
6 Reviews
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Legend (I) (2015)
Song missing from soundtrack.......
23 December 2015
Love this film it has an superb soundtrack. However with that said there is a song played before Frances wedding as it fades to it. It was vaguely familiar but is definitely not on the soundtrack. Heard it twice in the film....could not place it. This particular song is not on the soundtrack. I have listened to the samples on AMAZON that song is missing for sure......anyone else know what song I might be thinking of? It is not "Chapel of Love" but definitely subtle familiar female voices over a familiar melody. It almost sounds like it might be The Ray Charles Singers and I thought at first it was "Love Me With All Your Heart by the Ray Charles Singers ? Anyone know what I might be thinking of ?? Thanks......
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LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!
15 July 2004
What is the hold up with the DVD release of the fantastic film. It should be out on DVD ASAP. This Rodgers and Hammerstein at their best, it ranks up there with "THE SOUND OF MUSIC". Get on the ball Universal and release this on DVD. Outstanding cast, Magnificent sets, Stunning costumes, and a FANTASTIC soundtrack.
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Peyton Place (1964–1969)
Not as good as the FILM
15 May 2003
I understand the pilot followed the film and book somewhat. The Cross family disappeared when the series arrived in 1964. Rodney did not have a brother in the book. Norman and Evelyn Page and Evelyn were eliminated. Michael Rossi became a Dr. instead of a Principal of a high school. Norman became Rodneys brother in the series. Constance didn't have a husband and she ran a dress shop not a bookstore. The series does not follow the films, the only resemblance to the films are SOME of the characters names. I will take the films over the series any day !!!!!!!! Dorothy Malone and Mia Farrow made the series, when they left "PEYTON PLACE", it went really down hill quick !!!!!!
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Marlene (2000)
20 June 2002
A film that has not been picked up by a major distributor, and should be picked up, this is an excellent overlooked film that deserves a DVD/VIDEO release in the USA. Why has this film been overlooked by USA distributors ?? It is a superb biography of Marlene Dietrich. Katja Flint is excellent.
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20 June 2002
Hammer films created a masterpiece with this vampire tale. This has everything going for it in a horror film. A handsome vampire, a magnificent heroine, a fearless vampire hunter, beautiful fairy tale sets, and plot that is A plus !!!!!
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Vertigo (1958)
20 June 2002
THE MOST EXQUISITE FILM EVER MADE !!!!!!!!!! The film has the gorgeous San Fransisco landscapes, a perfect plot, the magnificent Kim Novak, Jimmy Stewart as a gumshoe, and Alfred Hitchcock at his creative zenith. WHAT MORE CAN YOU ASK FOR IN FILM !!!!!!!!!!!
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