
5 Reviews
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Best DC Animated Film Yet
23 June 2020
I was really impressed by this. I really enjoyed it. Why can't they get the people who storyboard these films to story board the live action movies?
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Finally, they fixed it
22 December 2019
After the mess of the last couple of movies, they finally made a good one.
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Bumblebee (I) (2018)
The Transformer movie you've been hoping for.
23 December 2018
Granted, it's not the whole gang, just BumbleBee. But it's made right. BumbleBee is great. Everything about this movie is right. And it actually has heart. It doesn't do any of the horrible things that the previous movies did.
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The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
I'm surprised to read so many negative reviews
26 February 2018
I'm surprised to read so many negative reviews. Yes, the show has changed from where it started. In defense, this isn't The Simpsons, where you can have zero character development for years and get away with it. With that being said, there are things that sadden me. The character Penny being chief among them. Her character started out being cute all of the time, hot when she wanted to be. This isn't just in her physical appearance, but in attitude as well. When she smiled she lit up the room. She was happy, and bubbly. When she fell in love with Leonard it was because she recognized the value in having someone who loved her and was a good man. Now... - Now things have changed. She's often cold. Doesn't seem to love Leonard at all. Seems like she's done with the relationship. It's bubbly anymore. Doesn't even try to be cute. Often times dressing more like Amy than Penny. I don't know who is to blame for these changes, so I won't place blame on anyone. With that being said, I LOVE Amy! Howard and Penny play off each other great, and Raj plays off everyone great. Honestly, they are the ones that I find myself laughing at. Sheldon hasn't made me laugh in a long time, Leonard and Penny either. Again, I don't blame the actors. Because I don't know who's setting the tone of the show. This show still holds a warm place in my heart. And I do understand where people are coming from longing for the earlier seasons. In some ways I do as well. But I can also appreciate the great things that character development has added to the show.
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Cloverfield (2008)
Cloverfield Warning!!!
18 January 2008
A horrible Movie, it was dreadful, awful, terrible, shockingly bad, appalling, a horrifying waste of money, a horrific display of people having a bad time at the movies, horrendous film, grisly, ghastly and gruesome. It was distressing and distressful, traumatic, upsetting, shocking, disturbingly painful to sit through. An experience that will haunt my memories and nightmares forever. It was an appalling, heinous and vile, unspeakable, nightmarish, spine-chilling, blood- curdling; loathsome, monstrous, abhorrent, hateful, hellish, execrable, abominable, atrocious, sickening, foul waste of my life and an insult to movies and movie goers everywhere!!! Please for your sake and the sake of your hard earned money, don't ever go see Cloverfiled. It was really, really, bad.
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