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A must see for those who like bad movies!
31 January 2008
Alright. As far as good movies go, this one's right out the window...that is, unless you have an appreciation for the bad movies. If you love MST3K, then you'll love this movie, but you must, and I can't stress this enough, MUST pull a MST3K while watching it.

Otherwise your head will explode.

The final death in this movie is worth the pain and suffering caused by the movie. The main bad ninja seems to be employed by the Mitsubishi Corporation. The love scene will make you wonder..now how exactly did this work chronologically...

This is the Best Worst movie you will ever watch. As long as you can make fun of it whilst watching it. Also...it helps to be watching it with at least one other like minded person so they can get humor out of your ranting and raving as well as add their own. It is a definite MUST WATCH!
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