
1 Review
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Nothing to do with Lorca
11 February 2003
When you go to watch a movie dubbed `Lorca', you expect it to have something to do with Lorca. This one doesn't. They only take advantage of the great Andalusian poet's name to sell a low quality product. It is a bad detective story. Some one is looking for something no one is interested in. ¿Who killed Lorca? A firing squad, of course. ¿Who gave the order? Nobody cares. Millions of people were executed by both sides during the Spanish Civil War. Garcia Lorca (this is his correct last name) happened to be on the losing party, so if someone could have taken credit for his death, he would have done so immediately. Franco surely would have decorated him. No one had, or has, to hide for this particular reason. To sum it up: avoid it.
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