
1 Review
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Film Noir Revitalized
20 January 2008
This may not be my favorite film of all time, but it was definitely a great watch in the theater! It was like an exceptionally twisted version of the romantic comedy "While You Were Sleeping." I loved the blue-and-green cinematography as a backdrop for such a black plot (which, by the way, I thought was entirely coherent and interesting). The filmmaker definitely took some risks you wouldn't see in a Hollywood film, but I thought they payed off. The overlay of simultaneous action images was aesthetically pleasing and allowed forward action to continue while giving clues into the character's mysterious past. I think what really made the film for me though, was the concept of the basic human (and especially American) need for MORE. No matter how perfect a life may seem, it is never really enough. Trying not to spoil the plot, there are some actions that would normally make the character seem like a jerk, but he is still very easy to sympathize with because we all have the same driving desire for satisfaction. I think the original Danish reviews had it right. While some of the violence and nudity may not be completely vital to the plot, it all adds up to a great modern-day film noir.
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