
9 Reviews
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Downfall (2004)
13 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie impressed first off as I felt that the Germans were to be commended on producing a movie relating to their dark past which modern day Germany is all too criticised for.

The movie was realistic and as it was in the native German language in only increased the authenticity of the film. As mentioned by a previous poster, it struck home how human like these people were. We would like to think of them as without feelings of emotions. As machines who carried out an awful task and attempted to destroy a whole group of people. By seeing scenes such as the Goebbels family death pushes forward the fact that these people had families like you or I and had an existence which include socialisation, family and friends.

The actors portray their characters very well and with chilling accuracy. It is a film that I would strongly recommend. It may not be as up front about the horrors of the Nazi periods as other films such as 'Schindlers List, but it does demonstrate the people behind the horrors, giving us insight into their motives and how the German public were eventually abandoned by their leader in their greatest time of need.
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13 July 2006
I felt that the movie was watchable, but apart from the hype surrounding the film I could actually pick anything that made it stand out from other films.

I felt that the acting was solid, but nothing spectacular and the film provide some interesting miniature history lessons. I was impressed by how rigidly the film stuck to the book unlike some other films. It provides an interesting topic to discuss once you have seen it

If you were going in and not watching the film too seriously, it would probably be fine, but you may try to think too hard about it. I am pleased that I saw it, but probably wont be buying it when it is released on DVD
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United 93 (2006)
8 July 2006
I cant say that I enjoyed this film as to watch the last moments of a persons life is not enjoyable. The film theatre was still for a few minutes before we left.

The film is not, I believe meant to be an Oscar winning film, but instead a tribute. A tribute to all of those who died on September 11th. It is important to remember throughout the film that these people are gone and those on camera are actors. This haunted me throughout the film. I just hope we can learn from their actions and bravery which I certainly don't know I would be able to conjure up if placed in the same situation.

I would advise anyone who wishes to go and see this to do so and remember why you are doing so. I challenge anyone who says they did not have at least a tear in their eye when they left
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Conspiracy (2001 TV Movie)
22 November 2004
I bough the DVD of Conspiracy after visting Berlin and its surronding areas including the Concentration Camp. I visited the Wannsee Villa, and although slightly disappointed that the tour and talk about the conference was conducted in German and not in English as well, I found the experience moving and disturbing. I have a deep interest into how such crimes could be committed and watching the film as well as heavily reading about the politics and people involved made me question it even more. I felt that Heydrich was portrayed well, cool, charming, convincing and the embodiment of evil. Eichmann, who played mainly a background role in the Holocaust prior to Heydrichs death was acted well. I felt that a bit more information could have been given on the background of the meeting and the actions that had happened before it, but overall the film was disturbing, chilling and terrifying. Exactly as expected
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Aladdin (1992)
Spine Tingling
7 October 2004
I love Disney films. They portray an innocence that is sadly lacking in society today.

Despite myself being 18 years old I still get excited when Disney release another songs and end up dragging some poor soul from my Biology course to see it.

The songs are a major part of this film and 'A Whole New World' sends tingles down my spine. After hearing the the song 'Proud Of Your Boy' was cut from the film after its writer died, I felt that this song was tribute to the writer and the whole song team. It was simply amazing.

When people tell me that they find Disney films stupid it worries me that they have lost that tiny bit of childhood that exists in us all.

Aladdin was one of Disneys masterpieces and may their ability to produce such films long continue.

I just hope they stick to the drawings compared to the computer animation. (Though I loved 'Finding Nemo')
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The Devil's Arithmetic (1999 TV Movie)
Just The Basics
3 October 2004
I felt this film showed only the very basic horrors of the Holocaust. If you have no knowledge of the event or have never seen a film based on the subject before, it is not one I would recommend. It comes no where near films like 'Out of The Ashes' or 'Schindlers List'.

The so called camp seems rather small with hardly any prisoners in it, which makes it appear as if these places where small, in total contrast to what they were. The brutality of the guards does not really seem real throughout most of the film and the film does have a surreal feel about it, like a dream almost. I do not think it is made to appear real enough
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Pure Horror
5 May 2004
This is a horror film. Not a visual horror film but a mental and spiritual horror film. It drags out every kind of fear that can be expressed. It shows how not just one but two men can have an effect on a vast number of people. Hitler murdered 6 million Jews. Schindler saved 1,100 in the most trying of circumstances. As mentioned in one of the previous comments, it will not be long before the survivors of the holocaust will be gone and there will only be the memorials and films to remind us of the sickening atrocities that were carried out. This film serves as a learning guide to what can happen and an emotional journey beyond what most films can take you on. It should be shown to every child to let them know that the holocaust did happen. This is not a figment of someones imagination that was written and published. Within 6 years, 6 million were dead in those camps. What is more concerning is that there are countries still at war with families being torn apart. Have we learned nothing! I would tell anyone to watch this film. All the actors deserve recognition for the thoughtful but brutal approach they took towards this film. Another from Steven Spielberg that will not be forgotten
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7 March 2004
I can not understand those who view it as an 'America win the War' movie. That is not the point of most of the war movies out there. Yes, they may use American actors and show American fighting, but look past that and see the terrifying experiences of war and the fear of the people back home who suffer the emotional trauma. 'Saving Private Ryan' I felt gave a visual look at war, it gave the best feeling of what war would be like that any movies have given, but I dont think that any movie ever will be able to to give the exact fear that is within the people when they are in the middle of a battlefield.

An excellent movie, dignified, moving and intelligent (not a word used with many hollywood movies) acting with a director that has shown everyone how it SHOULD be done.
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E.T. (1982)
Sheer Brilliance
10 January 2004
The first time I saw E.T was at the age of 12 and I cried. Really cried. Six years later, I still cry at it. The ability of this film to pull emotions out of you is unlike most films we see today.

As many of the users have said, this is a film made for children and it achieves this brilliantly.

I do feel as well that it targets adults, returnign them to their innocence. The time of our lives when mothing was impossible and everything had goodness in it. In modern times it is all too often seen that children are desperate to become adults and lose their innocence far too quickly. This story in which S.S developed helps adults to return to that time.

I would give this film 11/10. Anyone who feels that it is not heart warming and emotional, I think have been watching a totally different film!!!!!
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