
2 Reviews
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Very true movie
18 October 2003
The film is really a masterpiece. Very moody and true to its different chapter of history.

Its Excellent. But it would have been nice (as the flick is B/W) that the 1986 chapters was in color to make a difference in the history.
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Cypher (2002)
Could have been excellent end up being decent...
24 July 2003
First half of the film is really interesting and exciting. But later its difficult to figure the big picture of this story. The finesse and humor gets lost on the way to the end. F.ex when Mr. Sulivan in the beginning in the plain take on his new identity, and instead of ordering soda, orders whiskey,.......,single blend,.......on the rocks with a satisfied look on his face. Good acting, good humor. But as told, the story gets more and more weak as further you go in the film. But its def. worth seeing. Gave it 7.
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