
7 Reviews
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Have not heard of this part of history, watched it for Sharon..
15 April 2024
All I can say is, Sharon is very well cast here as a reporter. She looks beautiful in a very wild, intelligent way. I can honestly believe she is a reporter who gets off on the danger and is willing to risk her life for materials. The male character is kinda weak though, I don't think he has enough chemistry with Sharon. Vanessa Golino is very beautiful though, saw her in rain man before but she looks gorgeous here as well. The ending is kinda shocking as well. The whole theme of this movie gives off a 70s spy thriller feel. Sharon looked gorgeous holding her camera in the beginning. The motorcycle chase scenes were decent, but the whole plot is a bit messy for me to give the movie a passing grade.
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Great add showing off Sharon's beauty
15 April 2024
Whoever designed this ad must know Sharon well, she looks good in white. This ad is obviously a homage to Basic instinct, you see Sharon crossing her legs in the car, trying to seduce the driver like she did in Basic Instinct, and eventually took over and drove like an animal. The music score is very good, dynamic, and the tagline "if you wanna drive, then drive" really fits the scene well. Sharon's hairstyle looks elegant, gives off a classic 50s blonde beauty vibe. We see her rosy red lips moving without hearing what she's saying, which adds to the seductiveness of the whole scene. I've become a fan of Pirelli after this add, and always look for the Pirelli tires when I get my own car.
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The Mighty (1998)
What a great movie, totally underappreciated..
6 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Granted, I watched it for the great Sharon Stone. However, after watching it, I was totally floored. What great performances from all the actors, from Kieran Culkin to Elden Henson, and of course, the great Sharon. Sharon gave an amazing performance, showing all the subtleties as the mother of a handicapped boy, holding down all the depressing thoughts and trying to hold up her strong front as a mother. The scene after she received the news of her son's imminent death was nothing short of saddening and powerful. The last scene where she hugged Elden Hanson in front of the ambulance was tear-jerking as well. Kieran Culkin gave a convincing performance as the briliant handicapped boy, and Elden Hanson delivered a great performance as the boy trying to rid himself of his dark past. The growth from both of them depending on each other was nothing short of powerful. Great movie, strongly recommended.
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Effects and atmosphere are good, but no substance
24 March 2024
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Seriously, I haven't read the original novels of Dune yet, but it can't be this simplified. I think Villanueve got the atmosphere, the scenic setup right, I'll give him that. But seriously, what's with the overlong first hour training with Paul and Zendaya, a lot of "training" time wasted we never got to see how Paul utilized his learned "skills" later. Also, the plot is just unbelievably slow. The climax was supposed to take up more time instead Villanueve skimmed over it like a breeze. We're supposed to believe the tough, ruthless bald villain got eliminated by Paul within minutes, and he's supposed be such a skilled figher, come on! Also what's with the reveal of Paul being the descendants of the Duke, completely pointless scene. Too many plotholes and I cannot justify giving this more than a 8.
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Scissors (1991)
24 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have absolutely no idea why the score is so low. This is a brilliant movie. Well, at least the script is. It probably needs a better director though. Sharon was beautiful but I don't think she's the top choice for this role. Her dominance was just too much to believe she was an old virgin. The music score also needs improvement, they certainly do not convey the scary and mysterious atmosphere too well. Sharon did her best though. She looked gorgeous in the party scene with her dress. Not sure what's the point of scenes with the brother, a diversion maybe? Ronny Cox also delivered a great performance as the villain, completely believable. I recommend this movie to all Sharon fans and mystery movie lovers.
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Absolute masterpiece!
24 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Paul Verhoeven was definitely a huge fan of Hitchcock in his childhood. Every scene of this movie reminds me of Vertigo, including Sharon's white dress in the interrogation room, the scenes on the beach, the car scenes and how the sunlights shines on half of Sharon's face symbolizing the duality and unpredictability of her character. The music by Jerry Goldsmith was masterful as well, Oscar nomination well deserved. However, the brightest spot has to go to Miss Sharon Stone. Masterful performance, delivered the seductiveness and sexiness of Catherine Tramell extremely well. Every man who watched her for the first time would fall in love with her. Every line she delivered was seductive, we felt ourselves in Nick's shoes, descending into her traps. Besides her amazing body, she exuded sexiness. No wonder this movie made her a star.
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Sliver (1993)
Sharon was smoking hot in her prime in 1993
24 March 2024
Sharon was the absolute goddess back in the early 90s. She exuded the vibe of a blonde bombshell back in the 50s and 60s. Her every smile, every laugh touched the young soul of mine when I watched it as a kid. William Baldwin, however, couldn't act to save his life. The music was the highlight, eerie but atmospheric. However, the plot is a straight ripoff from Basic instinct, only 10 times thinner. The ending also made no sense at all. According to the backup ending, Zeke was supposed to be the bad guy and in the end, he flew a helicopter into a vocano with Carly after admitting he was the one behind it all. Makes sense since this and Basic instinct came from the same writer.

Sharon as Carly was absolutely beautiful though. The restaurant scene where she seduced Zeke was comparable to any scene in Basic Instinct. Strongly recommended for any Sharon fan.
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