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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
had to think about this...
25 November 2020
... now I know, what is so different in this show, compared to the old Star Trek series: It's a show for teenagers! Although there are a lot of grown ups in this show, they mostly behave like 14-17 year old teenagers. There's only a few people (Pike, Saru) who function as a kind of "teacher" and "play" adults behaviour. The crew members meanwhile are like hormon steered teenagers, always ready to break into tears, to talk like pupils in the classroom (and definetely not like grown up professionals) and to do something really stupid "off the book". A lot of talk is invested in fealings. Yes, it is a science fiction series. Sometimes. But most of the time it's like "Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Star Wars".

There's no connection to Star Trek as we know it, except for the outfit and some storyline borrowed by older series. But don't let them fool you, you won't have fun with this if you're much older than 20 or if you're even a fan of the older series.

Well, maybe it's time for the kids now, but I doubt it. This show is much too bad to be a success. And since Star Trek Picard is even worse, I fear this is the end of the idea of Star Trek itself.

Edit: it also breaks a fundamental rule of all Star Trek Series: They all get better with the time - here it's the opposite. I'm not sure whether I'm able to watch season 3 till the end or even watch the upcoming season 4. Well, sometimes it's like watching an accident in slow motion, so I guess I'll do it while feeling like an idiot. After that I have to binge watch TNG, DS9 and STE in a row, to erase all that lousy scenes from my head.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
7 November 2020
This ist worse than:
  • Star Trek Insurrection
  • Star Trek Nemesis
  • the Kelvin timeline Crew
  • Next Generation Episode 1x23 - Skin of Evil

It is even worse than Star Trek Discovery - and that's not easy. It's the worst thing that was ever done to Star Trek.

Patrick Stewart, you ruined your reputation with this. Retire, now!

It's sad, obviously CBS tries to destroy the Star Trek universum - by using senile ex-captains, elderly androids with tons of makeup, a pizza-baking admiral Riker, mushroom-powered star ships (STD). emotional nearly-vulcans (STD), lots of lensflares and without any kind of plot. Sounds like a joke, but it's true. I am curious, how bad the next spinoffs will be.
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surprisingly fresh
18 June 2003
well, this movie won't be seen by many people, i guess. which cinema would show an iranian movie? i only know two movies from iran, "the apple" and "iranian spread". and both have this unique view from inside a not well known country (except for the well known clericals). iranian spread manages it to show many facettes of the iranian daily life from the point of view of over twenty characters. it looks like too much for the recipients, but it isn' the end of the movie you have been able to identify yourself with every character, which means a lot. you will see very poor people and very rich ones, old and young, traditional and already globalized "modern" ones. you'll not only see the whole iran and the society but also a movie about moral - because most of the characters recognize, that the bank note is a fake and most of these have to make a decision about what shall happen to it. this movie is worth to be seen because it teaches the recipients how a society works.
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all you want to know about wheat politics
18 June 2003
in this film the concentration process of the worldwide wheat production (and especially the american production), the influence of big companies and the reactions of the powerless farmers were analyzed. it is quite old now, but still worth a look, the thematic was never more important than today, since the wto begins to affect all life on earth.
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as usual, the original is the best
18 June 2003
...which isn't a wonder since this movie was directed by billy wilder. compared with the newest clone of this from 2001, it is quite simple to see, that one very important point for understanding the story is that it takes place in the 1920s/1930s when the story was written. the 2001 version takes place now, which makes it boring. it just looks like a copy. so go and get a hand at this masterpiece.
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