys for Hutton in the movie seem to like talking to each other more than to her.Best part of the movie was seeing silent film stars like Farnum,Conklin,Panzer,Pollard,etc.Had this movie been given another title I more than likely would of never watched it.
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People watch these kind of movies to see the entertainers not a good story
3 October 2010
It's hard to understand why other reviews are hung up about a plot to this movie.Back in the 1950's and 60's when these sort of movies came out with various singers people wern't saying " I hope the movie has a good story" or "Gee the story wasn't very good".Persons went to see the entertainers in this movie not a plot.When this movie came out I didn't care for folk music so I didn't go see it,simple,the thought never entered my mind maybe the movie has a good story and maybe it should be viewed.With a name like Hootenanny it's easy to figure this was no J.D. flick with cats and chicks boppin.Only recently have I viewed this movie and it was what I expected ...people singing folk songs,no drama,no potential Oscar nominations just folk singers...Aside from that a point of interest would be Ruta Lee also Judy Henske.Not much of a fan of Janis Joplin,after hearing Henske sing her second song in this movie I'd say Joplin is a clone of Henske but was more popular for some reason.
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Big disappointment
21 September 2010
Two points out of respect to David Janssen and his good track record.This movie is so boring I had to fast forward a lot.It's boring because of a lack of action and to much time is spent on the uninteresting subject of a mobster's love life.Not sure but someone wanted to dwell on Rothstein's gambling problem.Hello..a mob boss makes money because other persons have a gambling problem.As in other gangster movies it makes more sense that a mob boss is having a good time spending the losers money not gambling.Don't know if Janssen is part of the problem or not.Has anyone ever witnessed the private life of a mob boss to judge that Janssen didn't do a good job portraying Rothstein.More than likely Janssen is just a victim of this misguided script.This movie looks like a stinker that couldn't sell so someone named it the Arnold Rothstein story to take advantage of the interest in gangster movies at the time.One of the worst parts was having Mickey Rooney begging,horrible treatment to an outstanding actor.Someone compared this movie to The Untouchables..PUHLEEZE,in no way shape or form did I find this movie resembling one of my all time favorite shows except for both of them being filmed in black and white.For the person that wants to test their capacity for boredom this is the movie for them.
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Still enjoy it after seeing it several times
4 September 2010
The first recollection I have of seeing Laurel and Hardy movies goes back to the 1950's when we would huddle around a TV set watching 15 minute shorts.The huddle was made up of grade school classmates and the reason for it was that not every family had a TV set at home.Most the time watching L&H I would end up laughing till I cried rolling around on the floor holding my sides because they hurt,unforgettable.Bohemian girl I remember enjoying even though in butchered up segments and knowing there must be more to it.Finally in the 1960's I would see the complete version and found it a jewel.There are so many funny lines and scenes in this movie.One of my favorites is after the Dandy has been duped of his valuables Oliver starts to put on airs to the point of rapping his new cane demanding service,real rags to riches.The opera part sets well with me especially the songs where the words are clear enough to be understood even though I've never been to an opera.What I like is the Gypsy theme with the setting,costumes and romanticism.For me it makes for something that I seek in movies...escapism.Part of this is brought about because some of the Gypsy parts were being played by persons with ethnic looks.Some times the movies really miss the target when casting persons in an ethnic part and I find it a distraction.On that subject the Gypsy Queen parts in this movie I would not miss if they were taken out.Laurel and Hardy don't have to look like Gypsies,no matter the setting they still are always Stan and Ollie.An opera that provides escapism combined with L&H is a total winner for me.
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The Exiles (1961)
A bit of history worth watching
28 May 2010
The main good points I'd like to pass on are for the benefit of those not having seen this movie.The older you are the more you may like seeing this on location film from 1961.Even for someone like me not familiar with the film location there will be things to remember,the cars,advertising,beer bottles,etc.Probably the most important point to the movie is that these Native Americans are in a new enviorment having come from the reservation,something different for that time period.The movie reflects their being between two different worlds. One of my favorite parts is when about three Indians enter a bar and greet many there warmly and one at a time. It's worth it to see the movie for the reasons previously mentioned.That being said I couldn't watch this movie without pondering questions..How much of the movie is reality? How much is drama? Is this a Friday night or every night/morning? Where does the money come from? Are they all from the same tribe? Not trying to pass off myself as a Native American expert/I speak the language but from the ones I've known it seems like at times different tribes don't get along.That's why I was wondering if the large groups in the movie were all from the same tribe.Despite the unanswered questions it's an interesting film.
