
2 Reviews
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impossibly bad
13 March 2010
I cannot believe this film is in circulation. It has the talent and budget of a middle school film project. The special effects are certainly "special" but not in the positive sense of the word. When I checked out the actors I saw that a lot of them had a filmography of 1.

There are some films which are so bad that they're good and go on to be cult classics. This is not one of them.

I have, however, been encouraging people to watch this (as long as you can do it without having to pay money), because it has to be seen to be believed. I can go on about how bad it is but you need to see it so that you can watch in wonder at something which is truly appalling.
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not for fans of the book
13 March 2010
This film is not for people who have read the book. I loved The Little White Horse and was excited about it being made into a film but was very disappointed.

They changed a lot of the characters. Sir Benjamin's personality was completely different and Robin's origins and relationship with Maria was completely different. They also gave away some things right at the beginning which you are supposed the discover later. There was a lot of changes to the plot as well they need to make it much longer to fit everything in.

Having said that, if you haven't read the book, it's probably a perfectly enjoyable children's fantasy film. It is certainly visually stunning.
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