
2 Reviews
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Clinic (2023)
26 February 2024
I like to watch films with a smaller budget and young directors, but this is really too much. Such an uninteresting and boring movie with below average actors. The camera angles are weird, the dialogues are terrible, the story is pointless, save yourself by not watching this movie. Maybe it would be more lenient with the ratings if the movie was shot in the 70s or 80s with a budget of about 200 dollars. I never give a rating of 1, but this movie deserved a maximum of 2, but because of a lot of unjustified tens, I give it a 1. These days, everyone calls themselves a director and screenwriter. ..
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Chinese vampires
26 November 2008
Dating a Vampire is inspired the Chinese Ghost Story films. Plot is something like this: Two hospital interns are increasingly concerned by the odd behavior of their three sexy neighbors who soon turn out to be bloodsucking fiends in this Chinese horror-comedy. Interesting movie with lots of fun but it also has few gore scenes. The biggest killer here is the action, or the lack thereof. When the finale rolls around, we get treated to supernatural types jumping at each other like in the wild HK films of old - except they do it here in slow motion with distracting strobe effects that are all but guaranteed to induce seizures. Director Clarence Fok also employs jerky step printing, unclear framing, and murky moving camera. These choices were likely made by the filmmakers to disguise the lack of budget and choreography, but really, they don't do a good job of doing that. I will rate it 6/10 Enjoy
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