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The Killers (1946)
Three words sum it...What? Why?............
14 March 2010
Don't want to use a lot of time for this review but I have to comment at least on the beginning of this movie.It's about 15 minutes long and it really grabbed me the first time. I wouldn't want to give away anything to spoil it for someone who hasn't seen it.Mcgraw and Conrad aren't favorites of mine but they were powerful in those 15 minutes and made me wonder...WHAT is going on here? After the first 15 minutes the question is....WHY?....Comparing the first 15 minutes to the rest of the movie is like dinning out...The appetizers were scrumptious,out of this world.The main course?...It was all right.....Lancaster I still don't go out of my way to see but this might be one of his better performances.He gets top billing but it's Edmund O'Briens movie an actor that may never get the credit he deserves despite a great screen prescense.Ava Gardner? Let a cornball crime writer give the response......The first time I saw her there was chemistry I was nitro she was glycerine,a slight movement and there would be an explosion.She was special but in the end she was just another broad......The third word to sum up this movie? Aside from O'brien,when thinking of the main characters the first word that comes to mind........SUCKER.
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From the mind of an 8 year old
27 September 2009
Born in 1946 I was about eight years old when first viewing this movie and it left a deep impression.Not only scary ,for lack of a better word this movie haunted me for more than 50 years.The mob goon played by John Larch was terrifying.The only scene that stuck out in my mind during those 50 years was the killing of the little girl and the uncaring policeman referring to her as a "little n----- kid".Those words were replaced when the movie was shown recently on TV,maybe there are two versions of the movie or someone felt compelled to alter a little bit this heart breaking scene.Accurate or not the film went a long way in formulating my opinion of the South and still till today the closest I've come to visiting a southern city is El Paso.That stand may seem extreme but there is a little bit more to the story.When the movie was shown recently it became clearer why it haunted me for years.With the newsreel like beginning this movie gives the impression that what is being shown is fact.The film is made supposedly only one or two years after the depicted incidents adding to its realistic credibility.The terror in the movie isn't provided by creatures or space aliens but by persons living in our society at the time.Re killing of little girl:The recent viewing helped make clearer the impact it had on my 8 year old mind.When this movie came out the only school I had ever gone to was attended by mostly African-Americans.The victim looked like a girl in my class,it was like seeing an actual killing.It made a horrible scene that much worse.Maybe no one will find this review helpful but it helped me.
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Homicidal (1961)
tense entertaining movie
6 September 2009
This movie has not received much attention through the years all the way back to its initial release.During that time period it was second on a double bill featuring "the brides of Fu Manchu".Recently viewed Homicidal for the the third time with many years between each viewing.Each time I found the movie entertaining and have to admit the story becomes clearer each time.Although I've done a lot of ad libbing during movies this is one tense and serious not deserving of it.For that reason I'm not in agreement with those calling this movie corny or having unintentional amusing parts.The main character is a tortured abused soul striking out in rage.The overall plot is believable and would fit right in to the current evening newscasts.Comments have been made how this movie does not compare well to the film Psycho.When Psycho was first released I saw it in the movie theater,after viewing it some persons were saying "too much #*#% publicity!". Someone seeing Homicidal for the first time is not likely to be saying that. The film has extra interest for me because some of the filming is done in the town of Solvang,Calif. which I've visited at least half a dozen times.The scenes outside the drug store and flower shop are recognizable,last I knew that spot had not changed.For those not aware,Solvang is known as the Danish capitol of America.The filmmakers may of thought that was a good tie-in to some of the characters spending time in Denmark.A good movie I think I'm ready to watch it a fourth time
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4 April 2009
The good :Restoration of a film not seen for years featuring two silent film superstars.Viewing the film at a festive event on top of this makes for a very special occasion.The bad: A bride falling in love with another man shortly after being married is the pits in my world,to try to pass it off as something wonderful doesn't fly.The ugly:As in putting great emphasis on the looks of a person.Seems as though if a man is fat and old many persons think this is more than enough reason to dislike them .In short,for the viewers that put great value on the outer person they may like this movie.Anyone that values strong inner qualities in a person more than likely will not like this movie.
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